IN SUITES OF~ 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS, SUIT- able for Doctor, Dentist,- Architect 01, any business requiring office sae Low rent. . 42LT28-tfc 46. FOR SALjE-ROIJSES LAKE BLUFF I ~ Do YOUR CÇHILDREN LOVE. SUN- LIGHT SPACIOUS 'GARDENS AND THE - Th chlce LAKE The hoie, omestead of Marlon Claire- now for sale. This estate *of nearly, an acre, at 700 Center Avenue, Lake Bluff, is beautlfully wooded and landscaped -Wlth rosebower and hedge.' Luxurlous screened garden bouse and 3 car-gar. * Ideal for entertalning.- Lake Forest *schools and academnies close by. Prlced reasonably for qulck sale .to allow Miess Claire to fill engagements abroad. Send for- descriptive cIrcular, or cali foy price and ful Information., BILLS. REALTY, INC 1649 Sheridan- Rd. Wil.- 3740 OPEN EVENINGS 46LT45-I te Georgian 'Colonial' T . Mouv-e of-Note in Glencoe A HOME 0F WAR-WII AND FPtIEND- liness, large. 8 nm. boUse with space for 2 addltlonal bedruis. a-nd bath on 3rd *fi. 2 car att. gar.; large 'recreation rm. wlth stone ...replace and complete eîluipnient., Beautlfully landscaped: wvith, niost enjoyable view. This houle is. an unusual offering and can be purchased où reas. teruis. Baird & Warner; m Ic. 1051 SKOKIE RIDGE DR., GLENCOE GLENCOE. 1554-BRIAILGATE' 1855 46LTN45-tp UNIUSUAËLY 'ATTRACTIVE 10. RM. house, on fine 75 ft. lot, 2 blks. f roin *lake. Large liv. room and library each with firepiace. also open' porch. .irst i. lav'., second fi. bas 5 roomis andi.2 bat.hs. 2 rooma and bath on jhird. H.- .hetwith gas burning boiler, 2 car garage. Every, convenience an d property. iný excellent condition. Pricé. * $0.00. 340 Linden, AVe. Wilmette 68-444, «6L45-1,tc FOR SALE-NEW 5 EXTRA LAR, *room bungaows. Lit 37'i2xl40 ft; Near good transp.; .schools 'and churches. «Very easy terms. Price $15,000. 1723 and 1727 Elmwood Ave., Wilniette. Owner on premises. Brokers Co-Op. . . 46LTIN45-1tc * KENILWORTH 46 WA.NTED-MOtTSEHOLD G00DB \VANTED TO BUY - SECOND RAND furniture and other househoId goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St-, Evans- to.111. Ph. ,Univ., 189. '66LTN48-tfc 67FOR AEtICLAýEU Buyor'.and- Seller have found, the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE of l nestiMable, value. Many a deal involving hundreds of dollars, has been thée resuif of a Classified ad w hich icost but a few. cents. -..Classified ads will b4 accepted every evenîng untfil 9. PHONE, WILMETTE, 4300 Wednesday -before 9 P.~ for th urent Issue 16 FOU SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE - OWNER LEAVING FOR lonjg. stay in Europe, desires to seli house near Indian Hill Club. 5 bed- roorns, 3 baths, 2 car garage, ,,acre lot. Superior finish. Offers considered. Wi'n.ette 4974.' 46LTN45-lte FOR, SALE:- ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL bouse, east side Wilnette, four bed- roonis, panelled library, two car gar- age,' lot 50x2l0O beautiful elnî trees. 11ear sehool and transportation. 4 119 9th St. Tel. IVil. 1978. 46LTN45-ltc FOR 'SALE OR RENI', 7 ROONI HOUSE.. beautiful 'wooded 'corner, also 50, foot lot, reasoxiable, near transp., sclhoo1s. owner. Ph. Wilniette 3191. 46'LTN45Ie 49 ACREAGE A-ND ESTATE I-)ARRINGTON DISTRICTý_ HO-ME ON FOX RIVER, 2% i ACRES of 4ills and woods. Coimfortable V .around bouse of 8 rooms and bath. Boat housesi.Completely furnished. Riparian rigbts. Ideal for boating, skating, coun- try life. Use electric Algonquin.'orBar- ringto'n stations. $25,000. Inspection arranged. * MRS. FULLER HOMES 1618 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 7220 '4SL45-.1tc fil WA-STED TO BTJ--HOVFsEs BEST S'MALL HOU SE, $1.000 DOWN. North suburb. Write Wllmette Life B- 174. .61LTN4.5-ltr 63 WAN<TEJ) TO BUY-V,%CA-NT 1 WANT A DESIRABLE LOT BE- tween Wllmette and Giencoe for resi- dence. Fronted 75 feet minimum, nust have good depth. Will pay aIl cas-,h for bargaifi. State full particulars, B 173 Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 63LTN45-Itc 64 ANTIQUJES ANTIQUES FURNIrURE, PEWVTE-R, G. L A, S S, china, tapestries, paintings, prints. Anierican and- English antiques. MARY ANNE DTCKE 808 Washington St., Evanston Openi S9 a. m. to 9 :30 p. m. 64LTNý45-ltc ANTIQUE FABRICS. TAPEtSTRIESç china. -French Provincial furniture. YVONNE SOHN. 123 Washington. Evaniston Grif. 651)? 64LTN98-tfr- Always in Perfect Taste,. FOR SALE-PEMIER DUtPLEX VAC- uum.. Cleaner cost $60 n ew, also baby' size pick up cost $20 new, both ln per- fect condition, will sel each at hait :price.ý Ph. .W%'ilmette ý4025. 67L45-ltec HAVE A BEAUTIFUL- BAeY GRAND Piano, . walnut, case, on. which a- large aninunt bas been paid. Owner cannot continue payments. Do you. want this, piano at 37.00 a month? For Informa- tion îwrite to, L. S. Burns, Auditor,. OBox 19%. Chicago. .67LTN44-Stc WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGO îOc -per lb. 1232' Central Ave.,- WiI- mette. 68LTN4SJIp ~PEL~4 ASES3INTNOTICE 1-I1LAGE 0F WILMETTE SPIECIAL ASSESS3[EN.T NO. 271. NOTICE is hereby given to.aIl persons iterested that the President and Board of TruStees of the Village of Wilmette, in t he County of Cook and State of-. Illinois . having, ordered that the' first alley south of Maple- Avenue, from the en7t gutter line-ot-Thirteenth Street to' the west gutter line of Park Avenue, be lnîproved by L-rading, dralning and paving with reinforced portland cernent concrete, and otherwise improvlng the sanie, ail in the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook and State of Illinols, ilie ordixaance 'for the sanie belng on, file ln the office of the Villaige Clerk, .ind 'tiaid Village havlng- applied to the County Court of Cook .County for an nssesment of' tue costs of sald luiprove- m nent.. accordiflg to ýbenefits, and , an assessmnent therefor. having .' been. made .înd returne to sal court, docket No. 211. the. final hearlng thereon will be liad on the llth day of August, A. D. 1930, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., or as soonthereaifter as the business of the court wil. permit. Alil persons, de- siig nîAy file objections. ln said- court hefore said day and may appe ar on the hearlng and malce their defense.' Said ordirlance provides for the pay-, mfent of said assesmnent In ten, (10) in stalinients, wlth annual lnterest there- on ât the rate tif six per cent per SDated at .Wilmette. Illinois, this 23rd day of Julv. A. D. 1930. ietka .FOR SALE BY OWNER, NEW 6 RO -brick bome, brick garage, steel case- Ment Windows, roll screens, Clotex ln- Sulation. H. W. béat and automatlc H. W.heater, tule bath, âne lodation, con-' venlent to -3àechools; Cathoile church an#d stores.ý BargaIn. B-175, B9ox 40, Wilimette, Ill. 46LTN45-lte. REAI4TORS 460 Winnetka Ave. Wlnnetka 1800 55LTN45-ltc '725 Greenleaf Avenuie Glencoe 1051 65LTN45-ltp 25% Reduction ON ANTIQUE FURNITICRE AT LIND- wall's 808 Oak St.;,' Winnietka. 65LTN46-2tc,