Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 11

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old days are past when she cou lii change her mind and get f ull credit for lier purchase siniply by returning il to the store where she bouglit the ma- terial. Fightetn' deparîrnent stores and specialty shops in Greater Chicago have abandoned the practice of accept- ing yard goods for. return at full value. Whe 'n the customer returns a piece. of material nîeasuring three1 yards or More, she loses a fourth of ý:the pur- chase- price., A pîece of more, than two and 'less than thr ee yard s, incurs a loss of haîf the purchaste price. Lengths shorter than, two yards are flotý subject, to return at aIl. Increasing abuse of the ret urn privI- lege, store executives say, made the ste p ecessary. The following Evanston stores have agreed to stand by the. new rulings: Edgar A. Stevens, ic., Lord's, the Ev- anstonI branches :Of Wieboldt 's and Marshall Field and Company.. Among the Chicago stores in whichl th~e new rules wilibe effective are Mar-~ shall. Field and Company, Mandel's Cliarles A. Stevens and Brothers, Car- son Pirie Scott and Company, The Wie-. boldt.,Stores, The Fair, Loren Miller and Company, the retail stores of Seirs, Roebuck andý Conpany and Mont- gonîery Ward and conîpany, and inany other loop'and outlying stores. Miss Mildred Goidmnan of Chicago. iý spending a week with Mrs. B. R. Seiden, 701 Linden avenue. MisVirginiii, bgram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Ingramn of 1005 Oak street, Winnetka, set a course record of 40-39-79 Monday at the Wilmette Golf club. She was playing as a member of the north side teamn ini the women's intra-city teanl matches. Miss Ingram is a member of Sunset Ridge Country club. Saint Mary's society will have a card party .August* 15, at. Saint Joseph's school. favo rs for each of the seventy girls in the camp. Part of the entertaininent was a guessing contest as to the nuniber of eggs and the amount of flour used in: making the cake. Prize.s we re awarded the winners After awarding the prizes, Mr. Kirt- land showed a moving:picture of the camp activities and a -reel of Yéllow- stone and the Grand Canyon and a humorous aàimfated film. They spent the evening at Hilltop'tavern, near South HaVen, owned. by Earl Whee- hock, fnrmerly of. Wilmette. Mr.. and Mrs. Kirtland returéned to Chicago in time .to attend the formaI openingo the'Steuben club on Saturday evening. TO MAkE HOME HERE Mrs. EÉdward G'. Wingate of Honolulu is -expected this week-end to visit lier parents, Mr. -,and Mrs. -Slielby M.ý Singleton of 1104 Forest avenue. Mr. and'Mrs. Wingate are returning to the States to malce their hoe. Mr. Win- gale lias been connected with the geo- logical survey in the islands during the past seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Hillinger, 1520 Spencer avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maly and faniiW of Elmwood Park have returned f rom Clearwater, Wis.; wliere they visited the Hillingers' son, Raymond Hillinger, a student at St. ?Mrv's villa for the summer. Wool Golf Hose Regtlqr, $24S2£04$3 Valne Cottoni Golf Hose Regular $1110-value 2for$1O Lisie Half: Hose Ryegeuler 50c-75c value.ý 3. for.$1.OO0 Any Straw Hat $ 1 00 No Charg e-Strictly Cash McNamee's Store for Me» Tiret National Rank Building WILMETTE 2655 THE VILLAGE. CLEANERS, Ic. .Evanston Phone--Lircenleat 7441 Chi4cago I elepne-l-l1onyeourtL i I Telephone Wilmette78 0678 1 1

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