A *Y tu . 'M& U &F m"The Bartered Bride," Smètana's elodous and amusing Bobernian. work, will have it s first performance at Ravinia on Friday night, .August &. It ià to Ile given in Germnan aid'Ithe titie rote will- be sung by Elisabeth Rethbergt i0ho lias a role wbich is.en-, tirely different. fromn any othier she blas ever sunig at Ravinia. It is said to reveal lier not'oiiv as a great dramatic, singer, l)ut as a comnimediennè as well. Mario. Chanilece will appear opposite her in, a splendid lyric part Others ini the cast include Marek \Vindheini, Louis D'Angelo. Ina Bourskaya, Mar- gery Mafàxwell,, Philinie Falco, George in a striking ballet, and Louis Hassel- Pians will conduct. The, seventh week 6f Ravinia. opera will begin this Sunda afenonA-1 gust 3, with an orchestral concert -ea-~--- turing di-fferen.t neiners of the or- chestra as soloists. There. is no charge for seats at tlhese, concerts.> "Lcia" on Sunday .On, Sunday nlight, August: 3, Donm- zetti's -famnous. coloratura opera, gdLucia,".w'ill be given again, with Miss Florence Mecbeth ini the title role and Mario Chamilee as Sir Edgar. This tuneful opera is always a favorite it Ravinia. MNario Lasiola .%vill have the splendid l)aritone part of the brother of Lucia. Virgîlio Lazzari will sing the role o f Raymond ,Lodlo,.ico> Oliviero is. * to be Sir Arthur, and Philine Falco will be Alice. Mr. Papi will conduct. Giordano's mielodrainatic master- piece, "Andrea Clhenier," ,%ill 'be re- peated on\olidaN- night, August 4. with Madamne .Rethhbefg ine, the role af * Maddaléta, and Giovanni Martinelli ,in, the namie part.. This hierculeanr work give both'artists Olportutiity. for un- Y m*ited. display of. thatdramatic sing- ing ini which, hoth excel. G'iuseppe Danise has one of his giLatest roles as Gerrard, the revolutionist. Others in the cast include Ina Bourskava, Ada Paggi. Mr. lYAngelo, MIf. Wlideina, Mr. Oliviero. Mr. Defrere and Mr. mnarked contrast between the two parts, and in assuining both in th- same evening Madamie Bori exempli- fies in a striking nianner ber great ýersatiIitv . "The, Secret of Suzanne" is entertaining an-d 'musical, while "La Vida Brève," colorful, exotic, faricinat- a character portrayal tmat as vivai and cral. Armand Tokatyan will sing opposite bier as the faitbless lover,~ *while Madame Bourskaya will be the grand.mother, and Louis D'Angelo the un1cle. Others in the -cast are Miss Falco, Mr. Cavadore, Mr.- Cehanoývslxy 1and Mr. DIefrere. There .is a colof Ul ballet in wvhicbý Miss Page and Mr. Scott, arec etrd Mr. Hasselman vwill conduct. In "The Secret.of Sul- zannie" Mr. Tokatyan will also sing opposite Madame 'Boni as. Counit o;î, while. Marek Windheini will -be the dlurni servant, Sante. Mr., Papi will 1 ccnduct. The children's concert and enter- tainmiient on Thursday afternoon, Ail-, gust 7, -will conisist of an interesting program by the Chicago Symiphony or- chestra, conducted 1w Eric DeLamar- ter, an entertainnment hy Yoki Japs ini featsof jugglinig'and magie. Cliildren tw(elve years of age and, under are ad- mitted free, and seats are, free toaal, t-he-g%te admission coveriing everything. 4Carmn" on Thursday Onl Thursday night, August 7,.lizet's ",Carmieni" will be offered agaiin, with the sanie cast as befofe. Madamie I3ourskaya vvi1l sing the titie role, whli!e Giovanni Martinielli will sing Don Jose. Others. in the cast are Mr. Basiola, wbo is to sing Escaimillo, Madamie M\otnti-Gorsey, Miss Mlaxwell, Miss Falco, Mr. Oliviero, Mr. Cehianovsky. Miss. Page will dance "La Flammienca"y during the second act. Mr. Ilassel- aians will concluct. As annouinced'above, "'The Barteredi Bride" will be given its flrst Ravinia l)resenitation on Friday nigbt,' August- 8. This will likewise be the first pro- fessional presentatîin of this famous work ini the, Chicago, district.- Swigarts Leave Next Week for Year's-Study Abroad Miss Estelle. Swigart, 'cellist, and *er brother, Ceorge Swigart, whvlo is a violinist, will leave Wilniette next Wed.nesday and wiIl sail onl the S. 'S.T Milwaukee on August 9, for Europe. Thev will arrive inn -2ir2 and nA i BONELLI TO TOUR AMERICA Richard Bonelli, tenor, flow vaca- tioning in Europe, wiII return to Amer- ica for a transcontinental concert tour before joining the,Chicago Civic Opera- company, next season. Th Cehicago Symphony orchestra will play Chabrier's "Bouree Fan- tasque" on Tbursday afternoon, August 7, at Ravinia Park for the childreti's concert. They will also include two numbers from the Deenis Taylor "Alice in Wonderlanid" suite, .' &arden of Live Flowers," ,and "Jabberwocky." The final movenient of Dvorak's "New World' Symphony"' will.be played at the close of the program. The entertainiment follovving the or'- chestral program w 1ill. be. given by Yoki Japs, and is. said to be a novel European. offering. Mr. Valley and his dog are said to give a routifie )f unusual acrobatic stunts and novel tricks.* The dog is said to be an Italian %Vonder dog, and be., is said to1 sing a duo ýwith bis .master. On August 14 is. the, North Shore Variety1 day, with. acts f ron every north, shore town from Evanston to Highland Park. This takes. the place of the carnival in whiclh north shore children 'have participat.ed for a nu m- ber of years. There will be dances, songs.istrumnental, imb)ers, and a boy pianist. On Augtast 21, Clair Omiar M\usser, who is internationallyv famous, wvill briqg bis narnima-ce leste, which lie d emonstrated last winter ini Orches- tra hall. Members of Orchestra to ]Be Soloists on Sunclay Memibers of the Chicago Symphony -o -1estra wiIl appear in solo numbers on Sunday afternoon, August 3, be- gin.ning at 3 o'clock, under' the, direc- tion of Eric DeLaniarter. This concert interrupts the series of national con- certs. The solo, part of the prograi wilI be presented by Ernest Liegel, Aiite; Robert Lindemanun,. clarinet'; Edward Llewellyn, *trumpet;4 Marcel 1-onore, h.orn ; 'John. Weic'her, violin;- Joseph Vito," barp; Pellegrinio Leece, liorn; Carl 'Bruckner, 'cello; Hugo Fox,. bassoon; lrneEvans, viola;_ Fran- cesco Napollili, English horni; Edward Geff 1ert, trombone. The orchestra will play the "Eurantbe" overture by WVeber,. a n d Rinisky-Korsakoff's. 'Spanish Caprice," in wbich the per- cussion section will be fcatured. %-Lilial w .-. lit, s nw.appe-aiug as guest artist at the opera in Brussels. Deemis Taylor's new opera, "Peter lbbetson," is to be published by j. Fischer & Bros., New York, who also published, bis ,previous, opera, "The King's Henchman." Skokie Country Club By R. L. P. Attending a musicale on a Sunday afternioon at the Skokie Country Club, seems,.] to be about the. nicest thing w can think of. doing in summier. The third of this sumtmer's mu.sicales wvas given last Sunday afte.rnooii bv'Mrs. Marguerite McAdams and Miss Olgaà Sandor, pianists-, andi by Pèdro Espino, seleced copositions that thoroughly' pleased the rather large audience, and there wvas th at note of intimacy-and. friendliness one does not often find ini the concert hall. Tbe.living.rooni and. porches of the club are ýspacious and airy, miaking 'an ideal place to sit w'hi1e hearing the music. Mrs. McAdams and Miss Sandor gave three groups--oUt-piaio.num-i" bers. Three of Mauirice Ravel's niam- b>ers from bis Mpther Goose' suite were llayed first, the " Pavanne of the Sleep- inxg Beauty," "Làideronnette, Empress oyf the Pagodes," and the "Épisode 'of Beauty and the Beast," The.simnplicityý and static cleanness of Ravel, bis dainty imagery and econorny of' ex- Pression ivas WelI brought out by the tï7o pianists. The two-piano arrange- ment. in. the second number, especially, permnits the inner melodies to receive their just due. The group was con- cluded with Carl Beecber's lively "The Jester," a difficult and tricky piece wbich was excellently perfornied. lu another group, Mrs.. McAdamis atnd Miss Sandor played the lôvelv Arensky "Romance" and bis "ýWaltz" -with that grace and delicacy that makes Arensky so irresistible,,teasing the imagination. The waltz was- repeated in rýesponse to the applause whicb followed it; George Gershwin's famoius- "Rhap.sody in Blue" ended the programi., This is a trenien- dously exacting composition, not only tecbnically but, in' the matter of rhythm. That it ýwas played with zest and spirit is to the great credit of bothý pianists. One feels that Mrs. McAdams and Miss Sandor are in perfect accord- rhythrnically and dynamically, and that mood of them. He included two English songs as encores, "0, My Be- loved," which is a setting to a verse of. Omnar Khayyarn, and the theme song from "Ria Rito." Both of these were welI sung, having the smoothness an& the.fine texture' soinetimes 1lackingi the Spanish songs. 1 b Ci c p v