his twventyýninth year the folIoîNitg. monirlg. Wilmette when Mr. Orner came bie was a Village of only 3,200 people. Oýher nortb shore communities were propor- tionateiy small, le. recalls, and f ew trains were, needed to acconimodate the resi- dents of t.hat time, Today, twenty-six trains are operated each way daily for the accommodation of suburbail residents going to. and f ro m Chicago and Wilniette bas grown .to. 16,000 peirsons. Amonig tbe local people commuting now are stili a f eW of those %vio %ere using .the NortbhXWestern .wleni Mr. Orner first camne beie. From bis twenlty-eightbi milestone of service, Mr., Onsei- looks, back upon bis longe record withi the ulùmosi pleasure and ini tbe Iigbt of one whose lot wvas happilv cast. He wvas agent foi- tbe Nortb .Wc stern in. Oak Park for thi-e years p)ioi- to coming . to Wilmette. Thiis *5 also Mr-. Orner's sixth year -as president of the Wilmette Village hoçard, and for twenty yeai-s prior to bis election to this office lie served as Wl mette..Village clerk. During the,(- official Nears lie bas' participated ini the developrnent and ex-: pansion of tbe village. Tbis bas included the subdivision 'and building up of tbeý more ,central tracts, wbicb -onl), a few years ago were acreage. parcels. It bas also included the'alinexation of the for- ,ter V1illage of Gross Point and the broad acreage f urther wvest. lit this area, ,ni addition Ito a sanitary sewver already completed, a stormn water sewer systemi AÇabri-eeenz-P PERMANENT WAVE 1 m v UimiWie &àj~uccaionF Mrs. Helen Lee of Rockford, MI., is 10 open within a few days the tea rooni and soda fountain in the First Natioiial Bank building foi-mei-ly occupied by'the Village Tea. Room. Mrs. Lee bas had nîaüy years' experience in the res-, taurant business, She *aid'Mi-. Lee will irake tIiji- esidencein thé village. Mrs. Sanford Holden, 527 Warwick oaKenilworth, is etitertaiing11 eight guests at luncheon and bridge at the Iiidian Hill Golf.club today. .Mrs. Lyon Ross, 1321 Chestnut ave- nlue, Kenilworth, is. spending, a fewv weeks visiting bier sister ini Dixon, '111. Mrs. W. L.ý Griffin of 122 Centr-al Park. avenue came home Monday f roi Beaver View, WiTs. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES - 9:45 A. M. AuGuST 3, 1930 Subject: LOVE READING ROOM-ii150 Wilnieue Ave., First National Bank Bldg.. Open Daily (eixcept Weditesday and Sarurday) 9'A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. tO 7:4 5 P. M.; Saturday g A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy end al other authorized Christian'Science Literature may beread, -borrowed or. pnrcbased ar the Reading Room.. THÉ. PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO) ATTEND THE CHURCH.- SERVICES AND VISIT THIE READING ROOM PA TRONIZ-E OUR ABVERTýI I SERS 'I Satuday Augsit2nd. wayhar who wants (I Mr*. F. <A. Busck i 16 7 WiImttte Ave. Phone Wilnîeuet 4598- f 631 Mainù Street Phone Wilmette 1969, .1 J S.M.PAULSON: Announces- the Opening,, of, his new SHOE STORE on Glorious ny on e Mr. i(,ý