iBaptist cnurcn will reaci the service at 4 o'clock. Miss Helen Depue, sister of the bridegroom, wilI be thé mnaid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be, Miss Anîtat Kiernan of Whitewater, Wis., and. Miss.' Katherine, P.oster of Fond du Lac,ý *Wis.,ý Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters of, the bride at the'University of Wisconsin.. Mr., Depue's, best nman will be *Charles Drake 'of Hightand- Park, and the ushlers wi-W be Rnight Porter o f Chicago and Hugh Bloodgood of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Oison issued the invà- tations this week for the service and - for the reception which is to follow. it. After a wedding trip of. three or four * weeks Mr. Dejpue and is bride wiIl be a*. home in Evanston., Mary L. von Hofaten,* A. S. Wiley :Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Hugo von 1IHofsýen have àuihouncéd the . engagemient of their .daughter, Mary Louise, to Ar- thur Sterling Wiley o! Los Angeles, son of Sterling Price Wiley of Bost;vi. *Miss von Hofsten ýisý a graduate of Bryn Mawr, and Mr. Wiley is a Har- vard man. The von Hofstens,, former' residents of Wininetka for rnany, years, have spent the past two 'winters in Pasa- dena, Cal., where t.hey recently buit a house. They still spe nd the summers at their camp at I<eland, Mich, and the formàl announcement of the engage- ment was nmade at a Iuncheon given there Saturday * Miss von Hofsten is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Case of 160 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, and acousin of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Noreni of the same address. No date has been set for the. wed- ding. An*nounice Marriage Mr. and,.Mrs. Fredrick Luhrs o! Quincy, Ill., annodunce the marriage ný their daughter, Sarah, to.George Mid- Miss Grace Powell of Atlanta, Gi., mwilI be 'maid of honor. Thîe brides- ruaids wiil be Miss Jessie Dennison, cousin of the bride, Miss Helen Wes- cott of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Tom Ches- terton of Canibridge, Mass.., Miss Mar-, qaret McDarr'nd. of- Cincinnati, Oh:."*, Miss Elinor Jarvis of Tenafly,- N. J., and.Miss Mahelle Long, sister of the hridegroom. Datia l3ackus Of 'ewYork City, will bel the best mani. The ushers are Mor- rison' McCormiick of Milwaukee, Ar- thur and George, Fitts of Framingham,. and Herbert Chalmiers of Framningham. Three tiny cousins also are in. theé party: Doris Jensen as flower igirl. James C. Painkey as train hearer, and Robert Dennison as ring bearer. SA miscellaneous shio,%cr was, giv .en Saturday, J1dyIl, 11by à cousin. Mrs. Lee, Bender of Chicago,- for relatives and intimate friends. Last Tuesday. afternioon a luncheon.for the bride-to- be and ber bridesnîaids was givenl by. Mrs. James Garard, a former .eiassinat'e ai Welleslev, at -ler home on South Park boulevard, Chicago. Mrs. Kenneth Borgen of 2IEàstonl,' for»merly Miss Catharinie Hall of W!-_ .mette, ent ettained Tuesdayý night 'atra waffle supper for Miss White and the bridesniaid.s. Miss Jane Nystrom of W~iinette entertained WT ednesday qf ternoon at a luncheon and bridge at the Shawnee Country club.. That eve- iig a beach party was given in Ra- vinia for ail the bridai attendants. Mrs. James Pankey, a cousin of the bride, entertained Thiursday afternoon atYhuiciheon andl bridge at the Edge- water Beach hotel in hionor of the bride-to-be and the hrid(ýsinaids. This afternoon, a trousseau tea ior fifty guests will, be, giveni at the bride's homie and a rehearsal dinner will be givenr tonight at the Edgewater Beach hotel. dendorf, soni of Mr. and Mrs., George N. Middendorf, 515 Roslyn road, Kenil- worth, at the Cathedral of St. John i Quinicy on July 20. is .now ready to serve you from 11i:00 A. M.ý to 8:oo P.M. 6elunche.ons. Dollar Di*nner and ALa. Carte. S unday, iî:-oo A. M. to 8: op P. M. Dinner $1.25 689 VrnonAvenueGlencoe',Il PhOne Glencoe i1784 HR'E:IT 1ISIl Anew Frigidaire Saut.222 Carlson Dutildiug 636 lUC ST, EVANSTON, Eveujugs oý b AiPPoinm.eut UNIVÉRSITY 9709 DOWNTOWN DISPLAY BOOM: 151 N. Miel. Ave. Tel. Bau. 49&1 Evaudton, 1081 Sherman Ave., tiroeialeat' 4480 IgiglIand Park, 858 CÇeutruil Ave.; R CO. GENERAL OFFICES: 219 E. X. Water St., Tel. Whj. 8141 Hubbard Wde., 8M Lialen Aie. Wimmetka 1611 Pub. Service Co.e. .l.IIL At ail. thoir oRbtes