Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 50

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«Mikado" Scores Huge Success t Children's Hour Thursday afternoon, July 24, a friend of mine, my sister and I ,went to Ra- vinia to the children's -concert. The' Chicago, Symphony orchestra piaved a- few nunîbers and Ithen %ve heard* "The. Mfikado," an opera by ýGilbert and Sullivan. The role of the' Mikado was sung by George Crammner-Smith and Eu- gene Dressier took, the part of hi% son, Nanki-Po. Yum Yum wa s sung by Miss Agatha Lewis. The role of Pooh Bah was sunig by Ludlowv Wiiitc' and Pish Tush was-taken by AlMan, Schir-ý mer. Miss Ruthi Pattinson took t he role Of Katish, "%vlioîni nobody %wàiits to rnarry and, who is dying of love." Herc is the-.story, of the opera:, The 'Mikado of Japan passes a law that every 1 mai caughit flirting niust either narry the abject of bis ainours oàr suifer the death penalty. His own ..son, Nanki-Poo flecs ini the disguise, of a ,wandering iniistrel.so he w-on't bave -to *marry Katish. He goe .s to Titi u.-to search forX'unî Yum vhorn leIe lves. He 6nds tliat she has-promi- ised to inarry Ko Ko, the Lord High Executioner, after the Mikado par- doned imii for flirting and released him' * froin jail. Learning that Ko Ko's~ office i s to be abolished unlesshe executes somle one within the mionth, Nanki-Poo says he wiii be the victitn if Ko Ko.wiii permit iii" teo mari-y YqimYu iaud *live Nvith 'ber 'for the nionth. Ko Ko consents but then they discovrer a. iaN% which says that the sweetheart of. th4f Person. to be executedmuist also die. in search. of his,:son. Fearful of . ischarge and (isgrace for not carrying out. the Mikado's or- ders Ko Ko produces a false. death *cèrtificate bearing Naànki-Poo's nanife *and invents a "b'lood curdling cock and bull story" of thç exectîtion. Katishi, after, reading the deatb certificate an- nounces that Ko Ko lias exe cuted the Alikado's son. Th en the 'Mikado condernns imi, Ko Ko, to death but Katish pleads 'for bis life. oromising tonarrv ' 1dm ,aiki Sand Modeling But Everybocly. ias Fun il Wednesday, July 30, the Villag2e - Green was supposed to have a kick- Thursday, July 31, was tire day of. b4il game. Central didn't cone, so we the sanid-modeling contest at theWil- ýpiayed garnes. Sonie of the gamnes.we mette Bathing beach. layed weré spud, liame. bail,. and. hide- Alllthechidré ' f Vatrnt ipar h -go-seek tili .about-3 o'clock and were gatheredý together and taken to ten> some of the children. had to go, the beach in cars. Every one ha.d thcir home.and some'worked on their things. swiniming suits and lunches. We ail Theni we played> playgrounid and kick- listened ta the1 colored ,"Mammy," tell baii.-Blanche Kreusch, Villae Gren sto ies 'and then. we mvent, into the w1atcr fùr a swim and.came in. and 60 witness Plays biad oui- picnic. We ail gathered on the.North end.of the beach and ate Given at Vattman or.lunches , together. We ail atePak o Jly3 heartily becau.se W-e werevery hunigry. P r nýJ fý3 We coul'd fotgo into the water for Wednesday, July 30, before the play an li.ou r after our lunches so we all "Hia,.'atba" '. vas given* at Vattman. played games, told stories,, and sang pàrk, the childi-en gave "The Wedding songs. of Tom'Thumb and Jennie June," each At 2 o'c-lock the Sand miodeig on playground :taking part. tc.st ~ ~ ~ g bean Ec payrun ws The Village Green. had two brides- repesntd y hre unor, ntr-maids and .two > ushers, Vattmnan the represetead by heejniors , e inte bride, six bridesnmaids, best mri . and Green only had two contestants so niaid of honor. Central had the groom, Vatma file, té pae b Ptt- en ight bridestnaids,:the minister and two~ fou a ttn tanedthspac byputingr girls. *The childi-en made and fourve contestant. . q +btllp*., vi..:4L. 4 I Eacli contestantlhad a large square .th nodel ini. 'Tey had haîf. an hour tO niodel. Theyv could use on.lv týheir- haYnds i vhich ta n'iodel. No sticks were ai-. iowed to be used.. At 2:30 o'cloc l al the contestants weetaken with their instructors ta the other end o f the beach. There wvere twoô menî and a wonîan acting as jitdges.. After a short wait we ail heard the resuits. The Junior winérs were. as foliows : Doris jean Hargis, first, ývith a model of "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary,." Marth a Brom-n won second itlia'modeled turtie. Adelaide Koe tianý .won third with a modèl of the Tai-' Baby.. The intermediate winners were: Virginia Green ýfi-s't ith -a model of a Fai-y dancing on a flow,.er. - Marga Iosaeus won secéond with a model of an) aid Germian fishernian, and Miriam West won third wvith a figure of an. Indian. The senior wvinners ivere:, Geraidine j ' 1,. nr1 "i own cotumesL v1 'LU LIIC assistance of the teachers and'in most .cases put on their own. nîakeup, which was, quite difficult for sonie of, thejin. The stage settings were very1 well done with the natural scenery as back- ground. There. were mianv childi-en in the cast and a great numiber of parents and friends. About six hundred were present.-Iniogené e Kaufinan, Central' playground.. Pocket Books and'Bags Newest Job at.Vattmaii About 10 o'clock Saturday nîorning, in came Miss Skidmore with her armns packed full of pocket * books..and bags for childi-en to make. . The small purses and, bags-.were 25 cents, ýthe larger, purses were 45 cents. Aill the children imm.e(iately picked their favorite onies. Some took purses with puppies on theni, somne with fiaw- ers and sonie were plain and others had ouâ t t.hen i. whew Success.; Plan Anotizer Drama, Wednesday evening Va.ttman, park. gave the play, Qf "Hiawatiha." The characters were: HiaWatha'as a child, Dorothy Hli wav. Hiawathaà grown up, Kathiyn. Holway. Nikonîis, Xirginia Green. Minnehaha, Lucilie -Hoffman. The Arrow. Mfaker, Geraidine Hoff- mlan. Iagoo,ý Mary White. Mudjekeemis, Geraldine Bunch. There were foufteen dancers and lindsay Fieid was the reader before the curtain. Weail mn ade our own cos- tumes. Tuesday, afterno 1on we 'had a dress' rehearsal for the childi-en and Wednesday ev-ening it ,started at 7:.30 o'clock and ended about 9 o'clock".. Marie Skog heipeldUs put on ýour make-up. WXe lîad the stre.et a.iong the park ciosed but we co.uldn'ý stop the acro- planes. We used aIl the benches in the Park but weren'tý prepared for thé crowd that cme. Many People had ta st.and.. 'Mrs. Brown 'intends ta give anothe r play this sumnier to give other gi rls .a chance to have speaking parts. -IIathl3yn Hoiway, Vattman park. Ravinia Park Fine Place to Visit on Summer Afternoon *Aren't we lucky to have beautiful Ravinia park along the north shore? On july 24, which was children's day for that week, seven of us went ta Ravinia park, had lunch there under the beautiful trees and. raamed- around- the park until tiîe for the *concert.1 Ail. the children seenied ita be very fond -of Mr. DeLamarter 'whc is"the' dîrector of the Chi cago Symnphony - or- chestra in the summer tinie. He ex- plains every selection ta us befoare the orchestra plays it. ý.This concert lasted a1rnst 1'lf an one oi the best atnietic gaines to make VÏLilii boys and girls strçong and healthy.' Many children would enter irnto bas-. Every Tuesday at 12 o'clock, lunch ketbali who are too weak ta enter into time, aï Vattman park, Mrs. Caldwell other games. This wouid give them and children who bring their lunches the .right spirit and ,vould strengthen to .Vattnian have a picnic. For several thei- muscles. Weeks we have had aur lunch aVaýtt -Rayford Mann, Jr.1 man.-Kate, McConnoôhie, Vattma n. VERY GOOD TEAM We have a very good basebail team. We have lost two. ganies and won two. Tomorrow we play Vattmnan park. 1 hope we win. Maybe we wili. -Bob Cochra ne, Village Green.- DRAMATIZE UCINDERELA' The Central playground has started ta dramatize "Cinderella" Mrs. Brown is helping us with it. Soor! ihey will start 'ta make the costumes. It is ta be put.on on Monday, August 14, 1930.-- Ruth' Sanderson, Central.

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