Robiert Armstrong, who did things in abig way in "Is Zat So," is out on a ranîpage again with "Dumbbells in Ji'rine" as the resuit, which is plaýi Î' at the Wilmiette theater Friday; Bol) ia prize fighter and Jlimmy Gleason is lis trainer. Beryl Mercer as a yery Iice littie girl trying to be .bad, aided Ikv a.modern grandmnother, .is plenty good enough. It's a funny picture withl I bunch-of excellent Unes. "The Second Floor Mystery" i, the * fare for Sunday and NMonday. Herè's a rnystery-comnedy based on Earl Derr Biggers' book With a plot that boasts of being something new. The 'cast is hieaded lI)y Grant Withers 'and- Lor- etta Young and includes '1. 'B., War- ner, Claire McDowell. :and* Sidney Bracy. Mary Astor is charming in , "The Runaway Bride," Radio Pictur'es' bill- ing replete with murder, thieves and a * string, of pearis. Lloyd Hughes is the other half of the romance. "The Vagabond 1King.", filinversion, of . the, famned light opera in w-hich Dennis King created a Francois Vil-. * Ioni that will long lbe rememibered, cornes to the Wilmette Thi:rsdav« and Friday "by request." I-Iere's a p)roduc- *tion that noone, regardless of -whetlier lihe lias seen, the original, should mIiss It's in techniicolor, the music is superb, and a, well selected 1.cgst rounds, out' onte of the. brillianit pictures of recent IUrnes. Kay Francis Playing KyFrancis, who is featured ini a cpbelead opposite Williami Po,\ell i!i "o the Defense," now piaying at a lop theater, is Ronald Colenian's leading lady ini "Raffles." Ka>N-i1 raelier a new coiner. ýShe, as- bora ini klahoinia CitY and declines to com- Inen onHieyear. It È, ldn't liae been so very long, ago owever, b. cause, Kay do'sii't have, th e appear- ance of a graurlînother who's staged ,a conîeh ack. But what. we * started. to sav is that there is* a decided runior, *thiat Ronald and Kay are quite lui- terested in each other. Whih av be aIl publiçity huey. F IL M titie asks: "Do I-usbands De- ceive?" And the answer is: Not so their vvives Cali notice if. Presumnablv for la ck of a theme song. ý"Th'e.Sidewalks,>of' NewYr wvas filmed in 'silence. Dorothy' Mackaill, one of the "Bright Lights" of the screen, will be starred, by Fimst National, in a taîkie titled, A'Bright- Lightis." "Toast of the legion" has been nicely br jwned. by tlic inbyes. ...... Vitaphone liass given "The ..Silent Hero" a chance to speak out in bis.fù~h McaI gereen achievements. "Danger Within" niakes a poor sign for a movie theater. "Drug Store Cowboys" Soda fountain -catastrophes disclosed in the miovies: -,\ade drunk by malted milk. Driven inad by îut sundaes.. Shot to pieces by' grape juice. Remît asunder hy a banana split. Destroved .by pineapple temptation. ToId in Two Lines *"On to Renoé" -Divorce 'Made Easy" Movie advertised as "an optical spec-, tacle'.' should be good "for, the eyes Romance in* Reel Life Warmner Brothers will star John Barrymiore in tlhe taîkie, "Moby Dick." XVhen this movie vvas doue as a (lui) filmn it was. titled... "The Sea in %,,ucL.JJos, are I.ieVa 4L iJVn Varsity theater. for the remainder of the week. If you want to Iaugh real down-right liard just forget to expect anything with sense to it and go see "The Cuckoos." It's an uproar. Buddy Rogers sings for his fans in "Safety in Numibers," which opens the billingý for the coining week at thé Varsity. Buddy plays, heir to mucli dollarinos and has an uncle who knows bis. way about and places Buddy in care of three "Follies" girls. Warner Brothers present* John Barrymore in, the Barrymno re- version of slaps.tick i "The Man Froni Blank- ley,'s." John does a good job in this rldicul6us story of an English lord- who attended the, wrong di nnerparty. Loretta Young is the. gay young thîing., A NEW ARRIVAL A second girl bas a rrived in the 1'ousehold of Mr.. and Mrs. King Vidor, the' latter somewhat .better known as Eleanor Boamdmian.* They weren't quite prepared for the bu.ndie, o squawks of that nature, having select- ed a namie .suited to a boy. Hence the new arrivaI thus far is a stranger. June 21 i. September 1 Box Omeie open 9:80 A. M. mIiil 10 P. M. dalIy and Sanday Telepbone Elgblanul Park m727 "THE cUCKOOS" Bert Wheeler - Robert Woolsey Moniday and tuesdiay, Augfust 4-5 Chles Rogers ln NUMBERS" with Carol-Lombard, Wedneuday and Thursday, August 6-7. John Barr"more in 11MUN PROMÀ Fni., Sat., Aueg.,8-9. AI JolIson 1120 Central Av. PThon Wilmette 414« Matîne Saturdays, Sunêly,,and Holiday. Oniy Contiuoigs fnonm 1: 30 Doôrs open evenings.6:30 -Toniqht's Pictue-Frid.ay with Gea.' n Chandler "'Runaway Bride" .......... Wilmette "Safe.ty in Numbers" ....... Varsity Wednesday, August 6 "Man From i lankley's" .. ... Varsity "Ri*iaway Bride' *e'........ Wilmiettc ,Thun.dmy, Auguat 7 "Vagabond. King" . ....Wlet "Maîx Fro m Blankley's." ~. ast Fridai, August 8 "Vagabond -King.........Wilmette tibn of the fearless in ganIgsters, is Said to be rather sensational in "Man Trroub)le," Fox mielodrarna of love, thé' newspaper ganme and the underworIcl. Somiehow that seeius to smack of !4e Lingle case. Wonder if? Guess we'Il have to wait and sece. Doprothy Mackaill plays the other lead. -Only the Br 'Not Datr -Cuckoo "Shoot