Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1930, p. 4

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phone specia a.qUOUSTi xAUCUST 17 BACON39 SwifVt'aPremiumlb -. .1 Ib BROILERS Fm&e6h dressed Z 2t. 3%-11». average lb. 42e Lip4Iona sCeyhoa 1/2-1b. Orange Pekoe--.xcel- tin 4 O TEAl~ent for cing ___ MUSHROOMS RIPE OLIVES Choice Frenal, buttons Lindsay Giants. Very large 4-oi.. fin 8-os. tin and the finest packed. 23c 43c Pint 33c MISSION ORLANGE DRY Carbonated orange juice. A superior beirerage. Dozen Pints $2.69 TUNA FISH TOILET PAPER Plymnouth Rock light Ft. Howard soft tuna. Very select. bleached crepe. Sani- Ne. % tin No. 1 tin tary wrapper. 23c 43c 10 rolls 89c PWEV T RICHELIEU Richeêlieu. A g'eat suappj LLrge, su.iW e ith. Je. COMMUNITY KI1TCHElwN, BREAD - ROLLS - DOUGHNUTS SPECIAL ORDERS, of itssel tary, and tne otner ýmemt Wolff,; joseph Reagan', A. W. McDermott, and iresident of the Ianson 15 secre- ibers are, A. E. Peter Carlson, Joseph Schaef- Dr. Schermerhorn Wil ýPreâcheat M..E. Church Dr. William. D.- Schernmerhorn, pro- fiessor of Church History at Garrett .Biblical Institute, will preach the'ser- mon. at the services in tL,ý Wilnette Parish Mfethodist c h urch Sunday morning, August 3. at il o'clock.- - Dr,. Scliernierhorin is leader of the Meni's class in the church which meets every Sunday iiorning at 9:45 o'clock.' Mr. and Ms ebr Taylor and. sniall son, 631Abbott-sford road, Kenil- worth, left on Wedinesday for Land O'Lake's, Wis., to spend ten daYs as gueësts -of M-r. -a-nd Mrs. Fran-k Ketchani at their suninier home. On \-on(fav, July 28, Mrs. Ilarry \Vecese, 141 - kenilwortili avenue-, Kenil- worth, entertained ber bridge club ât luncheon at lier suninier home in Bart" rington. Mr. and M.\rs. A. WT. Withrow have recently moved froin 729' Elevénth s*treet to 1115 Aslhland avenue- ities with a number of events. The first of these was a stag affair heki Sunday at the Glenview Forest. Preserve, at which a dinner of steaks, broiled over the open fire, proved to be of most interest. Next' in line came the bail game, horseshoe tussies and similar itemsý of interest. Tbe only business session to be'held this. tonth will take place. on August 12 at the regular gatbering, place, the IL.0.. 0. F. hall. Folloing thé regular meeting William Obermeier wiIl present bis idea of aneivening's entertainment. After' the fun, the natur e of which he refuses. to divulge at present, water- melons*,will be served. The annual>-counçil picnic 'will be held Sunday, August 17, at -a s .i to be an- nounced in. the near future. Many f ea- tures, some . of tbem nénè, are being planned for this busy occasion. The aniual golf party will take place atTechiny Fields, Wednesday, 'August 27. Play for the. Frank J. Seng trophy, will provide the dais main * -feature. Robert Steffens, 1611 Washington ave- nue, captttred this ev-en-t at last year's Itourney and owns one leg on the cup> as the resuit. Mr.John Vennema and -ýson, John, of Willow road, Xinnetka, formerly of Kenilworth, leff the first of this week, for, Colorado on -a month's vacation. Mrs. F. C. Giese of, Milwaukee1 , is visiting hier daughter, Mrs. Enia A. Garnron,.206 Sixth.str.eet. A came ra leaves yo-u a n indelible record of the happy moments -of. your vacation, enabling you to live over again th 1ose joyous days. I Seruipg > shorw Wilmette El Central Aves. Open Sundaga Until for More Than z25 Yeats I Phones: Wil. 400-401 101630P. M Phonme51 LEG 0" LAMB Claoice Sfrng itstock lb. 35e VACATIýON LîvesForever!, l'

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