owing to a change in' tax laws ini1927, have been cornpelled to carry on the work of the township during the pa3t two years with an exceedingly limited amounit of - funds, will have more mioney next, year toý do the various things essential to the proper func- tioning of the administration of'affairs. In the.future the township will make, its own tax.levy, just as various other, taxing bodies initht counity are. doing. At.:'aspeciai ,Towný.meeting held Mon- * day evening thefirst levy of. this nia- * ture made in New.Trier toWiship for sixteen years was authorized, The amiounit of. the levy is $30,000, whrh willbe collected iii 1931. The meeting, held at the office of Township Supervisor -Gertrude, M. Thurston at the Winnetka Village hall; wvas an adjournedsession of the annual Town. meetig-.Jeld ini April. .Heretofore the township. bas re- ceived its money for corporate. town- ship purposes, exclusive of the road and bridge fund, froni a tWo percent. c.f the taxes collected, plus interest, and lesthe coilector's c'ommnission. The delay ini tax receipts and al plans ini connection with this forni -if revenue as aresult of -the re-assess-m ment program, bas occasioned' the township its. share of inconvenience. In addition, the township is confronted, , Fwith the task of miaking this change im its rnethod of raising funds in future. * The foregoing steps were taken and further plans discussed*by Superviso>r Certrude M. Thurston; Township Clerk Margaret S. Pierson and justice o 0 tht Peace J. J. Peters, a member of tht Township auditing board, at the meeting Moniday .eveninig. Vista del Lago Plans for Young Menibers Plans"for*the high school and college miiembers.:of the Vista. del Lago have beeti'started forAthe montb of August.. A noonlight* dance and* midnight sup- * per will bc held Friday, August .8, on the esplanade. MOnday night, Augnist 18, is the date set for a beach partv. In case of inclemient weather, the party will turn into an informal dance to be -1held, indoors. There will be an op- afternoon, Afugust. 7, at tne Wiette i)each, at 2 o'clock. The prograni of events as outlined by Daniel M. Davis. director of recrea- tion, and James. Wrenshaw, beach master, includes.races for every age oif contestant,. both ýâdult 'and* juvenile. Promlinent swinîming instructors of tbe niorth shore will act as judges oôf the races and divingcontests, assistedb>, ttbéach and. recreation âssistants. Registration may be made ai eith',r tht recreation, or beach office or with auv recreationl assistant, as well 'as with Mr. Davis or -Me. Wrenshaw. The registration will close at 5 o'clock next ýWednesday evening. The, schedule of races will include:, 20 yard swim-Boys under Il years oif age.. 20 yard 'swim-Girls under Il years of age. 4yard siim-Boys Il and 12 yeairs of age. 40 yard swin-G4irhs 1Il and 12 years. 40' yard 1sWinî-Boys 13, 14, and.,15 vears. 40 yard swinm-Girls 13, 14, and. 15 years. 100 yard breast stroke-Open to boys and girls.-under 17 yçars. One-haîf mrile swinxm-Open to North Shore residlents. North Shore' Chami- pionships. Plain Diing-Boys and Girls under ~5 years of age. Diving for quarters in flour. Preliminary Plans for New Clzurch to Go Be fore Parish The final draft oif preliminary plans for tht proposed new Wilmette Pres- hyterian churcb at Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue are to be examined at a meeting of the Plans and Contract Commfittee of the parish early, next week, it is announced. 'That ý.Work* will begin on the. new struicture in the near future is. attested by the f act that the. Finance committee of thecburch is pre- pared to cal a meeting of the church trustees and a subsequent session of tht entire ,congregation to pass upon the, fnii,,.; 4.pramW n Howard.. Preston of 1031* Green- wood. avenue,,Wilniettei, will ïing-to- night during, the, Armour hour ,over the National Broadcasting cofipany iiLtwork. Mr. Preston is a member of the Chicago Civic Opera conxpany and lias been for some tirne a head- Iiuer in radio entertainment. Scouts Rescue Drowning Woman; Withhold Identity Monday, July 28, two Boy Scouts of Troop 9, Wilmette, performed a service wbich they probably could flot have done if it" had flot bren for their Boy Scout' training ini swimming and Iiie saving. The incident occurred at about 4 o'clock ini thr afternoon at the beach off Chestnut av enue, Wihnette. Two women bad wandered out inito the lakt far.her than the other bathers. A f ew minutes later one of the women started screaming for help. The. other bathers, thnIing sie was hierely joking, paidl no heed to the cries. Just then the two Scouts came f rom the 'other side of the pier. Hearing ber' screams they swamfi out and brought the woman to shore, then, leav ing her in the care of a police-. man,; immediately left. the beach with-, out giving, their names, although tbey were _recognized as Scouts. Mon<iay andTi.iuesclay, .August Il and- 12. Tht bargain event is sponsored by the Wilmiette Chamber of Commerce which this week directed the following cnmmunication -to participating stDre andi shop owners.: "At a recent meeting of tiet Retail committet it*was decided that Monday, andi Tuesda;y, August Il and 12, wouhd be set aside as Dollar Days. "Wilmétte's Dollar D)ays are begin- ing to have a real significance in our conmmlunity.. If every mùerchant will miake a point of, giving ýsome eira- ordinary values on those days, it, wihI iliake- semi-anniual occasions of this kind sonething for both tW customner. and metchant to 'look forward to.ý It, will also furnish ams effective meanls cf, advertising the Wilmette Merchant - collectively and individually.» "People aIl along the nortb shore will 'be scanning the papers to .se whaf articles are offered for a single dollar. They will flock to the stores early Monday morning, August Il,, tôo be the first to take advantage of the *-gains. ..The Retail comimittee urges YOU to hear tht dates iti mind and do your part." Ernest Griffis of the firm of Wolff and Griffis is chairman of -the Retail commnittet of the Chamiber of Coni- merce. Serving on the coimmttet witb Mt- Griffis are Dominic Bagliarulo, Arthuir Van Deusen, E. C. Cazel, John K. Hughes, Henry Vogt, Gordon Dobbins, andi Leo Mickeh. Inclement WeatJier Forces Postponement of Matches .Hot weather and rain prevented the playing of tht third round oi tht open singles tennis tournament at the New Trier Hfigb school courts, but it is cx-. pected" that this, round wîll -be playei off late' this week. ýTht juniors bave completeti tht sec- ond round of their tournamentand commenced tht third round since the gaies reporttd hast wtek. In the sec-' ond round. L. Leviton defeated Carl-. With eleven ntw cases reported tht past two weeks, wbooping cough continues to bold tht lead in' thel number of communicable diseases in tht village,. according to tht Wilniette Health departinent. Trhere was, ont, case cf diphtheria. cup. The heat of that day may have Iiothtrtd other golf ers, but Mr. Scott established a record on that course when bis tee shot cgrried 'two hundred yards and rolled the ,,additional thirty-five for an ace. IN ucs 'enter. Thne occasion is linCt it- bration of fifty years in thterninistry of* tht Rev..' Frederick Detzer of Nules Center, Mr. Detzer has. been pastor of if tle Niles Center churh for forty-nine ,yearà,.