Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 28

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World Renowned A viators Coming to Big A ir Races Wrorld. fam-ous people wvhosi, naines are synonymous with aviation ivil ble *present.at the -National Air Racés, to ,be held at 'the Curtiss-Revntolds Air- port. August 23 to September L Col- onel, Lindbergh, Adnîiral 'Byrd, Amelia * Earhart, Colonel Goebel, Jiimmiv Doo- little,. the Ilunter brotiiers, wlio,,re-7 cently broke the *orld refeigi- [ durance record, and evervoie« who ever gained fame ini conection wt t»an airplaie will lie eithcr 'conîijktîng ithe various events or greeting the crowd s froinigranidstatid bhoxes: tlrouglî the loudspeaker, it. is stated. The National Air Races will ixot, only reveal 'ail that is new in acro- nautics, but all that is1 old as well. Quaint pusher biplanes, flimisy miono- plns'and auecieîît "inotored-bo- Lt kites" will be flown and èxhilbited 'on August 27, which lias heen deçignate(l as ay Birds' Da.y". '\feu and wo-, mien flyers, vvho gaiiîed faine we the airplane %vas still luii itsifac and wbose naines \verc hiousehold words two <ecades past. wili agaili maneuver the craft w 1h ae u crowds gasp so long ago. Famed'Pioneers Coeing Walter Brookiins, first studfent of, the \Vright brotîxers and Frank Coffyni, the second fiinishied întipil o(f the airplane inventors. il be amiong those pres- cnt Oter atiots pioneers wiiii clude J.. A. 1). McÇurdy, Glenn Cuir- tiss, Charles Willrd nd Biud Mars, now a, gratndfatlîer, and Colonel Charles De Forrest Chandler, the first American pilot to use a niachine guin on an airplane. .Foreign p)ionieer, *tco, wi.ll take part ini the Earlv ird activities. Aîîthonv Fokkr Nvix learned to liv M ut tclx java long he- fore the var, and Igor., irkvwh was Russia's oitstanding designer be- forelie- camne to 'tlis cotuntrv to repeat bis success front abroad. \Wom)ieu pio- neers ýpresent whtoý piloted thecir ownl plances before the %var will iiîcludel Ruth Law, Katîterine anîd Marjorie Stinson,; and Mrs. Flovd Siiîith. J North Shore Women Learning to Fly *Mrs. Mildred Roeli'ng of 'the- Oàk. Crest hàtel ii Evanston recently eni- tered the Curtiss-Reyno.ids Ftying school. Her brother, H-. Kuuath, also of the Oak Crest, lias bis private pilot's license aind is training. for his trans- port pilot's examninations. M rs. Roeb- ling is the wife of Jotin Roebling vice-president of Roebling anid coin- pany 'of Trenton, N. J., mwilîih eld the Nvire cabte contracts on the Brook- lyin alnd Hudson river bridges. (1'hon by Mihuf) billioni cait<le-power. Nwhiclîi wili be. visible 'five lîuundred miles away, is rapidly'iieariug completion atop the, thlirtv--ine story Paîniolive building ini Chicago-, Below the nmain beacoti is a fixed liglît rav of thirec lîundred million catncle-power pouiniîg toward the Muicipal Airport. Ariel Vilas, 1414' Forest avenue, Evaniston, who three years ago gained prominence as a> junior golfer. added. to her laurels recently by making lierI solo flight at Curtiss-Reynolds flying scbool. Miss Xilas will soýon take lier examination for a private pilot's i-- ceuse. She is oîily 16 years, of ageý and cxpects to continue lier trainiing preparatory to taking out a limited commercial pilot's license. 11cr father, Jack Vilas, was the first ffIaî to fly across L àke Mitichigan, ini. 1913. Ariel is îiow junior western golf champ)ion and hiolds the champioiîslip at the, Glenview Golf club. Naéive'of India Plans to Take Up Flying at Curtiss Gakal Singli, a native of India. liasý sigued an, application for a flivingý Lund-'s Air Circus. B rings Large Crowd to Sky Harbor Field Freddie Lmnd's air circus attracted a large crowd to Sky Harbor airport last Su'iîdav. Lund, wlio 'for mxore than twelve y ears, lias becix nation.ally fa- mîous, as a stunit fiver, l)rought, witlî h.jî 'as star 1p1erfornier's.Betty [Lund, olie of the miost accoinp)lisled'of îvom- ain pilots, anxd Lymai V.oeple, -ownc.r of the motoirless loop-thc-loop, glider and 1101(1er of the worl(1's record for glider loops. Onie Of the inost interesti'ng features of the air circtîs prograni wvas 'tle at- tempt of Voeple to. put his, gli(lerilit a spin and bling it out again,: a stunit which thus far lias liever 1 eci ac- complîsie.d.. Voeple. was unsuccessful in «getting bis nîotorless- craft .iito' a spin. Ifelintertaine(l- the- crotvd; .lxoîv- ever. by going through b]is fuli stutlt repertoire.i Freddie Lund (lhinîscif lpt t is îxcwf Waco talper-wilîgedl plaiié through a sertes of stutîts that included milost, eeryting ini the field of air acrobatics, sunlb as lo0l)s. spixis, siiap rolls, power dives anid slow ro1ls.; luifd rece1éutly copped:three first prizes with thlis saine plane iniaal air meet at New York City. Formation flying was also a part of' the program.- Flying nlianeuvers, ilu-, cluding taking off and( landing il, formation, ,vere naeilbytre ships.enae iibytre Passenger Business. Grows RapidIy Says 'Casey' Jones Flight, reports f ro'ni the Curtiss Wright Flying Service, bases indicate, 'accordil1g to C. S. "Ca.sey".-Jolies, president, that 1930 is rapidly' becm ing the biggest year in Com .mercial aviation. since the first. flig hi of 'the Wright Brotliers tweflty-sevenyer ag. 'at Kittyhawk., "Passengjers," -Mr.- Jolies declared, àare t.aking to the air ýas neyer be-, fo re. XXTe ha ve eývery reason) to be- li eve~ that the day of -aviation is prac-ý tically *lere at last. ilu the first six mois of 1930, for example, we have over whlig ýt5 lr L eir Ja iopp-U lu4&iitig, T- --t, a&JES- one lap and the women the other, or will be factors deternîining the winner the Ioad of mail will lie transferred to Tresudent flyers, one of tliernia whethcr the relays will be truly mixed, of the race., another plane which. will -complete the woman, finisbed their flying courses with men and women racing against Tentative plans for the contest re- course, simuîating the delivery of the and made their -first solo flights at Sky one atiother, has not yct heen decidedi. quire competjng Planes to line up be'; mail cargo at its destinationfNartoairpB. hSt wc.Tbcy were: Rules for the unique contest are now fore tlîe grandstands with niotors Plan .Golf-Relay . Nta .Sit o fAdnB being worked out. warmed and pilots ini the cockpits. Another: noveltv contest to. feature Swift of Swift and comipanyobr The mnost brilliaut aerial beacon in Trucks carrying the mail will drive toi the National Air Races wil be a golf- entto lece nd Miss Mar- the world. a 'rotating ight sbaft of two the flyýing]iue where their. loads 'will ea ae garet Lynde, secretary at ýtle a rport.

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