Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 1

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Dollar Day in Wilm< URGE.BOARD,,TO RUSH SEPARATION I>ROGRAM Chaniber of Commerce Demand$ Village Trustees Prepare' Plans. for 'Septemvber Heanng Grade seartonaain came force- fully to the attention. of the Wilmette Village. boardý Tuesdayr night when a communication from the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce demanding that some 'definite action h.e. taken in the matter, ,was. read. The communication %was referred to a special committee of the board which is studying elevation 'of the Chicag.o anid North 'Western and the Chicàgo; North 'Shore and «Milwauk ee railroad tracks throughi Wilmette. Trustee W. W. DeBerard, is chairman of this com- The letter, fromn the Chamber . of Commerce.read as folloivs: The Letter August 2, 1930 "Honorable President andà Board of Trustees. Village of Wilmette, Gentlemen: It is of utniost importance to the Village of Wilmette that its board now decide its policy as to the elevation of the tracks of the Chicago and North Western raiîroad& and ofthe Chicago and North Shore E lectrié 'road.. At -the .April election ,both parties ýwhich were running, for office pledged. themnsehles to grade separation. In September the board will be called up'on. to submit' to the Public Utilities. commission plans. for such elevation. Prom our inquiry. of trustees we are unofficially informed that t he board haîs no plans; that it has Financial Statemnenit of: Villageë in This Issue The last trial balance'showing the financjal status of- the Village oi Wilmette is published on page 59 in this issue. Action on. this matter was taken by the Wilmette Villagebor Tuesday night on recommendation, of Truistée Hans vonReinsperg as .a.result of are- quest ýby the Wilmetteý Chamber of Commerce that Publication of a complete finaàncial report of the Vil- lage be >Made at regular intervals, in accordance with state Iavw. REACH JIIGHEST PEAK Kenilworth Water Plant Heavily Taxed Durng Unpreoedented JuIy DySpell; May Enlarge On eachi of three days during the dry weather last month the KeniilNorthý Village water works 'pumped more than a million gallon«s of water. Trhis is in striking contrast to the 322,500 gallons, which was the higiest dai~s pumipage five years ago in 1925 before the new Kenilworth -water -plant had heen btiilt. Figures for the highest day's.pump- age in 1926, 1927 and 1928 wer'± 335,325 gallons, 525,844 gallons and 606,000 gal- lons, respectivelv. This atnount wa-s pumjed hefore the new water plantý. was âuilt. In 1929, the first year of the oper- ation of the.,nè,wÀplant. thie> highlest, dais pumpage was -806,00), and. this year the million mark was passcd. The pumping-and filtration capacity o.f the Kenilworth plant is large enough to supply one and a hiaif million gallons per day, but the intake is inadequate to supply that arnount of water. >tte A ugust Il and 12 Merchants.o f Villae Invite Shoppers to Get. Real 'Bargains Anîazung Values Offered, Next Week iii VilaemWide Semi*-Annual Two-DaY, Buying, Event min Which Scores of Store and Sbo" Kepers Co-Operate .. Monday and Tuesday'of next week- August Il, and, 12- will -find Wilmette's mapy stores and shops buzzing with activity. The occasion is, of course, the second 0- the ý 1930 editions Of Dollar Days, bargain events that have, becorne fani- cus throughout the north shore. Dollar Days originated in Wilmette 5evera1 . years ago and meet, with in- crewaging f avor with' the buying public as t he years roll along. Next week's Dollar Days promiîse to eclipse ail previons bargain events of thec nature.: Neyer before have the Wilmette merchants offéred such entic- ing values for a dollar bill. A glance at' the announcernents of genuine mioney-saving purchase possibilities in this issue Of WILIIFrrE IluE cannot. help but leave the prospective shopper posi- tively amazed. But, it isn't a dreani. Stêp into the Dollar Day stotes,ànd shops next Monday and Tuesday and' take advantage of the biggest bargains Wilmette has éver witnessed! Hints for the Shopper JusL for example: Permit us to sup-., plement the many. Dollar' Day adver-1 tisements in this issue with a brief2 survey of outstanding values. liere goes:- Paul McNaniee's Store for.Men in1 the First National -Bank building sug- gests some real bargains in golf hose, and they'll seli you "any straw hat ini the house" for the total sum aof Ont, Dollar. The Snider-Cazel. Drug- company at Wilmette and Central avenues 'offers a variety of articles* that the Dollar Day shopper cannfot afford. to ovdr- look. Good timie to stock up on soxhç rcal' necessities here--and a t a grea saving! As for bargains ini gvoccries and nieats, why, even the most casual look~ will be the signal for a journey to Vaft Deusen's Grocery and Market at Twelfth street and Central avenue. Cleais Auto Robes Fre. Nelson Brothers Laundry and Dry Cleaning System, Central and Main streets have a Dollar Day invitàtiyi; that's like "getting' money from home." IListen: "Auto' Robes Cleaned Free-. when you bririg your dry cleaning 'on that sounci powerfully gooci. Worthen's store at 1148 Wilmnette avenue, for many years a f avorite haunt' with Dollar Day buyers, off ers ý a mazingly comprehensive assortxpdnt of values labeled with the One D0l- lar signu ."Even .greater' values than ever off ered to our cus- tomers for, these two days," rea;di an introductory announcement.' Every- thing imaginable f-rom unbleachied muslin to silk gloves. Miss McMahon's Millinery department, within the store, also nierits careful attenion on Dollar lIay. fic count& causes of traffic conges- tions, number of trains operatifiR ovgr the territory and resulting danger to children and adults using the crossing. This it is ready to turn over to your board wben it indicate-. a readiness to <Continued on Page 64) The Kenilworth Villai the 1930 'tax levy ordi village at the regular ing. of the board Mon levy totals $87,080.25 - period from ,,May 1, 15 1931, The. total of thé levy. lait year was $89, board passed ice for that nthly meet- night. The is for the to April 3Ù, nilworth taxc issue as the. best your gN velue& at mIÇeU LImat aE Ljuete-is n1oJIIL L newest wrinkle in musical instruments. You'd be surprisëdlt "Dollar Day bargains have a speciald significance et ,raylor'sl" reada an an- (Continued. on Page, 64)

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