RmsoIutions of condolence. card» of thp.nks, obitu- axles. notices of entertainments or other affairs wliere an adnilttance charge la pnbliuhed, wIll b claa.rged at regular advertisllg rmtes. : Grade, Separation will save hf e A roblem ofgreat importance to ever housekeeper and(l everv other adiniistrator is the proldeilîof garl)age dipsaleriiais flot a ro)el to lie dis- <arge cu-. sC(1in 'the nmost ýpolite islisal socetvbut nîoue the less one ô f the iiggest of ife's prolb-. lems. The (lefnitionl of dirt, nianîcvIN, m1.is-, pIacednîatter. fits garbage adequateiy. The probluiof garbage disposaI resoives itself: th ifl t() the question'. I-low put iiiislacC(l matter m-here it ri ghtly, beiongs ? Several answer to this question hiave been offered, -éiteh as fecd it wyholy or partly to the î)igs bury it ; hum it. And up) to the prescrit tinie the iost practicable aisxver lias benth ast-burn it. .Pig s and othier aimiais of like low :taste.arc rio t' for one reasorî or another. availbe i1 cities and villages. Butryiing is equally i- onvmethod left, is a comîniion and effective process. Wýiliimette lias a iicw municipal inicinecra- tor, compri-sing two furnaces ini which to be properly efficient a temperature of 1200 de grecs Fahreliheit muiist be iiîalintatiuedi. Housekeepers can .do imucl also to attain this mnaximnum efficielicy by drai ingii the g.arbage and wrapp)ing it iii paper.,. Since happâtess, i spriffarîly depeutdent on1 hfath,,prop)er -disposai of xvaste material. ministers., nlch, to happineèss,' for good. saiiitary conditions. ccrtaitinly cauise good, health. For main-véars the Circuit Theater asso- W e congratulate scriliers on the ele( inhlortant position. of 'Mr. Otis, to this Marriage is. surely ail honorable estate. It *Is sanctioncd by God and nin.,by church and, state. It is: religlous. and legal. It "An onorbleis a ýrelationship which 7A n-Honoableshould îîot be entered Estate" into lighltly nlor cnded aàstily or thoughtlessly. Truc love is the oilv -,Sound basis for ilarriage. A marriage .fot l)ased on true love but on l)liYsical desire xviilot last., 1It xiii pretty certainlv. end ini divorce. But wheîî a manl and ilo0mian love one.-anl.other trulv thieîii arriage. wlether re'sulting in children or not. miii. grow into friendly cnpanî onship, a muiitual feeling and activ- itv that xiii last iIOrmall:v throu.ghout life.' Every %veek throuýghoUt ,the..ycar weld- dings occur on, the no-* rth shore. Thev. are i- twvo lîves at' least, tliose of bride' and groom, red-letter events. Parents, fricndsï, ,an(l the principals thenîscives, expect that "thfey, ii live lhappily ever after." They xiii if their love for oýe another groxvs into « this fricndly. co pain1ip No - wondcr- that 'so mutch is made of the %v.edding., No .Wonder that. so many different people are. keenlv interestècd. Jt's the begIinning of one of lifc's miosti important journcys. There is great and constant call in mar- niage for unselfishin.css. Without it the journ-ey xiii end on the rocks. With it the journev . will increase in happiness as it .goès 0on. We wotild, suggest to each enlgagcd, couple a mrost.careftil reading of- the \ved-' ding: ritual. EýIvery word; is important. E--ýlverv wvord is flic formulationi of years of hluman experience. A niarriage which lives. UI) to the promises uttercda teweddi' itself is pretty sure to) be a 'real suiccess. l'le Byrd 's liuiani Nve sai- es, of eciatc- thein îîîcn has wealfler "W-e were aime- LU iuiuwvistu-ilèl sym.pathetic suggestions untii hie reaclied the point about cooiing off -in Lake Michigan.- Which brought to mind the cruel fact that extremely lofty tempera- ture out of the *water is alnost invariabiy accom- panied by su.bnormai tenîperature in the lake. On iast Sunday, for example, with -the temperature kick- ing at the one hundred mark on, land, <the, nef reshing wvaves registered a'mere fifty odd.* That, experts tell us, is flot the exception, but, rath.er, the muie. ýAil of -which' may or may niot prove that f riend Fil is indulging ini a b)it of woozy mental wanderý- îng iin his. sincere attenipt t.o help ýus Ouf of' our workaday misenics. Funther, dearly belov.ed, the gentleman in, question suggests cool. beverages as an an1tidote for hecatitis, while at least one of our trusted physician f riends allows as how wafrm driinks'-iiî)n-alcoliolic,: f0 be sure-are more to the point. Ili one particular otilv can. we agree with the. learne1 Fil, to wvit, that torri(l wcather *may hbe jUite* bearable if one doesn'ýt talk- about it. In whichi particular tliat N'vorthy prescribes 'Ïa simple psvchological treatmiient-in xvlhich fieldcihe more -near- ly approximates the expert. "IsnI't it bot.?"Said GOq rge to John, As thcy paused on the roadlway together. "'Ifeel that I shaîll surelv (lie ' If' theyre's tt soon a :change of, weathecr" * Vhèéreupon, Johni oheyed thât imiipulse- wie hope. TimeIy Topics Fromilite .adjoinirig desk: 'S. dirtv shame that- the uorth shore villi îot get a. chance to get the roof of its moicuthi sunburned .vatching the, English zeppelin cavort îo inth azure. Whadda y1 turnied'out f0 be an knoip ! Our -îwwN ice cubéi incubator. ref iigeçrat-or -Béthi jinm, the Bernies. who spenids. these warm, after- noons' iistening in on the -antics of ilhe Cuhs (vani- ously refenred to. as a championship basebaîl club and a complete flop)- is authority for 'the- statenent that the Çubs and St. Louis Cardinals played a garne ini temperature estirùated hy Fiat Paî'îigaln (notorjous those who have <101e 'the work 1have flot entireiv disli-ked 4i4,lLt stili it Nvas not ai-i Pure- pastime. - *We have watched with interest the activiticeý of 'Mr. Otis in this fild.. Ve have efljove(l hugecNv his acting. ý\Vhcn we saw Falstaff wc, forgot for the evening that it was aîî il -And Who shall sav that I3yrd's owNv little dlog had nothing to (Io with biis master's îm- mlortal success?ý As we studic(l Byrd's fine -face, we f eit thathere was a man wbose love for a dlog was.esscîîtially strong and an impor-, taîît clenientin biswonderful character. - Thoughi we'vf' conmented ,fneely (ab)ove) con- -cerning the heat, the thermomneter has slipped down -to the comfortable seventies at this . \viting. This week's colunin wilI therefore be reserved for. fhe next .baking speil, which, our pet prognosticator ini- timates, may continue more or less uninterruptediy u'îtil the 'Christmas hoiidàys. -MIQUE.