Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1930, p. 36

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1Ca r, Need Or Greasig2; Our modern high-pres- sure washing andý greas- ing, service wil ,quickly Srestore, your ca r's lus- trous appearance> and eliminate. fhe bother- some squeaks.' Wc Cali-and IDcliver PChon e Wilmette 1915 Give us a trial-we're Io-. cated directly in, the rear of the Wilmette'State.. bank building. 1209.Washington St. Ille congr'e I ga til)n. m8p.n. Mid -weelc service. St. A ugust>ne's, Next 1supday iI1 ho theie îhsup- day :,fter T rinity. lThlere wiii hoýIlfolv Commninon at - 8îa. ni. anîd ,liy (oî- inînion with addr*ess atil a. i. Next Stinday, b)einig. the' first Sunday, in thononth, iili be the Corporate REAL;ESTATE LOANS Have funds tojoan on North Shore residential. property at reasonabie rates. See.us on renewals. Miso mortgages for, sale E. G. ýPauling & Co. 10 S. La Salle St., Franklin 7740 *MORTGAGE -n bouses, opartments and business properties for 5, 10, or 15 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La Salle Street ..RandoIph6600 CHICAGO GO"""LDEN DAYS 13y E VANS Drawn for Wilmnette Coal'& Material Yard I 41!-,"- -~ e . - ***1#*' ~% -- .11 ~ ... va Womian's Club, Tentb and Greenlleaf flever-end Clyde R. Wheelanid, B. D. S]5 Greenwood avenue Phuone '%Vi. 3281 Chur-ch office, 'Sta-te Banik building- "The Wolerful Way of Living,- xviii- lie the subi' ct of Di.Welndssru Sunday, Apuust 3, at il a. ni. The Suîîday sehool nieets t9 Ia. ni. with classes for ail ages xvio pr."S io-ý ward, the goaI of Chistiian Edu'at ion: 1. A personal relatioilship with 'God. 2. An underÉtanding of the life .and teaching. of Jesus, lecadifig toa aa- ceptance of 1lim a.U Saviour, Friul, Comipaion and Lord, and ahattitude of loyalty to Hfis cause., 3. A desire to, buiid a Christian com i- niunity and a Christian %vorld. 4. The experience of. a growing Chris-, 1tian chjxracter. 5. The interpretatioms of thle Christian character according to a Christiait standard. 6. A knowiedge ofour religions heritZige especially the Bible. An.-An appreciation of, ou'r Christ-an heritage. VVe suggest to. ail Sunday sChool xok ýr.s to make aconparison with fold.'aim and %ee hoxv these objectives compare with their own is The Pra-yer iieteting Is ciscontinned lui- tii the opening of tuie Fali wiit > the chureh program.. l'le Plans and C<ontîaci(t '.ollit*t-'. mneet eàrly next .week. to, examine th-, finial dr-afts o! the peitn ' plans for: the new chutrrh building. '%Ve bave gdir i)ieasant anticipation of an' -earily start on the ex edifice. The Finance coul-mii niittee of the Gener-ai Building com- mlittee hais iîd the meeting icsar for thé- Irustees* action heforle ihe Con Uregalloîal me1(eting is cilled tg)pîrv thef flnidings of the coimiittee. WVe )o St. John's Luthera n Wilmèette and Park avenuIes, Wilniette Herman W. Meyer, pastor 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396 Church telenhoné 3.111 SERVICES Surtday. August a Seventh Sunday after Trinity 9 :30 A. 'M; Sunday schooi and Bible classes Ni :0.M.confessional service for comn- municants .1:45 A. M. First service and Holy Com- miuni on 11 A.%M. Second service and sermon "The Biessing of (bd an Essential -in our Labors" The Lords Supper >wili hoecelebrated, in the 9:45 o'clock service on Sunday morn"- ing next. The confessional or prep)aratory '-riefor, communicants ivill begin at 'i):",0 and the 'reguar ser\ieat 9 :15. Ml1 thos- desiring to reeive the Sacra- mient wili kindIv announce this to the 1, , ýtor at the ie nrsoflatge on Saturd.iy -i fternoon or. eveniiig. The pastor, Rev. Herman ýW. Meyer, lias returned f romi a two-week vacation 'ft ilnthie NWisconsin 1i k- rfri,"n w.i his,ý faniW yand wili azain oecupy the iiuipit on Sunday mornln-.. The choir of St. John's is to partici- mbit in the golden jubiiee service at St. 1P1aul's, LutheraTi cbu'ch. Niles Center,, iiext Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Th:îr .-v rvice is being heid in celebration of. fifty vears in the ministryof the pastor 'ý'St.Pais the Rev. Frederlck Detzer. Tncidenttally, pa-st'>r D-tz4-r ha-; ben in charge of the NesConter chureh for, forty-nine years. Con gregationalCh urch l'ère V.* Lone't,. Ministér Elizabeth B. webstp-r, Director of Reiigious Educat ion Ne-%t Sunday Prof. Archibald G. Bak1<ir of the Unversity of Chicago .will occupy the pulpit ln the third of a series of union meetings being coniducted in con- operation, w!th: the Baptist churcb. Tbe service wil ' be held in tbis church at Il o'clock. Follo-wing is the muùsical piro-, gram: Prelude: Harmonies. du.Soir Karg-Eliert Solo: Gloria........Buzzi-Peccia Sunig:by, Lester Srnithi Offertory: Romance ....Vieuxtents Sc-in:,Come, Ye B1lessod ...........Sétt Sung by Lester Smithi Postindo: Schierzoso....... .Rhiinberger. Mrs. Ireine Bei'den.Zaring will be at the organ. The Chut-ch school continues its, one- hour session beginning at 10 o'elock on Sunday m-orning. Miss Webster bas rz- tu'r-ned from ber vacation and. will bave chagenf the Tntpîrmed1iate depairtment. j4200 I Il, TB£ OIL WELL - BOB 'N MAC MAIN STREÊT at LINDEN AVENUE Phone WILME'rrn 3334 5>eciaUists ï BUSINESS BOUE re-u

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