nt imue. . carde of tbsi*u, obitu- ents or other afare where ablihed, will be Obarwed at Grade Separation wil Save hf e Let's have ,im mediate.action!. the main subject of-conversation. There are in existence a number of de- vices for bettefing the reaction to hot weather. XVe name onilya few to give you the general idea.. Consider eooling drink's like. limeade, iced tea, and cold .tomftato. juice.ý Coîîsider the foods that are. obvious- ]y hot weather. foods like'salads and breaký-- fastý cereals. Moreover, use certain instru.- nients if.you %vouldenjoy hot weather. Try. , the electrie fan.. the exertion of using the ordinary hiand fan add-s to the heat. And finally, every north shore resideut, over one year old and even somne under knows how cool Lake'Michigan is. These are sontie ways of ,eîj oying hot weather, but the best -of ail these is the first, nanîelv, don't talk or eve tlîink about the lheat., I The village. trustees of Wilmette, binto whonî has been entrusted the, welfaàre of ,î ~ their fellow-citizens, have decided t'ô put> the - îianaging of the affairs Village. of the village into the bauds Manager of one. whose business it shaîl be to so ianage these affairs that the: village shall prosper and( grow. It has seeniedý to the trus.tees a wise stel), and it surely seemis 50 to those who are students -of comimunity goveru- nment. The village manager Jdea is first of al f. theoretically sotind. It sad orao that the activities of any organization wvill1 flouisl moehealtlîfully if controlled by an intereste(l exp)ert ýthan if entrusted to a body of;>itizeais not so expert and not so0 directlv' in téested'. Also it bas' usuially f been found, that a jersoîî wvlo is laid a fixed suini-forý his- services. -%\Ill render îîîore- adequate service than if given no mioney '4ý compenisation. Wlîat is onîeinîan's busa- ness, is bis parti(cular business. What is. everybodv's businiess is nobody's business. Tflie village inai~e plan has w%\orked ont well Mi otiier lnortlî shore towns. Village plants have l)ee i natiaged Nith remnarkable, econionîl lw onue resl)olsible l)ersoai. Nôt onlv %witb, ecouoniV but ofteu vil decided. S roit Nisncsbig aiîd littie. wbiei broughit to the attention of. a v illa ge mlanl- age.r have b)ecu quickîr. quietlv, and coini- * pletely doune awav ~ib rqcii f .village hiaae as sUccee(l inigiu th e cooperation of a property owncr whlîî a trulstee in.git casily an d laturallv la\,e faie. AIl of. us take correction more gra- ciows1 froîîi an autliorized itîdividual thian froin iie unathorized. Hot Weatker iridividual feels 'that * . weather of 100 and over cani be not only endurable but pleas- ant ? Well, ýthere do exist speciflable. ways of not only enduring but even of positiveély.eni- A local a(d calis o ar.attention 1. to the sad fact thât "thie flues are hiere agaàiii,",aind urges us to inlvest in a liquid or p)owýdcr flv kle:Wc really didn't The Plies nec( to have our attention A gincallcd to thils sad fact. be- cause even now and heére wev cati easilv see the uinvelcomne visit ors and ean feel theni. walk-ing. on our sensitive *skin. One is Ju.st now liting us. Swat! One less flv' We are for-ccd to adniire the persistence -O.f the conîniion house fly.' Drive one away and in rnuchi too -short a tinie .he's back-. again. Not the saine ly ? Weli, it's either. the saine flv or his twini.Anva the newv- couIler* is pit,1t ii\eIcoiîe as the original. (helit oni our car a second ago, and ini hastîlv brulshing hlil*olf %we allso atl hruslîed off. our glasses. Buit that fly w i l coic' back. le %will not be warned by any- thiiiug short of cath itself. Mc wo nde vhiere the flv stavs throui the inter (lavs. XVe hiave never studied flyoîdýgy, so -we have, no theory to advance. Aviation is making such rapid strides that even information about it Iags beliind. The web, of commercial aviation lines grows every day surprisingly. As an ex- ercise in imagination, try to conceive. thé state of sky-piloting- in 1940. qu- to weat et it ýnýci<leiztallv as also tâ Stimie ne to exp( ting o n loss to or just. "Well, my husband imagines at times that lie is the head of the bouse," snappecl back the 1. o. t. h. "That remirads me," said the man who watched, the steamn shovel at work. "I'm to play golf to- >Contributions. gratefülly received. -Mique. heat splendid record ot service in other communities. during the past few çlecacles. But the happenstanceý that occurs te us at the moment is that bis coming- te the north shore rounds out a quartet of village managers, since l(enilwortb, Winnetka and Glen- coe have been for some time adequately endowed'. in that regard. We cannot help butfeel that complete harmony- (though. perhaps flot of, the musical vaiiety) should. nwprevail among the towns of New Trier. ýHav-. ing incomnion. their work, which is almost identi- cal ini each of the communities in question,- this select group of experts should acécompligh not a a- littie ini the ivay of fostering inter-commun .ity accord... .. And. having rambled along this line for a speIi* wc shall now desist f rom further trespassing upon the domnain of leil Ossifer, wbo gamnbols .i n the columnns immediately to our left, and, proceed along another. vein. Promotion,,of inter-communlity- accord, as here- in-before hinted, after al,; suggests the organiza- tien of a New Trier Village Managers' quartetP available to ail New TPrier civic organizations at booster banques, citizen&' harangues, and political cauicuses. Two of the. managerial gentlemen, we. happen to know, are possessed of commendajble vocal talents, since both have been heard. to war'ble lustily at service club gatherings. Onfe of this pair brazenly adtnitted, fnot more than a, week ago that tliat he sings "Americ'a the Beautiful" during the fforning shave, thougb 'tie, family is.partial to bis rendition of. "Pull:,Ybur Shades Down" (und wie es weiter heist). The prescriÏbed. ail-round ability "of' Village Mfanagers suggests that it would be a compara- tively simple task to develop a quartet that could. sirig the Itraises of New Trier in1 al sections of the' land, thereby, off setting the genieral opinion. Ilnw extant, nainely and to wit:. that tlhe north shore tnerelv constitutes sleeping quarters for den- izens rof the wicked metropolis. Along with Hub, who: is do ing a high flier in, aviationi editing. (on terra firma), wear e.rapidly becorniug air-mliinded, siiice only, last Week we 2-chieved the ult imate ini something ýor other by tak'ing a Ienigthy air jaunt. without- motiey and without 1rice. At. that'rate, we, could be aloft as ofteni as Lindy and laugh to shamfe the guy tho. iflvefte(If thle pen ny-a -pound (cost1y for us) sight- s;eeilng tours.