Unique Style Shop L1126 Central Avenue Phone Wilmeite 2403. -à-, ..À . . À À A AL '& À . À À . À À . À purtneni n the saviscreaýted by oDur Iowcosi methods Of food distrbution. You rective tlh. full beoiAtof this partner- shi p in our evéryda y Iow prices on quiity froceries. CHOICEI FRESH MEATS Newsp aper wiIl use -this space to insert address of mteat departm.hts Beef Roast No Bones39 Swiss Steak- Thck 39cl. u. ~Fancylb MiIk F d ~I Chces Stewin C Broilers 34jc AMERICAN HOME, BRAND Root B8ef12arc Ginger Aie hl12 C pLUS Se DEPOSIT ON EACHOI PTLE Heinz Tomiato Ketchup. Èes ot 19C j-lc Fort LIea"bm Uraliams orSulIed Sodas cdy 2 3 %d bic 9 Cr.ckers Budiweiser Malt Syrup à % singzularly with the' north shore sub- urbes, on Augtist 15, 1928, which posi- tion he is now resigning. He is a memiber of the .Wisconsin Cîty and* Regional Planning association and. was president of the National: City Managyers :associatio .ry>in 1921-71922.1He. willl le accompan ied to Wilrnette bv. his, wife. Suùpply Pastors to Preach At Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Marcus Grether, assistant niinis ter of the first Preshyteriîan ch.urchi of Oak Park, 1 will assume the post of supply* pastor a t the Fïrst Presbyterian chiurch o.f. Wilmiettè* dur- ipg the vacation season -while Dr. Clyýde R. \Vheeland, the nminister, is on vacation.. Mr., Grether begins his duties- here. on August 10-.wfd %vill serve until August 30.,Beginiiiing Au- gust 31 the Rev. William', M\clnnies of Chicago wil! be suipply -pa1stor until the end of the summiner sa~n Miss Marjorie Koenig, daug«hter of; the Edward L. Koenigs of 1028 ELîn- wood avenue, is recovering f rom a sevére shock, incuirred on Suniday while swimmiuig at ýVilrnette beach. Miss Koenig was attempting a sailors dive. and struck bottom n such a mannier as to incur painful injuries.- She was re- moved to her home and vas attenlded b- the famiily physician, Dr. B. I. Mitchell. Pare hie -wîiI be relievec i wth te inaugura- tilon of a council-manager form of Vil- lage administration on At*gust 1, was unaniniously adopted by the Wilmette Village Roird of Trustees. last Tues- day iiight. ýThe measure was submit- ted by Trustee' Stanton van Iiwagen. Mr. Schultz, it w-as outlined by mem- bers of the board, lias, for mnany vyears been foriced1 because of the large amounàit of detail ýwo rk to be han.dled, ini1 the administration of the Villages affairs, to take care of nxmatters that ii realitv did not. faîl t o» his- office. Large or sinall, it was - stat,ed. Mr. Schult Z lias alwavys carried theni to a successfui close with tact, dis.patch.1 and ýdiplôimacv. He will1'continue as s ulerintendent of publicworks under the- new forni of government. ... A 'petition. bbeariing .fifty-eiglit sig a- tures and requestiiig that Mr.' Schultz be retained, in the capacity of village mianager.when the new sV stem of gov- erninient is inaugurated. waspresente'd to the board1 Tuesday niighit. -The board previouslv, how ever, had adopteil a resolution appointing C. . Oshorui of Sliorewoodl. \i to the. positiçÀi an-d the, matter ~a place.d on ýfile. Rev.:eCarl .I. Ernpson Leaves on Vacation. The Rev.. Carl .. Empson. pastor of the Mrilniette Englishi Lutheran church, will leave early next xveek, for a month's vacation in 'MNichigan. He will preach' Sunday rnorning, july 27,. at the il o'clock- services and will tiot return. th the pulpit until September 7.. The put- pit of the churchi will be supplied by visiting pastors and niembers of the, church council, it is ainno)ulced. Miss Marion Baldwin, daughter. of. MNr. and Mrs. George Baldwin, of 1117. Greenleaf'avenue, will return next week f rom, a week's visit at Three Lakes, Wis. Mrs., Raîpli Woodward returned Frit7 day to bier home- in Bloomfield, - N. j,,, aiter a two weeks' stay in Wilmette as the guest of Mrs. James A. Carruthers of 1535 Walnut avenue. The Drug Store in the Middl ie o!the Block inaster rrattsmaiislnp, massive weigifl and distinction in design will prevail. We are pleased to relay thiis message tô prospective buyers and present own- ers of -enduringi Gorhaia Sterling, tiiat they may take î.iinediate,, advantage oftese new low .prices fr slerware -justly world famous. -Adv. 't' 3 IWi 417 NATIONAL TEA CO@ Gertuine- F, ý