Mo nday a nd Tu esday Ags 11-1 Here. is, a rare opportunity that, offers- two-fold possibilities. First;- to have. practicaliy, ail of your id-summer cleaning done a t a fraction, of- the regular cost. Secondly; to experience that delight-. fui thrill, when you inspect your bundie and.see how exquisitely c1êàn-i7bow perfectly odorless, how bright and. new your garments and house.- hod -things.are after being Miracleaned.. MEN'S SUITS- Thorougbly Mi-racleaned. Lapels and trousers $ properly pressed. 10 NIECIKTIIES Save the price of new ties by, .4aving $ themn Miracleaned. OVERCOATS Be, prepared for winter with $ thoroughly cleaned overcoai. PLAIN COATS Fall or summerý COUtS. Miricieaned to look just like nev- , dean as a 14 I' it TOPCOATS1 A cool September cails for a topcoat. $ Have it Miracleanéd now. MEN'S BATS Straws or f eirs cleaned and, blocked to" conform to the newest styles. 1i * j ý