ped for. serving cars of all types. Spe- cialized car lubrication and bigb pres- sure washing of cars wiIl be features ofthe new plant, it is announced. The building itself is set back f rom the walk, providing space 50 by 70 feet for tbe two wide drive-waàys and. accommodations for cars. The Fourtb Street Auto Service, Imc., under tbe management of AI. Roden- kirk, is the outgrowtb of tbe former L..and R. Auto Service, wbicb for the past ive years b as operated. in a leased section of the Linden Crest garage. Mr. Rodenkirk, with tbe organization of tbenèw conlpany, bas disolvd he <.and R. Service. The Misses, Blancbe Keil, Mar- guerite Steffens, H-elen Hermes, Lois Miller,. Dorotby Schinler, Ruth Braun, and Anna Braun, ail of Wilmette, sailed Jul 11, on tbe Carolina to spend some time on Wbite Lake, Micb. Dr. Alice- D. Tuttle and ber daugh- ter, Dorcas, of Wilrnette returned last Fr1 day f rom a mtor trip through the eàst and Asbeville, N. C. Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle joined tbem to motor borne. -O-< John ýMcKeighàn, son of, Mr. and Mrs. A A. -McKeigban' of 1025 Green- leaf- avenue is on a Montb's mtor trip witb Mrs. E. Nelson and, son, Sher- wood, througb tbe Soutb. and M'est. 0o- Mr. 'and Mrs. K. D. Kin~g, of 914 Gýreenleaf avenue, are leaving today for two weeks at Eagle River, Wis. Mrs. King is convalescing slowly froin a ten week's ilness. 0o Mrs. Merritt H. Deiment, 337 Ab- lidttiord road, Kenilwortb, is baving twelve guests for dinner and dancing at tbe Clu.b Vista del Lago on Satur- day night, of tbis week. Miss Bettie Joslin;' daugbter of Mr.: and Mrs. Alex'S. Josin, 2410 Essex' road, ,Kenilwort',b as ..returned to ier' home f romn Camp Bryn Afon ât Rbine- lander, Wis. 0 o- Miss' Beatrice Driver., daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Charles E. Driver. 423 Abbottsford road, Kenilwortb, has re-' turned f0 ber home f rom Camp Ne- waka at Ward, Colo. The Rev. Herman W. Mevers. Mrs. ,wrepesn, nr-o-, ntygcss Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Reebe have inoved to 510 Fifth avenue. Dr. Reebe. who Is an alumnus of Northwestern eniversity Dental school, bas opened an office in the Wilniette State Bank building. Miss Ruth Gant, who. bas, been spending the summer witb Mrs. George T. Evans, 1609 Tenth street* left re- cently for ber borne ii Springfield, lit. Mrs J. N. B3oardmnan of, Paris, Ky, is visiting her daughter,- Mrs. J. L< EarlywineT809-ýLinden avenue, for the rcst of the sunmmer Frank A. Meter of 114 Fourtb street is spending several days with bis son znd. daugbter, Vincent and Mary, inl Three Oaks, Mich.. L Beautiful women everywhere chersh the youihful 1l*ovetiness of fair smooth skin. OnIy a healfhy skin' çan stay young. Yo'u'II have a lovelier, younger ýskin when you buardls health. Treat. your complexion kindlY. Have if cared for regularly by1 a really*,good beauty' specialist-try one of our Snow Cooled De Nelda Beaufy'Sel,, 1651 Sheridan Road, Wilmelte Wiimete,45'76 .!,,.ft.o.O.,O.,.1466..o.0.0oe0.u.ooeooeooe4Ioeobl0oe4Ieobl< - 6 Ii~ .11 Freddie Lund's FLYINGCIRC us SSUNDAY AUGUST 3rd. Outsde Loops-Outside Spins, Upside Down Flying + +. -+F World's Only Looping Glider. Parachute Jump + + + Girl Making Spin of 'Death. Free Parkinèg -AduLts, 50c; Childrem, 25e Mich., for several weeksý --- Mrs. Mary Maddox and small son of San Antonio, Texas, have been spending a week at the homýe of Mr.ý and Mrs. R. M. Campbellý of 631 Cen- tral avenue. E l-