Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 57

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At 501 feet east of center Uine of Le. cust FRoad-Elevatlon 46.00 feet. At the northeast curb corner of An- land Avenue to the florthwest and Asli land Avenue to the east-Elevation 4Q.3( 1eet. At the, intersection of the soutbwesterl> curb line of Ashlaiid Avenue with cente' iiie of Ashland Avenue to the .east.àl illinois -Road.-Elevation 46.50 feet. At. the southeàst curb cortner of Ah. lind Aveniue to the east o! *Illinois Roa( and.Illinois Road-Elevation 46.78 feet. Opposite thesoutheas t corner 'o!f lîinot;- fload and .Ashland Avenue to the east of Illinois R oad-Elevation- 46.86 feet.. At 825 feet southeasterly o! the cente] lUne of Locust Road mneasured along cen. ter Une of Ashland Avenue and Ilinouf I1oad-ElevaUon 47.63 feet. Opposite the, northeast corner of Thornwood Avenue-Elevation',4.82, feet. At the northeast curb corner -of! Illnobs Road and Thornwood Avenue--Elevation 46.75 féet.. -lu Illinois IEoad- at Thornweeod Avenue At the east' end of the forth intégral curb teYrminating at the northegsterly Ulne of Illinois Road-Elevatton 46.80 feet. At, the Intersection of the southwesterly curb Un.e of Illinois Road' wlth a. Une drawp perpendicular to .said curb Une and passing through the ýpoint of Intersection] of the center Unes of Illinois Road and Thornwood Avenue-Elevatjon 46.75 feet; At the east end of the sôuth integral curlb termilTatlllg at the northeasterly Une of Illiois Road-Elevation 46.85 feet.* At the southeast curb corner of Ilinois *Road and Thtoirnwood Avenue-Elevation 46.70 feet. At the intersection of ,the northeasterly and. southwesterly curb Unes of Illinois Road -wlth -a lino drawn perpendicular tca said curb uines and, passlng through the point o! intersection of the northeaqt- erly,>Une of Illinois Road and the south lUne of Thornwood Avenue-Elevation 47.00 feet. At the angle in Illinois Road -21a feet southeast 'of Thornwood Avenue-Elèva- tion 49.60 feet. At 460 feet southeast of above angle- Elevation 47.80~ feet At 636 feet southeast of above angle- Elevatiori 49.10 feet.' . At the 1oith lino. of Iroquaois Road- Elevaion 47.80 foot. On Colgate Street At the north lino of Ashland 'Avenue- lIevation 47.35 feet. At 150 feet north of the cente~r Une of' 4shland Avenue-Elevation 46.80 feet. At 350 feetý nort h of the center Ilheort Ashlaiid Avenue-Elevation 47.70 feet.' At the south line o! Kenllworthi Ave- *nue---Elevtion 46.57 feet. :0& Éfth, Street, eAt the forth Uine of. Ashland Avenue- Eevation 46.83 feet. At 175 feaet north of the center lino o!f Ashland Avenrue-E1evation 46.10 feet. Àý t 550 feet north o! the center lino of Ashland Avenue-Elevation 48.00 foot.. At the south line of Kenlot Avenue -Elevatin 47.79lwçrth At0 the intersection of the center liIe of26ih Street 'wlth the north curb lino on the north end o! 26th Street-Elova- -tion 46.95 foot. k_ On Grant Street OAt the nortliorly lis.e of Ashland Ave- nue-Elevatuon 46.85 feet:, y At 250 feet north of the center lineofo ýr Ashland Avenue-Elevation 45.90 feet. if At the; South lino 0f Konilworth Ave- nue-Elevation 47.48 feet. L-I At the north Iinieofo Kenilworth Ave-. d nue-Elevation 47,57 feet. At a point: thirty-foIur (34). feet South 3. of the north limits, of the Village of WII-* if mette, Illinols-Elevation 46.57' feet. 1At, both. the -oast and west ends of the r integral curbs torminatlnË, on the. east -and, west street -linos of Grant Street- ~ Eevaion47.,00, feet. At the intersection o! the center lineo o f. Grant -Street with. the' north curb line on the north end of Grant Street-Elevation s46.67 feet. j The top lino of a cross s ection of the pavement, botween the integral curbs., eand normal to the conter 1 une of the pave- 1 ment, shahl be the arc of a circulxr curve apassing through the. specifiod, grades at conter- line o! the pavement and at :the face lines of the istegral curbs.- à Wherever the pavement herein pro- 1 vided to bo constructed.ý meets the. con- 1 ciete pavemhent now in place, and whor- 1 ovor the lises of pavement meet each other, they shall meet evenly- and at the sanie grades. Gradlng Those parts of the streets herein pro- 3vided to bo improvied with a. relnfodreed 1 oncrete pavemen~t, shall be brought >to a sub-grade -which shall be thorougly erolled and compacted with a niotor drives ; Yoller weighing fro!ni four (4) te eight (8) 7tons, and the flnished sub-grade after Lrolling shaîl be seven (7) inches below the- grade of the top surface of the flnlshed pavement as herein before specified. Un- Lpaved intersocting streets asd alleys shal. 1,e sloped baclç for a distance of tes <10) feet, by excavating or filling as may ho required to mnake theni cosnect. ovenly with the proposed pavement. Parkways The parkways of the streets. herein pro- *vided te ho improvod, shah. be3 excava.ted or filled, as is 'required, so that: thé flsished surface of. the parkway shall slopQ evenlS, and uniformly from the top Qf the curb back to hie sidewalk n6w in place. or hereis provided. to be constructed. Where n0 sidewalks are in place the parkway $hall ho graded se that the finishied surface shà.ll rise uniformly at the rate (of ono-haîf (1/) inch vertical to one -(l> foot horizontal, froni the top c! the curb to the outer: lise of the, Street. Cencrete pavement tTpon the, sub-grade, as herein prôâvided, to he m ade, shah ho. laid a .rÈelnforce-d concrète pavement seves (7> inehos thick as hereinaftor specified.. The coscrete pavement shall be coni- posed by volume of one (1) part o! best quality o! Anierican Portland' Cement, *Pavement. Longitudinal ConceaIed Metal Joint C A côncealed metal Joint shahl be placeti in the conter lineofe the pavement, wh'lch *Shah ho e elected by moans *of a vertical strlp o! deformed motal s0 placed that it *shail extond. trôm the base o! the:poave- ment te wli-hin, ose-hal! (1/), inch et the ksurface .eo the pavement. Either black palsted or galvanized metal shall ho used. The deformed motal used saî ho net less than eighteen (18) gaugo with corrugations o! three (3) luches, and, the depth o! corrugations throe-quarters (3/) o! an Inch for serai- circular, corrugations,, and ose (1). inch Lfor -V.' shaped, or trapezoidal corrug2.- ttiens. The height of the metal strlp shahl be ose-bal! ('42> inch les$ than the depth of the pavement slab. It shahl be staked ini place at intervals sot tueoxceed threo. (e) foot and fou:r (4)' inches, as herein- t1 fter described., Adjointng. metal strips shall ho lapped -two (2) inches and secure- ly fastened ;together by moans o! three-, eights (%> o! aninch pins drives through matched holes in the splco. Thoe ietal joint shah ,be accurately staked -te. lino and grade by means et pins left In place' and drives vetically through heles pro- vidod for that, purpose in -the metal at sot te exceod three (3).foot and four (4) in.ch' ceflters. The pinse used shaîl be of ititermedlate o'r structural steel three- eights (-l) o! an inch ini diamoter and set less than fitteen (15) inches in length. Tfunched or cuth.oles shal ho provided In the joint at sot te excoed fivo (à) foot .centors te recelve the one-haif (1/2) minc round deformed tie bars. Tie lods Normai to Center Lia. Ose-hait (1/2) inch deoformed round Steet ba-rs shal hosot in the conter o! :the lavement, normal te the longitudinal joint set at fivo (5) foot intervals, said bar3 shlalho three (3) feet long asd shallho' set ose and one-hal! (11/2)' foot into each slab. 'Tie lods Noermal, te Transverse Joints Tie *ods o! three-quarters (3/) et- an inch in diamoter o! smooth round steel' lar.s, two (2) feet long, .placed through tne fuit 'expansion joints,' as hereinatter sp.eclfted, and spacod tvýo (2) feet apart,' imbedded in concrete four (4) inches bo- 10w the finished sur-face o! the pavemePt and oxtending sixteen (16) inchos into the concrote on one side o! the transverse joint 'an.d the rexnaising portion inte the * concrete on the ether sido of said trans- verse joint and the latter portien o! eacn o! .said bars, -shah ho ceoated wlth cup' * grease and inserted in a one (1) lnch internai dianioter metal pipe 'ton (10) inches long and made fromnt wenty (20) guage metal, one end o! which shah hoe closed in a masser te keop the concrete eut and provide an open spaci hh the rodi may sÉlde. Atter the concrete pavemenit. and in- togral curb have been flnlshed as. herein specified, they shaîl be protected froin ra.pld drylng by ceverlng wlth ten (10) or twelve (12) ounce burlap, thoroughly wetted and laid directly upon the sUrfae ef the condrèto as soon asthe concrete has s.uffliently set« te prevent marring the surface. The burlap shaîl- be kept contlnueusly *et by sprlnkling.during the day aàs requlred. As son as possible after the concréte has tako'n Its final set and net later than 10:-00 e'clock e!& the, day following the plactnig of> the cencrete,, ail burlap shal be removed and thé pavement turther cured, by the. Calcium Chioride siethod. This method being, by spreading, uni- fo"rm1y a cevoring o!flfaked.or granulatod calcium chiorido, applied at. the, rate ot two (2) pounds per square yard of pave- mnent,.'and twe (2) pounds per elghtean (18) lineal. feeét et curb. The. spreadlng te bo dene by mechanical devise common- ly, used fer such purpese. In case ot rain withini less than twe (2) heurs after the application o! the calcium chleride, the spreading o! ike quiantlty sha.ll -be re- peated. Sidewike Ahi sidewalka parens at street Intersec- tiens, which have net been built te the lineofo the pavement, shahl be extendod tfft said "pavement, Al eldewailks at Street and alley Intersections' which are net at the .proper grade, shahl be removed a.nd flew walks cesstruoted te cenform te th~e grade ef the top o! the curb and the top et the main walk. At the nerthwest and the southwest cor- ners o! Chestnut Avenue and Rildge Read and at the nerthwest and the seuthwoat corners o! Thernwood Avenue and Ridge Read, the walk new in place on Ridge Read for a distance ef twenty-five (25) foot north and twenty-flve (25) feet seuth eof Chestnut Avenue and o! Tho'rnwood Avenue and fer,.a distance e! twe hun- dred fifty (250) feet west o! Ridge Road on Thornweod Avenue and for a distance o! two hundred (200) foot. west etfBid-ge Road on Chestnut Avenue, shall be taken up and new walk constructed, Which, cn Chestnut and Thornwood 'Avenu.es, shal Y be twe (2) inçhes higher than the grade o! the adjacent curb. On Ridge Road the. new walk shahl meet the. sew walk on each o! said streets and, shall siope uniformly te meet the old walk left in place on Ridge Road, and the side- wal k aprons at said corners shaîl be built te conform te the newi walk and the top o! the adjacent curb. The new sidewalk shah hoe five. (5) feet .and four (4) Inches -*ide and. five (5) taches thick, compesed.,o! the same klnd andquality o! conc'r-ete as heroin speci- fied for the pavement. It shalho th oroughly tamped and, finlshed wlth a Wooden fleat, and brushed with a push broom after the Initial set o! the surface. has taken place. 'The sur- face o! the. walk shail be left with a oh s At the Intersection o! tie conter lineof six (6) Inches distant frein the Vrans- ofle-hal! (3%) Inchi Clevela.nd Street and the northi curb on verse joints and the longitudinal 'joints, the meahi rol»forcE the nerth end et Cleveland Street-MeI- The ends uf the bars shal' extend te wlth- with the reintorcel 'vatio.1 46.96 teet. ln two. (2) 1nches o! the aide torms and sewer tranch on tel On etth . Street *slmihiàrly tee iln case of the Joint tiller sufl1tlent concreteî At the forth Uineofet Ahlaüd Aveue- as hereinatter specilied. Ah11 bars te 'be ment. seven, (7) nel Elevation 46.93 foot. ,placed hiait way. between the top. anti The cencreto h At150 foot forth et the conte ise otmo h eet. The ueofetmore with a plank tami t»Pj LU MaUU8 a thtck when fil >6 thoreugly t and flniahed1 and .ý Bach chambet.shall b. provided wlth ai andi cast iiron cove'r and tight 114, welghing, and inclusive ef the iid, net ,less than 'tour erm hundred and seventy (470) pounda. hen The' tep et thee 114 shahl be caét. with hVe- thie word "Water» shown thejree.n, iln lied. rn-ied lettons. ipoi :$aid, cuvera shall b. simlir to the tIi. covora Row in plae n the valve obam-

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