tnat onIv lotir games na5J4e beeil ,iayea. No games were played in the womn- nien's tournament and only three ganies inx the .men's tournamient. Frank Koenan defeated Walter Fos- Iund to. enter the. second round last week, 6-0. 6-0. James Cornes defeated Iver Bur- hanls, with a score of 6-2. 6-3, and Jer- raillie Cicchini won over Claude' Hill, * by 6-0, 6-4. The outsta.nding ganie of the first, round was bet ween Gog Thelan.-and Stailev Hawkinson and was a closely contested battle with continuous "duced" sets. Theý scores were 412, 6-8. 9-7. August 6 was set for the final, date * of the first round, but the timne lias * been cxetenided to August il be.cause of. un favorable weg.tlier conditions, *Director Davis Names Poster Contest Winhers - Winnlers of 'the village-wide poster iiakiitg contest in whrieh rforty-five participants fron the three public p)laNgrounds competed, were announced l-y Director of.Recreation, Daniel M. ravis recently. In the juniiorgrotl), or children l)e-, low 10 years of age ,the winiiers %verc: Joan ne Collyer, Cen.tral playground, *first; Elaine Leis, Village Green play- ground second, and FEmily Kolil, Vat- mlati playground third. 'l'lie interniediate grouip inc1uded children under 14 years' of age and the were: Virginiia Green, Vattniian playgrouind, first; Virginia Tobin, second; Marion Pickard, third. * The senior grpup inners. included0 conitestantsý over 14 years of age .and they are :,Rbse Toscanii, Village Green, first; Mary. White, Vattnîan, second, and Marie- Meyer, Village Green, third. The posters .were, displayed, at the Recreation, board office until they w cre juidged>and afterward returned ta tle playgrouiids ta be placed on exhibition during the last week of the suminier playgroun.ds. O'Leary is the oilly other village wideý event conducted this summer and was * hel during the first part of the sea- sont at Vattnîian park. Only initermerli- ates and seniors comipeted and fol- of1 thé. irst three places in any 'con- test and points are given toward the. gold miedal that is giveni to the boy or girl in eachi class Who gets the most points during the season.. A second place gold miedal is given to the winner cf the next highest number of 'points, two silver, and two bironze are pre- sented to the four next highiest. Mr. andl Mrs. Jan es. P. Reinhold- of \Vilmette, Who have been spending tlie summer with Mr.ý Reinhold's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Reinhold, 1005 Ashland avenue, left Iast week for California. wliere they ill stay until ýthenle of August. - .%frs. William, C. Reinhold, 1005 Ash-. land avenue, entertainied lier brother. Dr. 1. T. Manin of Philadeiphiia,, and his wife for awhile last week before they. vent on ta Silver City, N. M., to visit, their son.- The Manins W ill visit the Reinhiols on their return ýeast. Miss Mary Farmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. R.. Farnier, 915 Elmivrood avenue, motored down to Indianapolis last week-end to attend the Chii Omega sorority 'state lunclieon. Miss Farm.eris- a graduate of Purdue uni- vers ity. Mr.- and, Mrs. Josephi Stier and Coreinine. Bitner, al.of Fort WVayne;, Ind.- visited M.%r. and Mrs. V. J. Rader, 1304 Gregory avenue, over the week-, end. Monday & Tuesday .August 11-12 JM9onday-Tuesday, c4ugust 11-12 Pure Silk Full Fashioned. Sheer Chiffon Hosiery . .$1.00 Pure -Silk Pull Fashioned Fine Service Hosiery ..10 Pure Silk Net Hosiery.. ............ ........5$1.00' 51.95 Ra yon% Gowns.....>.......................0 $2.95 Checked.Broadeloth Pajarnas .............5$1.00 52.50 Crepe de Chine Gownis.......... .....510 $2.95 Crepe de Chine Half Slips u........... 10 $1 Off - on the follOwig091 f $2.95 Ingrain Chiffon ýHosiery..................5$1.95 $2.95 Crepe -de Chine Stepins, Bloomers, Bandeau Sets, Chemises, Slips and Gowns ............5$1.%5 Also$1 of nSte pins, Bloone7rs, Chemises, Combinatifln Siits,' Sips,. Gowns, Pajarnas, and ciNeglirleea, ulrp»Lre S.5and li'p. Asta -av rie Lingerie and HosierySho> 1 139 Central. Ave.. and Donald 11otman, fourth. Village Green playground winners were: Juniors: A lice Meyer, first; Elaine Leis, second; and Billy Fanck- boner, third.. Interniediates: Tommty Meier, first ; Blanche Kreusch' second. Central pagrudwinners were: In- termediates:' Marjortie Weillet., first, THfE OIL WELL Bon 'N MAC MAIN STREET at LiNDEN AVENUE PoeWJLMETTE 3334 U I Pearson' s Market A. C. Pearson, Prop.' Free Ridge Avenue, Wihnette MAY It ýServico- For, Les& Ph. Wilmnette. 43»0