At te nortnwost eurb Corner on Ash- land -AvIenue and Ridge -Road-Elevation 65581 foot. At the southwest curb col-ner on Ash- land Avenue and Ridg.e Roa d-Eleva tilon -561.02 foot. - At the north end of the Integral curi termilnating on the rlorth linéofo Ash*- land AvenlUe-Ebei.aîlion 56.49 foot.. At the ýSouth end. o!, the intégral curi terminating on the south U-ne of!. Ashiand AvenieEleVatîon 56,25 foot. OnL ThOrnwood Avenue Eait of 23rd Street At the'east lineofo! ir-tet-Eleva- -Ion 46.32 foot. *-At -200 feet east O!. Cnter Uineo0f 23rd Streot-]Eîe.atîon 46.9o foot. At 350 foot'oaàt of conter lino o!f 23rd Struoet-Elovatîon 46.30 foot.-1 1At 500 fooet east o! conter lineofo! 2rd Stret-Elo.vation, 46.90 foot. At 650 feet oast 0f conter - linofo!23rd Street..-EevatiOri 46.30 feet.11 1At 800 foot east .0! conter Une 6f2r Street-EleNation 46.80 feet. f - r At 950 feot east *of . cOnte rUne of 23rd Street....EîovatIon 46.20 feet. At 1150 foot east o! conter lino o!ô Street....EIovatîon 47.00 feet. - f 3rd At thé west Ilio0f 2lst StreeEev. tbon 46.40 foot. tEea At tho nôrthwest,. northeast -, southé.i.t -and sOuthWest cuirb corners o!, 21st Street -and Tho'x-nwood lor 46.30( feet. At thé east lineo f 21st Sre Ee., tion 4661. fet. At 1550 feeteast o!fètrhn f2r Steteovation 48.15 foot. At 1700 footý east 0f.conter lineo f 23rd Stroot-EbevatIon 49.05' foot. 'At 2150 feot east o! conter inIË o o- 23rd Af et-ievitton 51.80 foot. A,2300. foot oast, o! conter lineo f 23rd Street-~Elevation 53.90 foot. At 2400 feet east 0f conter Uineo0f 23ild Streot....Eleiation 57.40 feet., At tho northweýt curb) corner* o Thoýrnwood'Avenue and Ridge fload.Ee.. vation 57.82 foot. - -At tho southm-est- -urb) corner. of Thornwood Avenue and Ridge lload- Flevatn-57.95 -foot. - .At tho forth end of the întogral curb torminating on tho norti l Uneo0f Thorn- wood Avenue-...Elo-,-ation 58.36 foot. At the soufli end of the integral curb torminating on tho south lineo0f Thorn- Wood Avenue....Eevation 58.02 foot - - On Chestnut Avenue East of -2.lri Street At the east Uino of 23rd Sre-Iý Vation 46.97 foot. - Sre--!. At.-100 foot oast of conter lineo0f 23 rd StfreetýElot.ation 47.30 foot. At 200 foot east of conter lin ofo 23rd ýstreet.Eloeation 46 '80 feet. At 500-foot east of conterlino o! 23rd Street-Eîot.ation,48.0foot. At 1000 foot oast o! conter lineofo 23rd Street-Eoe.ati011 45.80 foot. - -At 1200 foot-east Of. conter line Of 231'd $t tréet-Elovatfon- 46.50 foot. -At- the woot lino o! 2ls't Street-Ee.a- tion 45.94 foot.-- At the flortheast, n rthwueq. neroot- and marl On Béechiwood A At tho east .1 ion 48.42 foot. cime East cf 23rd Street- of 23rd StreE lea At 450 feet oast of conter lineofo 23rd Street-Elovation 46.80 fooet. At,700 foot east of conter lioo!21 Strot-Elevation :45.35 foot. 1 At 1000' foot east of center lino 'of 23rd Streot--Elevation 44.20 foot. t At .1200 foot east of conter Uineo f 23rd Stret-Elovation 44.95 foot. At the wost lineo0f 2lst Strot-Elova- tion 44.48 feet. At tho northeast, northwest, -southoasf and southwest curb corners .0f Beeeh- Wood Avenue and 21st tet--Elevation At the forth end of the Intégral curbs terminating at the north. lineo0f Bech- Wood Avenue and. 21st - Street-Elevation 44.54 foot.- At the east lino o! 21st Stret-Elova- -dLon 44.51 feot. At 1600 foot oasgt of con ter.,lineo0f 23rd IStréét-Elevation 45.30à feot. At 1999 foot oast of center lineofo! 23rd Strot-Elevation,52.58 foot. ,. The "gradéo0f. the top of the integral curb and tho -surface of the -pavement. connlecting ' Beechwood - Avonuo_ with Kýeilworth.Avenue and Ridge Road, shahl bc aus more rtcarl shown on the nt- tacl od -plat 'nae a part hereo.! and nlarked Exhibît C.- te . On Sist Sre At the north lino o! Elinwood Avenue -Elevation 49.94 foot. At 100 foot north of South uine o! Elm- wvood Avenue-b'hevation_50.20 feet.- A t the south line o! A-ehland Ave nue- Elevation 48.79 foot. J m- -. At the north lie of Aishland Avenue- Eluvation 48.41 foot. At the south lineofo Thornwood Ave- nue-Elevation 46.48 !eet. At t.leie orth uine of Thornwood Ave- nue-Elova-tion 46.41 -foot. - At 800 feot forth of -south lineofo Elii- wood Avenue-Elevation- 46.80 foot. At the south mne of Chostnut Avenue- Elevation 45.94 foot.-- At the forth lUneofo!Chestnut7 Avenue- Elevation 45.68 foot. - - At the south lUne o! Knilworth Ave- nuê-Elevation 44.50 foot.- At the forth -lino of Konilwortlî Ave- nue-Elovation 44.49 foot. At 1500 foot forth. of .the south lineo f Elmwood Avenue-Elevation -45.00 'foot. At tho. south lino of Beechvood- Avc- nue-E lovation 44.51 foot.- At the, north lino of Beechwood Avenue -Elevation-14.54 feet. On 23rd Street- At the soiuth lino. of Elniwood- Avenue.- to the oast o! 23rd Street-Elevation 47.73 foot.- At the southeast ,and northoast curb corners o! ElrnWood Avenue and 23rd Strýeet-Elevation 47.53 feot. 1 linoe of 2lst Street-Elev. onost of 231-ci Street -Elev iier , o n.,.n r tflaAvenue ana. MUa Strot-ILlovation 46.20 foot.- -- At the north lineofo Thorn%%ood Avenue -Elevation 46.35 foot. At tho south lino of Ashland -Avenue t> At the intersection of the east curb lino o1 23rd Street with- the conter Ilinoo! Ashland Avenue producod oabt,; and, àt the northwost andi southwest' curb'e cr- tiors o! Ashlanid Avenue and 23rd, Street -Elevation 47.40 foot. At tho north lineofo Ashlanid'Avenue Lu 1 h otEeato 72 ot At the south lino o! Chestnut Avenue, to the east-7-Elovatioîn 46.92 fÇet. At. the intersection. of the. wost curb" lineofo 23rd Street with, the coenter lineofo Chestnut Avenue produced West; and. at the northeast and southeast curt. corners: ot Chestnut Avenue, andi 23rd -StreetL-Ele- vationi 46.80 foot.- At the forth lino o!f Chestnut Avenue- Elevation 46.93 foot. At tho south lineofo Kenilworth to the east-Eleyation 48.29 foot. At the Intersection -of the west curb lino o! 23rd Street. with the conter lineofo Kenilworth Avenue produceti wost; and, at the, northeast and southeast curb cor- ners o! Ken-lworth Avenue and 23rd Street-Elevation 48.40 foot. At the north line o! Kenilworthi Avenue tu the east-El6vatiôn 48. 2U feet: -- - At tesouth lune -of 1enilwor-thtu the ,vst-Elevation 47.82 foot. At the northwost and southwest cu«l-b corners o! Kenilworth Avenue to the wu.ýt and 23Urd Street-Elevation -47.35 feot. . At the inteoisection of-thé east cuttb ineo- of 23rd Street with the conter lineofo Renilworth Avenue produced eaýst-Ele&- vationi 47.60 foot. '- At thé forth lineofo! -Kenilworth Ave-, ntue to thé Wst-Elevation 47.77e.feet, At the south lineofo- Beec-hwood Avenue:- -Elevation 48.37 foot.- At the intersection o! the west curb line of 23rd Street with the conter linoe - ut l3oochwood Avenue p'i-oduced wo!st; and,t at the northeast andi sotîtheasýt curb cor- it-rs o! Beochwood andi 23rd Street-Ele- vation 48.50 ieet. At the nioîth lineofo! ]30chwood Avenue tQ the ea.-st-Elevation 418.37 foot. On Kenlworth Aventle te thie, West 01tý te -23rd Street At teWest lineofo 23rd Street-Eleva- tion 47.4.8 foot. At the east lino of Colgato Strot-Ele-t vation 46.52 foot.-, i - At tho intersection o! the north curb lino, o! Konilworth Avenue with thée con-1 ter line o! Colgate Street'produced nort.h; and, at'the southwestand southeast:cu,:rb corners o! Kenilwoi-th Avenue. andi Col- gato Street-Elevation 46.40 foot.t At the wost, lineýofo Colgate Street-Elo- vation 46.'52 foot. At the oas-t lineofo 24th Street-Eleva.. a ion 47.52 foot. .At the southoast andi southwest curb ý corners o! Kenilworth Avenuo and 24thA Stret-Elevation 47.:65 foot. Lino o! 24th Strèet-Elev-a- At hee,ýst ineof-3rdStret-ý,'Ie ii ue o the OWest-Elevation 46.96 teet. 23rd- tth 82àfeoat.ln !2r Sre-lv- At the southwest curb corner of Thorn- At At 450 foot o! cotor lineofo! 23 rd- wood Avenue to the wost and 23rd Street -23rdi Strot-Elevation 46.75 foot. - Elevatlon 46.91 foot. At At 850 fot east of centor lineofo 23rd -At the west -end cf the infegral curb Eleva Street-Elevation 45.40, foot. tormlnating on the -wost lineofo 23rd At At 1100 foot oast o! conter lineofo 23rd Strret-Elevatlon 4.11 foot. - - and s Stret-Elevation 46.40 foot. - - At the intersection o! the east curb lino Street At tho west lineofo 21sf Street-;e-0nio 23rd Stroet with -the conter lino pro- 45.80 vaton4665 oo. - duced - oast of Thornwood Avenue lf0 the' At Aft.norfhlwet, northeast, soUthwéut weot-Elevatlon 46.83 foot.Elv an-dtSoUthenest curb corners onKni- At the norfhwest curb corner cf Thorn- At tion 45.72 teet. At the east lino of Grant Street-Ele- vation 47.48 feet. At the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest cifrb corners of Kenilworth and Grant Street-Elevation 47.70 feet. At the west lineof Grant Stret-Ele- vation 47.52 feet., At 2450 feet west of, the center line of 2ýrd Street-Elevation 46.'90 >feet. At thé eat 1Une of Locust Road-Ele- vation 48.62. feet.- At the northest and. southeast curb corners of Konilworth Avenue and Locust Road-Elèvation 48.28 feet. At the forth end of the -integral cueb torminatlng on the north, Une of Kenil- worth Avenue-E lovation 48.62 feet.> At the south end of, the, integral cuirb terminating on the south Une (if' Kenil- Worth Avenue-Elevationi 48.59 feet. On A§hilRnd Avenue te, the 0f 23rd. Street At the west Une of *23rd Stroot-Eleva- Ltion 47M25 eet. At 150 -fèetý west of the conter line' of 2*'rd Streot-Elevation 46.70 feet. At,.the east Uino of Colgato Street-Ee-, vation 47.35 fooet. At the Intersection et thé south curb lune on Ashiand. Avenue voith. the center line of Colgate Street produced- south; ànd, ýat the1 northeastand ,northwest curb (-(rners. of Ashlnnd Avenue*and Colgate street-Eevation 47.50 feet. At the Wes~t Une of Colgate Streot-ý -1~evaion47.36 feet. At.5" fet west of cente'r lite of 3rd Street Elevation 46.60 feet. At the east line of 24th Street-Eleva- Lion 46.87 feet. At the northeast curb corner o! 24th S'treet and Ashland Avenue-Elevation At the intersýetion of the south curb Uine of . Ashland .A,%enue, with the,'conter Uneo!o 24th Street produced south-Ele-, vationi 47.00 foot. At, the northwest curb corner o! 24th Street ýnd Ashiandi ,venue-ElévatiÔn .47.06 foot. 1At th e wost line of 24th Streot-Elva- Lioni 47.12 feet. At 800 feet west (of the center lineofo 23rd Street-Elovation 47.50 feet. At the ast lineofo Dartmouth Street- Elevation 46.93 foot. At- the -nrtheast, forthwest, southast and southwost curb c.orners of Dartmouth Street an-d Ashland Avenue-Elevaiion 16.80 feet. At the south end o! the intoigr«al -curb. tte*iniinating, on: the south line, of Aýshland Avenue-Elevation 47.00 feet. AtL the West lino of Dartmiouth Street= Elevation 46.63,foot.* At 1100 ýfot ,west of the center lino ýlf: 23rd Street- Eevation 46.20 foot. .At the east lino of 25th Street-Eleva- Lion 46. 96 feet. Atý the nrtheast, n or', southeast eançIsouthwesgt curb corners of 25th Street- and Ashlanid Avnue-Elevati-on 47.10 feet., At the south end of the integral curb torminating on t-ho south lino of Ashlar.d Avenue-Elevation .47.25 fot.- At the wst lineofo! 25th Street-Eleva- tion. 46.90 feet., At 1500 feet,- of the center lineofo 23'd. Stroet-Elevation 46.00 foot.- At .the eastlUneofo!Cleveland -Street- - ~ ~ .J , - -- . '~. and. lilillois JLoIL ýfoot-Weêst o!f the conter lino ot The grade o! the, top o! the Integral et-Elevation- 46.80 -feot. curb anud the surface o! the, pavement )foot west o! the conter lineofo connecting Ashlanti Avenue with Loeust otEeain4.1fo. -Roati,- shall ho as more -partlcularly- east line o! Cleveland Street- shown on the attached plat miade- a part 46.05 foot. ---hûeof andi marked Exhibit -- northoast, northwest, southeast At 65.6 foot east o! the conter lineo f hwost curb corner-s -of Cleveland Locust Road : ,d Konilworth Avoenue-Elevation O-n top o! north curb-Elevatlon 49.11 - - foot. West lino o!f Clevolandi Street- On- top o!' south curb-Elevation 49.01 i46.07 foot. foot.-- foot West O! the conter. lin ocf At the West lineof !Grant Street-Ele- t il4