Dr. Clyde L. jrose, dwrector, will De Dr. Paul Hutchinson, ananaging editor of the "Christian Century," Dr. Delton T. Howard, prof essor of psychology and personnel director at Northwestern University, and Prof. William S. Braden of the religious education department of the university. Dr. Hutchinson was to give the first of is lectures last evening,- speaking, on "Organized Religion and the Po- litical Revolution," and will talk tbis afternioon at 3 in Garrett chapel on "Or- ganized Religion and the Social Revolu- tion." He will complete the serie7s Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 6 and 7. Dr. Hutchinson, wbo bas written ex- tensively and lectured widely on re- ligious and 'social questions, is the author of a recent book, "The United States *of Europe," wbich bas. enjoyed aà broad reading. Material for tbis book wbicb deals'with the, economîc and political situation of Europe was gatbered by Dr. Hutchinson during a long' visit abroad four. years ago. He wll speak under the auspices of the' scbool of education. Dr. Howard will give bis final lec- ture on "Science and tbe Modern Man" this afternoon at 5 at Annie May Swift auditorium, bringing to a close the-series of the school of speech wbich bas proved popular during the summer "In the Land of the Incas" wvill be theé subject of. Prof. l3raden Monday ot Indiana. Thne visit to the Stevens will be paid tomnorrow afternoon, the party leaving Davis streèt "L" station at 1 p. m. Tbe group going to the dunes will leave at 8:30 a. m. ýSatur- day morning in a bus, and will spend the day swiminfg and picnicking at tbe dunes. HistoricalSocie-ty Has Fine Ceramic Exhibitionh The fascinations of China collectingý aire great and 'what true, housewife - does not take pride in ber corner cup- board ber china closet. or whatnot? 'rhe charm of 4'old dishes" attracts both the wonan without nioney and, she of the well filled purse; too, ùaniy. nien, thete are who. succunib to the allùrernent of beautiful china. The cerarnic exhibition' at the Chi- cago H.istorical society containing as it does priceless pieces of, historical, Staffordshire will delight the heart of the lover of Early American china and cause the coliector to break the teiith cornmandmient over and over again. Mugs and jugs, plates and platters, fat, squat coffee pots, taîl thin tea- pots, most pieces a deep richb bIne, cthers lavender, red or green, incidents and scenes froni Amierican istory the lzanding of the Pilgrims, the landing of, LIaFayette ; perhaps the plate pictures a sceiie from the Catskill Mountains or a picturesque view along the Hud- soli; soinetimes the face of Wasbing- The sun shining through ruby 'glass vases and botties tbrows a rosy glow over a collection that will aid'us in cultivating an appreciation of the work of our Amierican forci athers. Miss Dorotbea Smitb of 324 Cumnor rodsailed last, Friday on Ahte, White Star liner,- Homeric,. for Europe. Sbe is accompanied by ber cousin, Miss Gert- rude. Smith, -of Staines, England, who bas, been - visiting her. for tbe past six weeks. dealers, to reduce the selling price on ail our sterling silver flatware. Tihe same unsurpasséd quality,, exqtaisite master craftsmansbip, massive weight and distinction in design will prevail. We are plecased torelay this. message to prospective buyers and'present own- ers of enduring Gorbiam Sterling, that thymaytake immediate aedvantigc of these niew low prices for silverware -justly world famous. D. Pagliaruh,4 hfÎ Wilitte avenue, plione 180.. OUR WARM WEATHER PERMANENT WAVES WilI safeguard Sumnmer Beauty for your Haïr. You;wili wmnt a wave that will be scientific- liIy fashioned wîth Modern equipment te Iast through the. summer aun-awive with distinctive smutnmm and beuy. 'Mr. Gansrienders, a personal attention ~..~*service that insures satisf action * Special &arbers for cuteing 'ladies' mnd cbdldren's hait 'DANIEL GiANs HmIR SH-op *tSu Main St. Opp. Evanshir. H.t.l AU Phon2 i EVANSTON UI. 66 t ""'«VG <1< THE VILLAGE CLEANERSp lnce Telephone WilmetteL 781 Evanston Phone--Greenle'af 7441ChcoTeehn- lyout07 I I m-