and more than omie Itundrh thie waiting list, hoping thal be able to join the party. .e are on ,t thev %ill Among those' who hav.e made reser- vations for the' larger tables are:. C.ý Miles 3,wacDonald, president of, the club. and Mrs. Mlf*cDonald. A. N. Page, a former president ofthie club. and Mrs. Page; Roy 1M. Kirkland- cha-4fifeu of the affair, and M.\rs.. Kiik- ]and. Mr. and* Mrs. Oscar W., Schmidt; Mr. and,'Mrs. Ravmond Koch; Mr. ani(l Mr\s. George F.Jiff, entertaining ini bonor of- Mr.ý Iliff's sister, Mrs. l)ona!d Hoskins; Mr. and-.\rs. Charles' C.,Heniderson; Mr. and' MrIs. James J. jolinson ; \r4 and Mrs. James Ni. Krafthefer: and Mr.. and Ms.E.G., Cowvdrey. al Of ~imte Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Kiud(tson , Mr. aind M,\rs. J. R. Ludwig; 'Mr. and Ms R. F. Riley;: Nr. a'nd.Mrs. M-\ax Zabel; 1)r. and( Mrs. Fernando Fuernaiann àtid '\Ir.. and Mrs. Axel Lnqitof There will be three conîplete shows, the first during dinner at 7 :30 o'clock, the'second at 10 o'clock, and the finale at, nidnight. Each showv will be dif- ferenlt and. complete in itself. Dinner wvill be followed bv, dancing .aîidthere will lie dancing between the acts, also-. To HoId Card Part y The St. Mary's society of St. Joseph's church, Wilmette, will hold a card and bridge party at 8 o'ciock Fridlay night,~ August 15, at the school hall. Al members of the paris'h and their friends are invited to attend by MNrs. M. J. Keil, chairman of the ev.ent. Postpone Musicale There wilI be no musicale next Sun- day afternoon, August 10, at the Skn- kie Country club, owing- to the ex- tremely w'armn weate r he date for the niext musicale has no. t yet beeén set, but an other one will be given p robably the fourth or fifth Sundav in August. Emil, Jr. and Donald Anderson, sons, [ VJLLOUV. Several local prenuptial entertain- nients have been 'given for the af- fianced couple; the first, a dinner dance at Indian Hill Country club by Miss Poliy King of 672 M aple avenue, and, ai equestrian .party. followed bv aý Civic Opera party and dinner dance, at the Terrace Gardens, bv the parents. of the prospective bridegroom. Dr. and Mrs. Wýilliarns have recently returned froit Colora do ivith their tw o chljdreti, Ann tte Gloria and Raleigh Thoômas W'illianis, Il, aiid,-%vill 'leave sI'ortly to visit Dr. and «.\rs. Adanis at their sumer cottage at Lake James. Wed i Rogers Park Thé of Miss Ruthi O1Dea. daugliter of Mr.-and M-Irs,. johin O'Dea of Chicago'.-and ,An.tlioiN-y Williamný Hàniies, soli of M\r. and Nfrs. Henir< Hammnes of 422 .Uniden lavenue, bas been, annoiunice(l. Tlhîe cereniv took place Julv 31 at Our La(lv of Louirde's clitirchi in Rogers Park.; Mr. and Mr,. Hammes plan to' r iin .Rog(ers Park. Mfiss Frances Howard of 10)55 'il- mette aven-ciu e retuirned last TuesdaN frorn thé west coast whiere sile at- tended the Alphaý Phi convention att Seattle, Wash., ivith seveuî other Uni.- versitv of Illinois students froni Chi- cago and vicinitv. The, meeting, of W'innetka 942.'l OPTENe Subtie changes occur în,« your flesh fanes, and inýl the, colar aof your hair.. Even, eyes fade slï.gh.tly., and, shadows' creep in here And there. The Modern Wornan Changes h er make-up accordingly beginning 'wïth her powder recipe. This week and, Friday -and, Saturday, at aur new moderh 'salons, we. are offering a fréee complete make-up. We make a recipe for the powder you shotild use téo enhance your Personalify., CHEEK & HIMES -'912 SPANISH COURT. f ormerly Maison Worth' WILMETTE 5060-5061I CHEEK5S-.BEAUTY, SHOP-6560 SHERIDAN .-RQAD' Sheidrake. 8416-ý8417 COMPLETE. BEAUTrYSERVIC.E Newly 1nfèlId PerfectedVentiIatko*n Sy>sltem K, in the. MAIN. STREET.SHQP No matt.r what the weatber, it's atwaysj EV ORDER FROM?, OUR SALESMAN OR TELEPHONE Wefm.e -3029 - Winnefka- 137 -Glenco. 801 French Provéncal Room 514 Main Street Evansfon Early American Room 501 Davis Street Evanston 'I