Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 54

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AI Jolson Lois Moran Louiie DDresser Monday and Tuesday, August 11-12 Marion Davies GIRL" Augfust 13-14 William Powell Fri., Sat., Âug.. 15-16 ON PARADE. Maurice Chevalier Clara Bow Gary Cooper and many other.. dansant these 'days-particularly with Cloyd, Griswold singing bis "Thiousaiid Songs," and novelty band numnbers of the big Miralago orchestra under "Happy" Williamis and "Normi" S.herr. The "Stein Song"ý and, the "Anvil Chorus" played to the clicking of, Miralago h amn .niers by patrons lend spice and variety to the entertainment Spécial parties are being ar rantgedlby a nuniher of the university folk',of the surnier, schools at Northwestern, [.oyola and Lake Forest. SUES FOR DIVORCE Helene' Lubitsch 'is. reported to be sui'ng Ernst. Lubitsch for a divorce, which bhas Hollywood: soniewhat sur-. p ried-if Hollywood ,is capable of be-, ing surprised. Mrs Lubitsch, it is stated, charges that the famous dir- ector nagged ber and insulted her guests. 1 Friday, August 8 "The Vagabond King" ...Wilmette "MNammi y" ........... Varsity Saturday, Auguat 9 "Wings of Adventure" ...... Wilmette 'Mrtm"...............Varsity Suqnday, Auguit le "Honey",;............... *.. Wilmpette Monday, Auguat il ,'Honey". ..................Wimëtte- 'The Florodora Girl"'....:.... Var sity Tuesday, August 12 "fHeu Harbor" ............ Wilmette "The, Florodora Girl" ........Varsity Wednesday, Auiguat 13 "Hleu Harbor" ...... ... m... Wil.mette "Shadow of the Law" ...... .Varsity Thuaday, August 14 "Midnight Mystery" ......Wilrettie "Shado.w of the Law" ....... Varsity Firday, Auguast 15 "Midnight Mysteryr"...... Wilmette "Paramount on Parade" .. Varsity Wilmiette Theate r Books "Hone y" for Sunday an d Monday. Tonigbti is your last chance to Sée Dn ni:K ng and Jeannette MacDon-. ald ini "The Vagabond King" at the Wilniette theater. The picture is -a filmi version of the famned light opera and is regardled as a superior pro- duction, with a, well directed and -well selected cast., superb mnusic 'and tech- nicolor. Tomiorroiv, Saturdav, Auigust 9, "'The Vagabond Kinig" gives wvy to "Viigs of Adv'enture," featuring Armida, Nlexicaii actress, and Rex Lease. "Hlonev" _ Nancv Carroll's second starrinig ictture, will be the attraction at the WVilmette oni Sunidav and Mon-' (iay, Auigust 10 and 1 1, Known iito theater-goers as "Cornie 'Out of the Kitclîen,". the stage production %vas onîe of Aînerica'S most popular corn- edies. Thbe filin version boasts several -popular dance tunes, iincliiding, "Sing You Sinniers,," "I Don't- Need Atmos- phere to Faîl in Love WVi th You," "1,et's Be DoinéstiC aànd .'Vbat Is This Po.wer I Have?" Fih-ed in Tainîna. Plorida. amidst1 AI JoIson fans will find their favorite at the Varsity theater in Evanston this Friday 'and Saturday, August 8 and 9. in "Mamimy." jolson, one of the world's, kreatest entertaines rises above his story and mnakes an entertaining movie, singing good .Irving .Berlin. songs., "Muammy" is. a minstrel piece with good performances, by Louise Dresser, who ithe mammny, Lois Moran and LoavelI Sherman. "T'he Florodora Girl," a rollicking tale of the love tribulations of one of the: original Florodora girls and a> gay young blood, withgags, costumes and atmosphere of the "gay nineties,". will be the attraction at- the Varsity on Monday and Tuesday, August Il and 12. The, film is said to be a riot of f tni. Marion Davies is. seen as the tomi- boyish chorus girl and Larry Grayas the youth wh.ose flirtation develops into love. The Florodora number, done in technicolor,. is the beauty high-light of the picture. Powell Star, Agaain .William Powell wins bis usual laurel %vreath for a good performiancei2ýin "Sladow of the Law," the Varsity pic- ture forý Wedniesday and Thu-rsd.ay August ý 13 an d 14. He coiimiits bis own mnurder and proceeds to play bis own detective, and solve .it for imisclf. ",Shadow of >thé Law'. is f romi the story "The Qtiarry" by John A. Moroso. PO- wmell's supp.orting cast includes Natalie M'oorhead, Marion' Shilling, Regis Toonmey, Richard Tucker and others. Techinicolor, stirring nmusic, lovely, v'oices, satire; burlesque, romance ! Ail oif thiese are, a part of Paramounýtist' revuie, "Paramnount on Parade," coing to the Varsity on Friday andS',aturdav, A\ugiust 15 anýd 16. Thbe pic-ture brings ini ~ainost evervone on the Paramiouint lot, ircluding, Maurice Ch« alier, Ruth ,hatterton,*jack Oake% Skets GaI-. agher, Leon Errol. and many. others. Popular song bits fromi this film are: 'Sweepig the Clouds,*Aw%-yý" "AIl I1 bVant. Is This One Girl" and ..Anytiin{es he Tîie to Faîl in Love." Juue 21tlete j,.air 1 Bei OS1ce open *:80 A. M. uu 1P.M. dally anid Sunday Telephons HIghIan& Park 2727 Il au ourOr wo ot uîning and dancing. Robert Woolsey', formierly of the. musical coniedy stage, has teamned with Bert Wheeler- in al bis Radio Pictuqre appearanices. They wilI be seen next in "Dixiahina." ýTheèir two successful per- formances to date have been iii "i Rlita" and."The Cuckoos.:" on on IIZO Ceptral Ave. Phone Wianett. 4942 Matinee Saturdays, Suudayp, and Holiday. OnIy Continubus from 1:30 Dopo open eveningsa 6:30 -Ton'ight's *Picture-Friday By Request.! il

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