Poor tires can ruin a good vacation trip. And -it's, so unnecessary! 'You can stili get the value of the remaining mileage in. your old tires without any of the risk and .worry. Simnply drive in and get our proposition on a new set of Firestone Balloons ail around with our generous allowance for your old tires-or if you only need a pairwiII trade jùstthe saine.. Corne on in. 2847. $7,00, 31x5.25 ... $.35 2x ..$8.4S 33xý6.OO. $11.60 Wilmettel Battery& E lectric Service. 740 Twel fth 'Street Phone Wilmette 691.696' Thrif ty Coal Users..',. Are'Placing Their Orders Now The wiae nman buys hi& coal during the summer months when prices are lowest, deliveries clean and the fuel is of the best quality-cleanan rd dry. You will mpake a womrt-whuie ,aving in yôur lbeatng costs next witer by Itbng uas iii your bin' NOVI with Consumers, Guaranteed Coal or Coke. EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Cburch St.: Phones Univ.'.4500. and Wil. 1300 L' VAR GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 5MOR BRAUNý Co* Telephones Winnetka 3020-1»2, "For Fuel-Use 011" Robt.F.Del Phil H. Brun Carl L. Braun I M 1 .4 - I .:u: Phg: Hi Bmun C"I