Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 24

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.i4ias l'et imst of I-fe Nvll 11, aîîd Beglnning August 17, Union services will be hieid in this church with Congre- 'gational ministers occuplng the pulpit. Pr-of. A. C. McGiffert, Jr., wilpreach onl August 17 and 24, the Rev. W. E. Mecor- m1ack,* on August 31, and thée eeV. Vere V. .Lope'r on Septemiber 7. Dr. Allison 'rtturns td Wilïnette .Sep- temnber 13, leaving England the flxst week of September. On August 10 lie%%-Iil be preac.hing at ýthe East Hanm WesleIyan Mission in Lonrdon, delivering three ser- iiion,>; on. August, 17 lit the Rugby Bap- t.ist church, morning and evening: on Au- gîîst- 24 in the Addison. Street Congrega- ti4ofal church in Nottinghani, morbn!ng and evening servfices; on August' .1 in 1 ondon at the Jfigh Cross Cbingregational churc.h, rnorning ýand evening services. Con gregattional-Church Prof. Archibald G. Baker of the Uni- versity of Chicago wiil again ocrupy %+the puipit of, the fourth of a series of union. meetings being conducted lit cooperation w ith theBaptlst. church. The service willi le held in this chiurch àt il o'ciock., l'le 'music for Sunday wil libe as follôws: Prelude. Exaltation ' . ý.. Foerster Solo,, "Corne Now and'Let Us Reazson Together-".......... Stebbins Sung by Mrs. Beulah Oastier Edivards OJ'ferto'r. "Communion lit D)Fiat" . Dubois Solo, "0 Holy fllood of HeavtNeni" Franck Sung by 'Mrs. Beulah Castier Edwards Violin obligato IY MisMldred, Hagenberger Postlude, "Allegro Ifestoso" .Dub:Ils The suinier session. of the Chureh* school, continues lit two departmients. Miss Berthia Whoelock bas Charge oýf the B.'eginniers an~d Primary dipartments ivbic mee t'rm 10 t<) 11. J. C. Mead lîeads thé Junior tlepartnment vhich miieets nt the, saie time. THE flies- are With> 1US agairi and there SEEMS 'to be about as MANY here in WILMETTE as ever,. WITH ,new crops HATCHING every DAY- SWATTING is, good,, BUT it's too.slow, AND so we've laid ini A STOCK of fly AMMUNITION this SUMMER that'if PROPERLY used, WILL miake Wilniette THÉ most inbealthy SPOT for flies i the UNITED States- FLY KILL coffies in LIQUID forrn and, a LITTLE spraying OUTFIT i PRO VIDED-just. SHlOOT a littie in the AIR where the: files- CONGREGATE AND they ail get AST UMA atnd choke, -%da, ugtlst 10. turned froin an extencd MwIîichi as spenit at L libe in- the pulpit Sun Severy Sunlday theî'ei rclz aor lwilî 'lie. ia sto r 1vaca til n, ke Genlevaý. yAuguist The PocklçRiv'er Conifëeence. meets iii tiiis church i eginnîng oin the. last day of Septeniber and extending ove- a peri jod of, one wveek. Conîîiiiittees are . now at îvorkîprepar'ing thée priog!,amn for thîs sig- n.i ficat convention ti) which over tiicee hidred and fifty M-Neiîo*dist îinihsters wilI corne. Arrangenments have aiready, heen ?îiadj for -a nuniber ýof wedding.s ln the new viiiîi'ch next fali. Tuwo were iîeld ini the church thîs veek and another xi 1bliield the îîext week. The- Service of .Worship hbegin-s ecd Sunday nîorniîîg at Il o'c'i4ck aund larts Ilittie nmore t han one ioni'. One. of the contributiîg inducemnents for elthuî'h .t- tendance is the cool ttiios.phere tilat pre- x'ailq ini this ecaýtiwdrai-like srcue There, were mîamîy uho . 'eported' it as the cooiest lîlac e. lu towvn ast Stînday iiorn- The secretary of the chutrch Il:ias ré.- turFIed fromn a tour of the E.asýt, nrn nv lie found ini the ottie~e--(very illornîlng except -Monday jiid Stu-iiyv Mission Church. P1ansu H.]]lýoüsèi Oak. street Johni Beigt>son, .pastoi- Evenitig (.J<spj service, Engiish, . i XVenesayswedisileve, .ii Siie('ial inîsic hb' the String b:tîl. Friday. Pî'ayer nîeeting, tl. ak ituet, A ""PROB LEM*' FOR FEET THAT, ARE SALE 9 :45 a. li., First ser'vice and seei'm~on. Il a. in., $ecoid service and sermion. "Kinship with Christ" Matth. 12, 46-50. Ail choir work lbas been suspencled duriijg the month of August, and thert, Nvililienree 114)ls oioists iw'il taIke the place of thée choir during the serv- ices ismth Aining the coming events duing ilhe pmonths of Septeýniber adOctolier are, thO I-lily Day in the Suinday sehoo.1 on lthe( third. Su'udayý of Septeinîer and the -an- nual 1 Mission Sunday oîjl the fourtjh Sun- day *of Sep)tenîilier*. The last, Sunday ip October wil lie given ov'er to a celebi- tioni of the 400.th anniversary of the Augsbuty Conifes;sion in whivh the Suin- day school ývill lîresent à historic:îl pagea nt. The sessions of the Sunlday school àrje regu laily held during- the summiel nionths also). Vieitors in these )ats'o cordîaiiy invited to av.afl theinselIv-scof the opjIporttnity of senlin'g thieir l-id~y tg) gunday Schoo-l. St. Johti's eunt' both parents and childreýn to itsSn<iv Fist: Evangelical 88 ii ,;treét. innetka PZhompsçA. pastoir 794. ii. E'ni r"' . voî'ship. Tefns wilpec the first of a sýerieis of nions on the, Bealtitutle. In p.ms.P eretig. .Leo Lî,î spea ker. ~ .ni., Ladies AId1. TI'iirsday., .&iiwïit -14 ii. i.., Mid-week service- St. A ciiieine-*s NetS11'1av iril libeth, eiglth uîa aftc-r Trin.it v. There w( -ill li, Hol vCom- mîuifon îit A. M. afid -M\orn)ing Pra * vr %vitli ddrsst Il A. 'M. The srie -iilie con td v the Rex-. 1. R. Tromîp, wloio s ilu charge of Hie îansl dmring tii' ectr'sahýeuw ice n s vac- tion.. Miss, Corale\ tst.dalughter 'of1 N r. and NMrs. -Ra.. h- Wlîitsett, 83A, OQakwood avenuie, Xiliet.e,: lias, ne- tuirl 'ru hý er-liorne after hlavinig spett sx weeks at the suimmer home of Mnf., anîd Mrs. J. C. Murtav of 433 Cuitinnor road, enlot,'on the Coast of MNainle. -Miss Whitsett lias retuirned 10 ber home to niake preparations for hiçr coming, marriaQ'e t(,-)Tali Roer l11 î te Avenu« rte.28 and 29 OSAYER. SHOP 634,Church Street, Eva nsfonl Universty, 0971 L a ke. bîoat. adso goi make "'p Mrs.. James Prentiss of 201 Cumb er- land avenue, Kenilworth, has been made the new manager of thie Cradie, Maisonette in *Evanston 'to succeed. Mrs. Doniald.,Dunhar. 'j I. i VQDTL sL Central-1 Ph....N

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