Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 55

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VUAIUAÇLe pavementIi. w in place at th, north line of Iroquois Road to A,.hlah( Avenue, and Grant Street, 2fth Stree and Cleveand Str-eet f romi AshlaniÉ Avenue to the forth u.)ne ort1thq Village ;of Wilinette, and 25th Street Dartnmouth Street, 24th Street and Coigate Street from Ashland Avenue t( Keniiworth Avenue, and 23rd Street .fronr the South 'Une produçed west of Elmwood Avenue to the. east of 23rd, Street tc Beechwood: Avenue, inciudlng ail streel intersections to. the outer lines of sai<i 23rd Street and 21st Street from Elmw6ad Avenue te Beechjwood> Avenue, and ÉEh Wood Avenue west «0f 23rd Street to the west Une of Cherokee Roadl, al lu the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Ili- nois, shall be improved by grading, ln- cludlng parkwayýs, paving, curbing, ad- justing. manhole covers, building, catch basins and connectlng-same to the Stormi eewer, building necessary brick.manholes and valve Chambers, and otherwise lm.- proving sald streets, in the manner speci- fled lu said proposed ordinance, together witb the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements and the estimate of the.whole cost of:said .proposed Improve- ment.. Notice lg hereby given that. at the reg- ular iiieetng of the Presideht'and Board of Tr'ustees of the Village of Wllmette, held on Tuesday; August '5tli, A. 1). 30 at elght o ,clock P. M., dayllght savlng. tirne (seven o'clock P. M., centrai stand- ard time), the foIllwing propos5ed ordi- fiancé. providlng that Elmwood Avenue, .Ashland Avenue, Thornwood Avenue, Chestnüt Avenue, Kenilworth Avenue - and Beechwood Avenue between the Nvest edge 'o! the concrete pavenient now iii place.in Ridge Road anid the east Une of 23rd Street, together with Kenilworthý Avenue froni tbe West lineof 23rd Street to the east edge of the concrete pavement now ln place in Locust Road and Asbland Avenue froni the west Une of 23rd Street to the concrete pavemnent now in place at Locust lload, and Illinois R'oad froi the concrete pavemnent now in place at the north lina of Iroquois Road to Ash- land Avenue and Grant Street, 26th ýStreet an~d Cleveland Street froni Ash- land Avenue to the north Une oif the Village of Wiliiiette, ' and, 225th 'Strvcet, Dartniouth Street, 24th 8trceet and Uni'- C.t Street froni AshlandAvni&t Kéniivorth Avenue, and 293rd Stret froin the Soutil une produeed west o<'>f Elmwood Avenue bu the aast 0f 23rd Street te Beecb wood A'IvelnÙe, ineludling' ail ;tr-eet intersections teothe ôouter ulnes of said. 23rd- Street,'. and 21$t Stree t froni Enim- Wood, Avenue 'te Beeèhwoodý Avenue, and Elnmwnod'Avenue West of 23td Stree -t to the west Uine of. Cherokeea Road, ail 'lun the Village of Wilnietbe', Coo0k Coupty', Illinois, shall be improved by gt-ading, including parkways, -paving,' curbing. ad- jusbing manhole covers, building cateh basins and connerting saine tn the torni Street, 24th Street and, Colgate Street ftOmn Ashland Avenue to Keniiworth Avenue, and 23rd Street froni the soutb Une produced We t fEllwood Avenue to the east of 23rd Street to Beechwood Avenue, inciuding ail street initerseetions 't9 the o)uter lines of said 2àrd Street, and, 21st Stireet from i Eimwood Avenue to Beechiwood Avenue, and.Ellmwood Avenue West of 23rd Street to the Wvest uine- of Cherokee Road, shall be improved by grading,. including parkways, pav-lng; curbing. adjusting manhole covers, build- ing catch basins and con nectlng sane to the sforms#ehiuilding necessary bârick, manhoies and valve chambers, and otherwise improvlng' said street$ ln, ac- cordance Wth the foilowing, sPec fications. The. location' and extent of said local improvemnent le furthershow;n and de- sceribed on the plats1 hereto attached and made a Dart héreof and rnarked respec- tively, ExhIbit AÀ_ Exhibit B, E.xhibit "C and Exhibit. D. Ashland, Tllorùwood and Chestnut Ave- p»ueS-23rd Street to Ridge $.ve. -lhe: width of the fiùished. roadNvay, ln- cluding the Integrai curb, on those parts on Ashiand. Avenue,- ThornW ood Avenue and Chestnut Avenue herein rovided be improvýed, ehail L wnt-'n (271) feet, and shall ,be tiree adone_-if (13%) f'eet on eachsd0ftectr Ilne thereof. Blntwood 'Aveue The wvidth of the finished roadwvay, lu- cluding the integral curb, on that part (Jt Elmwood Avenue herein provided to be improved, .8hahIj be twNenty-seven (27) fèet and sh ah be thirteen and one-hal -f (131/fl feet on eh- sida ut the centerIlina thereof. Kenllworth Ave.-E. of 29rd and>Beach- Swood. Ave..- The width of bhc finishad roadway, lu- eluding the integral curb, on that part of Kexiiworth Avenue and Beec'hwood 'Ayenue Iytng ivest of a Ue nineteen hiundred and si.,5ty-slx (1966) feet cast of and parallci with theaeast 'une ot 223rd Street and east t of23rd Str'eet, shall 9e twenty-seven (217), feet, and shah hae thir- teen JIan one-lialf ( 1:', /2') feet on carlh sida of, the center hune ()f eaeh of said ~trects. ' The width of the finisiîed roadva'y, in- clliding the integral ' urb ln said Knl '%oiti Avenue ind Beetiiwood 1Avenue, l'atL f *1 l 1111e nineteen hundred sixtv- six (966 feet east -of the east hune ýf e.'ird,-Street, ;Ihahl e as shown on Exhibit C hereto attached. 21st Street The -%vidth 0of the fiLshed voadway, inu- cluding the Integr-ai curb, on that partI <f 21st Strèet harein pLovided to he Jinr- 'pro'vech, shail be twýenty-se,,eiî (27) - feet' and shahl be thirteen and une-hait (13%,) feat on eachi sida ut the. center huie thereot. 23rd Street Thé id ith outhbec inishaed roadway on> .23rd Street ftroinithe.. south. liine, prduu'edaI Colgate St., 2th St., Daurtmouth St. and 2àth st. The width of the flnisý*hed ruadway, ln- 1cluding, the' integral. ecurb of Colgaqte Street, 24th Street, .Dartmoùtll, Street and 25th Street, from 'Ashland Avenue bu Keniiworth Avenue, shall be twenty-two (22) feet .and shah ba elevée (11>feet on each sBide of the center Une of, eacb of said streets'. Cleveland St., 26th, St., and' Grant St. *The: finished roadwÏay, Ineluding th~--àn tegral curb on Cleveland Street, 2w. , Street and Grant Street, froin the floral) line of Ashlanid Avenue to the north lim- ite of Village of Wilmetta, Cook County, Illinois, shal be twenty-two '(22), feet wide, and' sh ah ha eleven (11) feet on each side of the center Uine of eacin of said.streets, cxcept at the naortl. end of each ut said streets wheëre thie pavement shall be -laid, as- shown on Exhibit PB hereto attached. Illinois ]tond The width,0f the finished roadway, lu- cluding the integrai curb, on Illinois Road, from north end of the concrete ,pavement fluw in place.at Iroquois ,Road to Ashland Avenue, shall ha tbirty-o)ne (3)feet and shail be litteen, and one- hait (151A~) feet ln wldth on each sida ouf the centerA fle of 5ald stréeb. Interseetions At streat intersections, Nvhere nangles' are formed by the> outer Uines.(ot the paeet, the angles al be rounded off by circular curves -)f lbwent3r(20) feet radius, tangent t' the backs ofthte integrai curb and the pavement shall CQji- forni thereto, except that. ut the, inter- section of Elmwood Avenue, Ashland Avenue, Tfiornwood Avenue and Chesti iut Avenue wlth Ridge Road the circalar curve shahl be tangent to a uine elei-cn. (11) feet wcst of and paral1el wlth the west line of the pavement nov in place in Ridge Road and to the back ut the integrai. curb on each of said streats. T]he. space between said. paveraent now in place in Ridge Road and' the Bne ee e (11) fOOt strp and. the' circular -curve bereinibeto're describad. ýAnd exccp)t at' the int1ersàetioni -,t' the! ruadway-s utf'enilworth .Avenue. nt. d Beechwood Avenue with Ridge Road, the pavement shall ha . constructed as sliowu ou the attaclhed pflat markcdlxhibit C,. And exýcept that the circular curve jolning the outer hue ut the inbegi. v eurb, 'at' blie noIrthcast corner of 21ril Street and, Ashiand -Avenue bu the p ast of 23rd 'Street, shalha ut thirty (3(î) feat radius and axcept that the circul.tr curva joining the 'outar Unes uofthe iüii-. tegral' curb, at the .southwest corner of 23rd Street and Aslhland' Avenue bu bbce west ut 23rd 'Street, shah *be ut thirty markeci i±xhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhîit C and Exhib>it D, hèreto attached and m4de a part hereof. The grade of such, finished top surface ot the, said ixftegral curb between the Points hereinatter enumeratad, shall be a uniform grade connecting each spaci1- fled point wlth the next specified1 point ini. each direction; and the grade along the finlshad top,, surface 0f the pave- ment Immediatàly adjacent. ta intagrai curb, shall be six (6) inchas below the top of said integral curb; and a long the center. unes ut the finishedroadways, the grade shahl be as hereinatter specifled. The, grade along the cnter line ut Ilinois Road and ut Ashland Avenue,' north ut 'the . orth end ot , Minois Roa.d to the pavement now lu place at, the in-, tiersection wlth Locust Road, shall bé three (3 ) inohas beiow and parallel wlth the-top ut the curb adjacent:thereto. The grade along: the ceuter lina of the pavement ln 23rd Street north of Kenil- Worth 'Avenue to the West thercof shallh be four (4) iniches belo'w and parallelý Wlth thetop ut the curbeadjacent therato. T~he grade along the centar line of tha pavement ut al other streets herein pro- vidad to ba lmproved shahi be' threa (3) inches belowand laPargîl twth theètopl of tbe adjacent curbsecxcept at- the In- tersection of Kenihworbh and Becchwood Avenues wlth' Ridge Road whera the grade ut the surface uf the pavement shah ba as s9hown on Exhibit C. The surface ut the pavement haremn providad for and adjacent to the con- crete pavement now lu place in Ridge Road, Charokea Road, Locust Road and, Illinois Road, shahl meet the pavements now in place in said streets ayenly. For the pu'rposa ut astabis'hlng a grade for the construction ut this lmn- provemant. bbc "Grade Points" 'are listad as follows, and their elevation shown opposite thereto. on Ehuwood Avenue East of U8rd Street At bhe aast lUne uf 23rd Street-Eleva- Atet 350 feet east ot center hune ut 23rd tre-Elavablon .47.40' tact. At 600 feet east' of center lina oft 23rd S e-Eee'ation 48.50 teet. At860 eet cast ot center 1li na uof23rd S tret-EB.lavat ion 47.70 feet. At ,050 feet ast' f cnter lna ut 23rd Street-Elevation '48.65 teet. At the WeÊst huie 'ut .2lst St ree t-E lava- tion 49.,58 tact. At the northwcst and northcasb ceurb corners ot 2let, Streat and Elmiw'ood Ave- niue-Elavation 49l.64 feat. At bbe intersection outhbeccenter. lina ut Zlst Street 'produccd south, wîth the àoutharly curb lina uf Elmiwood Avenue- Elevation 49.70()tact; A,ýt the east lina utf 2lst Street-Eea. -- -ý --.-...-M "Y % r 1nu . 1 I 11 z)----. M2 a-ý 1 '. U4.,- miU1ý Vil1 U ý1lue 11UCKe rxlina V.Atrte Wst netreat-Elavet-tev- TH vyTT,LAGE. 0r WIL'METTE; ment now in place at Locust Road and a At 'the'Iitersection of 'Illinois Road thon 48.41 tact. SECTION 1. That a local improve-' ine thirty-b-hree (33) feet south of and' and Thornwood Avenue, bhe returne bu At bhc southwast, southcast, norbhaast nient shah hae made in the Village <,ý parallel with the north live of Aslîlandl Thornwood Avenue ehaîl ha bu linas thir.. and northwest curb corner on Ashland Wllmetbe. in. bhe County ofutCook -tild Avenue, ta a point ut curve saventy-five beau and ona-haIt (13%)' tact north and Avenue and 2lst Streeb-Elevation 48.60 Ptate Ot Illinois. thp nature. brhacte-r. (75) teet wastcrly ut thie point Intersece- bhireen and une-hait (131/2) tact suuth otf'fcet. lo)eltY anid decrintinn )f which- local 'tion ut thé hast described course and the the canter lina ut Thornwood' Avenue. At bhc aast Uina ut 2Iet Street-Elava- iMnrofl'-n.t, Is 4 as folriws: cantar lina uf Ashlxnd Av.,enuebu tae AIIay Interseetions blon 49.00 tact. That Elmw 04 Avenue, Asel'land *A ve, sutheast; thence souLlhcaset.erl$ý along a ý At allcy Intersections bbe face ufthbb. At 1550 tact cast of, cantar 'lnaetf 23rd nue, Thnrnwnnd Avenue, Cbexfinî, & vs,- circulas eux-va which Is tanget bu tothe Integrai 'eux-h shah be rouindad offt buStx-at-EIeVatIon 51.20 tact. nlue. TCiiiwOrbb .Avcnue and center line uf Ashiand Avenue buta'bhe bbcarc 'ut ctiOular eux-vfutfive and oune- At 1800 tact cast ut centar line ut 23rd Avenue batwecn 'tbc wêgt edepof Il c southcast at a'point- svt<'iiy-fiv-'. (5) hait (51/j) >tactradius, tan gent tbu thiStreet-Elavatlon 53.40 tact. cunerate pavement now In place In RIdge tact southeastcx-ly ofthbb, aboya dascrlbed face ufthbe stjreetý curh and bu the outar .At ý1900 fetac"t atou center lina uf 23rit

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