Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 20

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(Persoâ.al) A great story a written on the motto, "Ail for one end one forAI."A&P.cus- tomers bave buit up a great-associa- tion of housewives on that motto. Sh redded WFîeat Edelweiss Beverage, RAJAH Sandwich .Spread 2Pkgs. 19C * . .4~25c (Plus J3ottle Ileposit) 25c .jars PREMIUM SODA Crackers * * . 2 6/-oz. Editor. WýrirMETTE LIrE: Dear Sir: *There sceenîs to be a question inith ininds of somne of the property owvners ii 'the Village of WVilmnette as to ývhat ccnstittites a violation of the b)uildingý- oinhance iniregard. to al)artients, and icspecially ii regard to 'the donversion. of a. single famnilv dwvellinig ,into a dwelling for two or more famnilles. 'As defined in' the bulilding ordiinance. "rneîentHoPuýe or Apartniient : A bulilding or portion of a building uscd 'or intiendedto be used as a residence for two-or-moire fainilhies. iing in sep- arat.e apartniients." The building ordinance is clear,,011 the matter of apartmients and tellement bouises and it is unlamwfil to colistruct a iew, apartilient *huilding Unless it is freproof thrcughout and lias mnanv other special requireni ents and everyý butilding c-hlafgC(1 or altered for apart- mnent.purposes imust be cliaiged so that it is enti rely fireproof and iniust comply, ini everv\ respect. with the requirenients for this tvipe of structure. lu is apparent that two famîlies can- i-ot occup) a dwellirig of ordinary con!- struction unleqss*it çomes lunderte follovving exception: The biuilding ordI in.ance wvas ladop)ted on Auigust 26,-194 and so any building existing as an apartmient at thiat tinie is lawful. as far as the present building ordinance is concerne(1, and any apartinent exist-' ing in tthat portion of Wilmiette that \-,as annexed on Mfarch 30, 1926 and anv: existipg in Grosse Point on )r before April 22. 1926 is lawful under t.he present building ordinaïice ~as those piortions were not a part of WVibnette until the above respective dates. However, any s;truicture that bas. been built, changed or altered for apartmnent purposes, that is not firçe- 19c one ofthte above exernp'Pt is ,Ocl pied and operated illegally and 's stib- jéct to the penalty fixed bv the ord- inance. The penalty for a 'violation of the building ordinanice is asflow:"Aniv person, firin or corporation Who.i- lates, negl.ects or refuses, to comlvy %vith. or .who resists or opposes the -en- forc ement, of any.of the provi sionss 0f this ordinance. shah bhe finied 'flot* less than twenitv-fiveë nor more,? than tWvo hundred dollars for each offense, and eve rv; sucb person- or corporation shial be die-enied guilty of-a separate*coffense. for every dayv on which such violation. neglect or refusai, shall continue*, and anv I)uilder or contractor Who s"hall construét- any buildingi. in violation of any of the provisions of thi., ordinanice. and ais' aréhitect des;ignin-. (lrawim!g plans for or having, charge of' suCh building or, who sha.11 permiiit it to be constructed. shall ,be lable to thie penalti'esq provided and inîposed bv this Ynurs truly. Staiey M.Pe-terS(-nn Bulilding Conîmîsl..sionier.. New P. S. Residetal ----- !Rte,,Meets Wt½ Favor The new, residential electric.rate put ipto effect Aug-ust 1. b)v the, Public Service Conîpanv- of -otenIllinois Fa s been generallv received with favor )37 household customners. througbhout northern Illinois, according to report received. froni that companv. Although the reduction wvill save. residential customners throughout the territory of the coxnpany more than a miliondolars over a period, of twelve iiionthis, says the comPany, the saving mnay not be iinimediately. apparent to sorne users because (If the fact that the. new rate went into effect,,ata tirne wlien buis .are nornially higher 011 ac- count of shorter davlig&ht. hours and the corresponding increase in the use .of light about the home'. It is pointed ont by the companv, that customers must bear in mind. that August and Septeiner bills always 'are a littie higher, conipared to those of the midsummer nonthis, and that the extent of this latest rate reduction cari be, realized best considering a fu!l year's use of service. Chairs and tables f or rent for ail occasions 521 MAIN ST.WLMTE2 I~ t II [sTt.. A TLANTIC & PACIFIC WILMETTE',32,

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