up. in autos ; some remained in camp, making a total registration of 145 Scouts. The boys who left on the train are as follows: Troop 4, Wilmette-Herman Meyer, Arthur Morf, John St. Clair; Troop 5, WVilete-JÔhn Bartholomew, Bill Bowen, Grahami Burke, Locke Rogers; Týroop 11, Wilmtte-Paul Demipsey, Don Petersen; Troop 15, Winnetka-- Burnham Caikins, Fred Kriebel,,John Muhike,; Troop 16, Winnetka-Sco)tson Webbe; Troop 17, Winnetka-Hamil- ton D)aughaday, Charles Dunlap, Doni- aid and Kënneth Rahn, Theodore Smith; Troop 19, Winnetka-Franklin Merritt, Bobby Mitchell; Troop 20, Winnetka-Ge.orge Friestedt; Troop 21, Glencoe-Second .Mate. Normnan Erickson;, Troop 23,'. Glencoe-PhiI Dost al, Ronald' Preston; Troop 24, Hubbard, Woods-Philip Flôzaà, Arthur Xloepfer; Troop 26, Winnetka-Frank Hilpert; Troop .35, Ravinîa-Dick Gaut; Trroop 43, Wilmette-G*unnar Birkeland.; Troop'45, Lake Forest- tom Atteridge (assistant Scoutmaster), Edward Bàac, Edwin *Ileier, Wesley Griffis, Allen Hokenson, William Man", Ian McPherson, Joseph- Seccombe, Marshall Strenger; Troop .48, Lake forest-Calvin Gartley (assistant Scoutmaster), J in Christensen, Fre i Jensen, Kenneth Kennedy, Frank Pek- arik, Bert Raymond; Troôp 52, Deer- feld-Edwin Wood, Junior. Officers Harold Huhn, Kenneth Vetter, Ed- mnund Koebelin, jack deBeers, Ben Brion. The following boys left by auto: Troop 17, Winnetka-Robert Faxôn; Troop 36, Highwood (under direction Assistant Scoutpiaster Louis Young)- Elward Brown, Ambrose Canitagal!, Lucian Carani, James. and Robert Gol- den, Mike Gulandi, Richard McNe, Edward Nolan, C. Notagracomio, Er- nest Santi, Frank Shelton; Troop 37, Hý-ighwooôd (underý direction of Assis- tant Scoutmaster Lloyd Moon)-Mar.- vin'Brownlee,',EdWiti Cowgill, Anker. Jeppesen,, William Roberts, .William Russell, Carl Salidçrlioff,, John Schae-, fer,- Robert Stuùpe v, Raynmond Walz,-; Rob)ert Wicklander; Troop 43, Wil- ivette-1Wilbert Kunz; Troop 45, Lake Forest-Lawrence Freernan. David, imi kis, iiasn. îignts, pendisi soap, towels, tooth paste,- bathing suits, sweaters, axes, first aid kits, ink, hunting knives, fishing tackle, mess kits, çanteens, cot pads,' stationary, padlocks, merit badge pamphlets, mocassins and signal flags. Candy, is a sideline. "DELAWARE"-NEW CAMP The Scouts of Troop 22 under their scoutmiaster, -or. Hedgcock, and Troop' 33, under. their assistant scoutmaster, Mr. W ightman, have, already. or- ganized and haveplanned to make an excellent village out of DelaWare. We have improved the village very much in the time that we have been here. The Scoutmasters have planned to rmake. Delaware' the best village in camp.-Lee 'O'Brien, Troop 24, Hlub-, bard Woods. BUILDS TEA TABLE A ne* tea table hbas been, con- structed by Mr. Kreusch assisted by Junior Officer Williams. This Rew handy device is a large table of three__ trays- It is moutèd on' wheels, its purvose is to simplify the task of car- ryingr dishes f rom the tables to the kitchen. ,After meals this table is pushed froni 'table, to table and the diseès- are stacked on, the trays. Cooksey, Flbert Eniery, Frank Men- veil, Harry Neilseni, filIy Schick, John Staehle, Richard :Tlormeyer, Arthuir 'rruelsei, Woodrowv Wilson; Juni-)r Cifficers John Brenner, Jacob Jeppesen. Eyes that hv ýxtrai WITH'EVIERY SUIT OR OVERCOAT. ORDER WE LOSE MNEY. Wn Evry SaleOrder It Keep&,Tai.,. usyF-GansYour GoodwiII ana Futur. Patronage, SAVE MONET ON ýWINTER, CLOTHES TeRoyal Taiom n me.1641: 0 Aveé The. event you have been waiting for J ordan's 'Summer Sale of SHOES I.' il Here's a special selling event that' s timely -an opportunity to select from our entire stock exactly the footWear yrni need now, at prices that say VALUE t. B egin Sept. 2 Evanston Business College 11718'Sherman Avenue k Jli 634 Church St,, Evanston Univ. 0971