WIIMETTE 3700 BOQ KS Extf Harold Bell Wrght D. Appleton & Company, 2O The. YoungAnid Secret. àAlce'Grant Rosman Minton,, Balch & Company, .. .....$2.00 The Shepherd 0f Gu'adaloupe9 Zane Grey Harper &Brothers Thé Break 0.f Day: Basil King Harper &,Brothers - $2.00 .$2.00 Brief Candi.; - Aldous Huxley Pou bleday Doiran... French Leave Jeannette PhillUps Gibbs Litile, Brown & Company, .... ... ... ...... $2.50 The Woman 0f Andros Thornton Wilder Albert & Charles Boni . .$2.50. Salurday Afternobon Marion Strobef Farrar &Rinehart... A Rlock 0f Brds Kafhleen Coyle* E. P. Dutton 4 Co..- mc... .$2.50- By Elizabeth S. Pnaden What have vou ' A train ride acros: the continent? A desire to forget thi rain or heat that keeps von from youi golf, tennis,' or swininig? TVien pici, up oneC of these hooks and vou wil get so interest ed in it that you ill 116 desire to stop for 'sucli every-da% things as food or sleep., Detcctiy'C stories are successful %vhen' flev a ff or ai real escape fromi the ordinarv busi- I'ess of1 living, and in that m'uch thes*e books: take the prize. The first h ook is,,especiallv intrigu- ing. Tligh it is plain, 1w the Mid lec of tu11e hoýok, wh1o the murdereris. ope aiso Wants to knowwho the Picadilly ghost is and hiow he got that 'vay. It is a storv about a cub reporter on a London newspaper ,Who- was -told to wvrite six hu es on the death of a Man w~ho junipcd off Vauxhaîl bridge.. The ninis uni(lentified. Y'oiing Stephlen mallows, the re- porter.* remenîhers that bis laundrv, uses flicsaine Mark as that on tfie hand-kerchief carried by the man., From bhis laund(rv- lie traces the man to bis home, and thingý-s begin to happen.. The crime reporter of the paper is puit on- the case- andl. Stephen is ratlior cbsal-ppoiiited wlîet he is assigned t'. t rack down -a gliost which had a)-. buildIing, Stephlieni spends a night Ili the art gallcrv trviug to see th e glîost, and( the description of his terror, ni- Chadle'sfor.Books -and here 'are a few »ew oués tbat are ePasy to read . .. and wrbreading. Ti. Gay Prcessioin Nýorma Patters on Never before publisbed . well- printed and arac- $ . * rvely bound '00.V! -t 0 inO' out that shie is connected e with omone interested in the. paper. ir One feels tlîat it is unjust to Stepheii r to have it so. for the reporter, as il drawn in the book, is quite capâble of stnigIlù i ý%-ifw eti h ilestaingame is ovn fotfet . i le newspapher gm ihu biî ie But tbat's enougli to tell. about the (l)bok. If's a murder nîvsterv ith a niewspapen flavon, and I. know, of one penson. at Ieast, wvlonî it miade stay -up haîf the- night to finishi it. Amie Austiin's e "Muftrder Backstairs" i S one of these, nivsteries vhicb w Nait, until the last ciapter to reveal the murderer. It is thîe storv of a noulveau riche fami y noving-on thée fringes of' *Society.' A houseparty is. gîven, at a c ountnv estate prion to. the. announlce- nient 'of the engagemient of the eldest (Iaugbter to an Englislî gentlemian. ScandaI bas bre 'athed upon the. genle- mari, for bis first wife had comiîitted ý.lnicide by - jumping .over the paraphet of the aparnment in which thev ived.ý -TFe testunxony of littie Doris, >dte In a1,d1. savcd said gentleman froinîthe gaI- Icws. 11 The niaid bas coie to Amenica with the Engisýh woman's best fniend, now ini reduiced circunîistauc'es, working as social secretarv .to the n11ouve au riche familv. The nîorning after, the En- glishnman arrives, Dori-s is, found dea.d and the party of gay week-eiidens is- suspected, one by one. Thîe end of it_ isý very mielodranîatic and comnes periilns-- lv close to bri.nging in an outsider l'O solve the myvstery: At least there. is very little. in thie book to miake tfie reader suspect tlhe, penson who did it, -FOR THE GARDENER, "Rock Garden and 'Alpine Pat, by Correvon, the great Swiss, liorti- cult-urit, :brnîgs this. comment ,f roui House .and 'Gardeni: ."Ever .,since 'M. Correvon's mýemion.ale visit to Amien- ca, sevenal years ago. the rock garden fratertiity in .this cotnrylias bep. looking fonw,ýand - to flie dav - whenthis dean of them alil slould place l)etwveen thec covers o a book tbe .rich fruit of Years, 0f Grace. Margaret Ayer Rarnes Houghtori, MiffBin Co.. . $2.50 d per iriei LIaH. -Itiio, sbU4yH inrumi Ils course in the fog, while on bis r.way to visit bis. father in Gree-nland, ilfirst sighited the forest land of Amien- S Ca. Ini "Th.e Birtl of the Amiericanl Peo- pie" Jamies M1organ telîs,-as an absorb- i-ng story rather thanl as a solemn his- tory, hoW Amierica ..was explored and settIed~ and how she becamne' united 'aixl achieved h ler independence. Humanl interest rather :than politi.cs 'or' propa- gauda lias inspired bischoice of mate- rialaiîd, his nîetlîod' of presentiig'it in this vivid accouint of the Amienicans .up to théecnd of the Re.volutionary \Van. SPONSORS LANGUAGE' A correspondent of the London Ob- server w~rites: I "Two more..eff orts towards a wonld latîguage are an- nlounced. Professor Jespersen, of cop- enhagen. lias invcnted a iew variety called "N'ovial," and Professor R. J. Zachiisson, holding the chair1 of Eîîg- lislh language -and literatune at Up)sala ,lias novv broadcast bis own i deas of a. niev nternational language over thec Swedish radio. W~hile othen inventons conibine w ord steins fromn thie 1atin, ýand .the Tcutonic 1anguages into an antificial mixture, easily learnt ,in, a couple of, hour .s,-the* Swedishî philolo- gist lias rationalized the English. lang- nage to snch an extenlt that Ït can l)e acqnired ia few vs SELL AUSTEN LÊTTER A three-and-a-haif -page letter of jane Austen,. \-Iiich belonged to a great-niiece of the novelist, bý as beé n sold in London for f 1,000., It mii- tioned that Jalie Austen had julst sold "Pride and Prejudlice" to a publishier for £110. New Found Lýande. Fourteenl Poeîins. Bv Achibald aLsl.Iogto Miifflin companly. Tbese1 poems are by thîe author of "Streets ini the Moon." "Pot.of Eanth,. a " "The Happy M'-\arriage." Louis ViJtermeyer lias said, "No mari i Amierica is ma king sncb argajnd uniusùally successful exl)erinients. to- Nvard a new. poetic language." Lod'--First Floor J iuqt luide the West Devis Street, Door .Wil James A. complete and varied idea of bow a cowboy lives. Described as Mr. James' $27 @wn story $ ,7 CHADLE'SFOR BOOKS rrnrJa rcr btOckidge, WbO COin- ples the Bookman s monthly library Lord Newton, (whose "Biography score bw Richard Halliburton's of Lord Lansdowne" was recèntly "New World's to Conquer" at the top published),' returns home from* Ice- of the list. Mr. Stoe.kbridge remarks: land with the other three British dele- "Halliburton is merely repeating his gates. after taking part in the celebra-: previous triumph; bis "Royal Road to tion of the.thousandtb anniversary ofI Romance" 'holds a record for continu- the Iceland Parliament. * ous appearance in these lists."1 * t