Motor Club Report. Encouraging statistics just an- nouinced by the Chicago Motor club iiïdicate that niotor travel has, suf- fered no. depression this year. The ruunber of requests for toufinig.infor- .1 n.-ation d'uring the first six months ut his year increaed 53.«3 per ceiit over the saine priod last year. "in the first six months of, 1930 our sixty-four touring 1ureaus -in Illinois and Indiana answered 198,357 requests for. routings, informnation on hotels and camping facilities and other touring data,, whereas durinig the first haîf of 1929 the, requests tôtaled 129,368j" a niotor "club officiai poinited out in, a statement. "The. net increase this year was 68,989, 'or 53.3 per cent. "The increase is actually far greater than appears at first glanc.e. Car own- ers this year are driving more. miles per day and t aking, longer vacations than-t ever 1e.ore. On long trips the «Wt dailv average mileage of most tourists is in excess of 300. OnIy three years ago a daily mnileage of 200 was con- sidered satisfactory. "Whiereas in former years a large .nmber of motorists asked, for rout- ings covering, not miore than twoý Weeks' drivinig, today they are asking for trips that- require thrce and more wveeks. Form.erly, the Wisconsin lakes or'Niagara Falîs appeared 'as reasonl- able objectives to pmost vacatioflîsts. Todav they drive to the> national îparks of the wvest, or the maritime prov- in~ces of Canada, or make an extended *tour of the Atlantic, seaboard." Chevrolet Popular With *..New York. State Troopers The automobile, as a necessary adjunct to crime detection and preven- tioni plays an integral part in activities at the New York State Police barracks, according to Fred Richardson. 724 ElIm street, Winnietka, north shore Chev- rolet dealer. * The.ý state troopers, under Major Johni Warnier, now. operate 180 cars, of' *which eiçghty-two are Chevrolets. and With the world becomning muore and More motor minded, motorists are fast becoming attuned to the proper oper- ation of their motors. For example, practically every mo- torist knows tlîat if bis engine spits. the carburetor mixture is too lean, and'if it -gallups, th e mixture' is, rich. A. simply. remedy for theseý ilis is available in, al .Graham models, .ac- cording to Jianson Motor Co, 557, Chestnut street, Winmetka, Grahani agents. Grahlam, eniploys- a onile-adjustmenit carburetor which may be regulated' by. a novice. At-the base of the carbu- reétor is a metering pin.,*Xhenturned to the right, the pin ctits down thé gas mixtuire; .wheni turneèd to the left, the Mixture. is increased. For proper adjustment it should be turîîed slowlv to the right until the enigine bcgins to) miss, anci then to the left very slowly, until the engine, fires evenly in al cli nders. This is the only adjustm ent needed and regulates the gasolinie-air' ratio throughout the eîigine ranages. When the e'igine idles' prôperly, the carbui- retor is set for maximium iperformance, and economy. Thie carburetor operates o11 the automnatic expandiiig piniciple,.to v ary automatically at high or low, speeds. V'ariations in altitude oôr tem4pe rature do tiot affect its performnance. At high altitudes -the ligliter air is comi- peîîsated for b.y the resistance of the vanes. The. proportion of gasoline to air is thus autom'atically maiiîtained. Ups and clowns in temperature have the 'same effect as higher and lower altitudes. There are 42,000 buses used by schools ini the U.nited States. AUTO REPAIRING ]Personal Service at less than Flat Rate Pricea. Low Overhead-your galn. ROSS SKELTON Wilmette 345à 410 Prairie Ave. Rear £flI fltSr 11111101S yav ing 9fl JtC -- - which is estimated will cost approxi- mately $3,000,000 will be received by President and Mrs. Adams got Iost Chief Highway )Engineer Frank T. in the woods in 1800 while driving Sheets, on August 6. Included among froni Baltimore to Washington. MOTORS SARMOCE AUtOM0Q9IR NEVER. CLOSED- The Largest Motor Repair Shop in w;Îmette KREP COOL It'ua ncsrnary to keep your radiator calm and cool as you boi along at 40 or 50 on that va- cation tour. It'U nsover heat or boil if yota lot us check it up now to se if flusbing. cleaning or repairing ia needed. A fre,, inspection lis cheer- fully given. '~M14AIN STRET Witmette A B VAN 1 J, C. SLOWN i. DEUSBI Visit Our Used nue, nowever, remfains cioseci netween. Touby avenue and Dempster s treet,' Wvhere widening is stili in progress. The detour around the construction on Milwaukee avýenue is, north on the Waukegan road to Dempster ýstreet and West -on Dempster 'to Milwaukee Avenue. Packard 8, 4-43 Deluxe looks 1k a new -car; 6 condition throughout; e car now available at Cal the (lied Car Departrnent and Arrange 'for a Denstration, PACKARD MOTOR CAR CompANY 0F CH-ICAGo, HuBBARDWOODS BRANCH Winnetka 3070 925,LINDIEN AVENUE G'cnef6030