*Work on Wifrnette's new municipal in- cinerator plant was being rushed to com- pletion this week with a view of placing it under test firing during the latter part of next week. The test will be conduc- ted under the supervision of Hal, W. Smitb,, résident engineer of the Superior Incinerator company of Dallas, Texas. 7builders of the plant, and under the ob- servation of Village officiais. The test comprises operation of the two furnaces tbroughout tbree, teti Sour periods ith a. required consumption of four tons of mixed refuse during cach bour. A. temperature of 1,200 degreei farenheit must be maintained atail timies during operation. Following the completion of the tests, if sais factory, the incinerator will be. taken over by the Village. and- represen- tatives of the Superior Incinierator com- pany will renfiain at the plant f or a per- iod of several days' to instruct -Village employes in the efficienit operation of the plant. Require 40,Tons.,Daily Incinerati9n tests ~ilreluire more than forty tons of nnixied refuse-wrapped garbage and conbtistibie mnaterial, suchi as.wood, rags, paper,. and like material- for èeach nf the three test daysf. In view of this f act, an appeal was; addressed by the board to 'residents this ýveek to begin imniediately to observe the provisions of tbe garbage bandling and * collection ordinance under which refuse, wil be submitted for incineration. Tbis ordinance, wbich will bé presented for passage at the next meeting of the ' il- lage board and wbich will become ef- fective imiediately upon approval by the. board, provides that ail garbage shall be drained of surplus liquid, wrapped in paper and placed in suita- ble, covered receptacles from wbich it mayý be collected by Village 'trucks. * It' is realized, Village officials state, that there wiii not be sufficient wrapped garbage available f romn Village sources, to meet the needs of the test. For this reason e arrangements have .heen mnade witb Evanston and Winnetka to supply a sufficient quantity of mixed refuse to- meet tbe. required forty tons daily. Use Wrapp.d Garbage Ouly TTn.'Lr.thelw .nnract .uth the Suiprinr beach. will be two of the outstanding evenits on the summter piayground pro- gramn, Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reation announices. Tbe natural outdoor theater of Vait- mai pa rk will furnisbi the setting forý tbe dramatizaàtion of tbe well l knowni Indian legen d by 'a cast of playgrounid children, ail of whom bhave had no moreé previous training than tbat received i the story ànd dramatic bours this sum- mer as a. part -of tbe playground pro,-, g ram.., One' bundred and fifty chiidreni wi ll take part in the production, or will have had' part ini the designing and mtak- ing ofý costumes and sccncry. Every costume- worn ini the pageant bas, beein made as a, part of the bandicraf t pro-à gram during the regular scheduiedhouirs for suçh. activity. Manv of tbe children wcre able to design their costumes wiJih- ont bclip from the inistructorsbuit ii al cases the costumes were made hy , the children tbemselves, Mrs. Jay R. Br6wvn. dr.amatic instructor of the summerplay- grounds announces. The -preseîatat.ion of the pageant cornes as a .climax to the dramatic wvork that lias been. done since the playgrounds opened. Mrs. Brown biad devoted one morning of eacb week to.eacb of t he piaygrounds. 'and bas produced ýon eacb ground various playlets and, pantomime. 'Hiawatha" Will be the oniy production that will belgiven in the evening and to whicb tbe general public is invited.,, The principal characters in the cast iin- clude : Wlawatha as a boy, Dorothy Holway; Hiawatha as a mani, Kathleen HoIway: lago, Mary WhiIte; ýokorni. Virginia Green; Ghost, Jane Brandt; -Mudjekewis. *Gealdtne Buneh -.Minnebaha. Lucile Hoffinan; Arrow Maker, Geraldine Hoff- man; Guide~ Loretta Steffens: Guide. Roseniary Day; Reader, LindseY. Field. Priest. Marjorle Hill. Dancers. Dorothy Davis, Gladys White; Mary Edna Kraft. Betty Todd, Jane Brandt, Doretta Steffens, Mary Loul se Schaeffer, Mary 0glesbee. Helen Scha.et- fer, Virginia Marsb. Verna Arelianbàult The sand-môdeling conlest on Thnrs- day will be attended .by aIl the .play- grouqd.s children wbo will spend t4 afternoon at the beach. Some of the: piaygrounds are planning to bave picniic luncheons >on the beach and swimming parties following the contest. Tbree Village authorites to all residents to immediately start preparing their garbage for . incineration. This means to drain off ail surplus water, to wrap the refuse ini paper and i-) place it in covered. containers where it may be picked up by Vil- lage trucks. Evanston and Winnetka have agreed to ý suppiy the, garbage needed to bring 'the total to forty toits a day. Tbey are cooperating' ini testinig ilniett&'s Iew inciniera-. tor. Will you? Remember: drain it, wrap. it inl paper and place it wbere it cati ble Dic1ked up by the trucks. Village Likely to File, Demurrer to. Ekrlic Suit, View: Ant extension of tinie in the filing of ait ans,.wer to the, petition of R3enjamin H.. Ebrlic, Chicago attorney, Who is seekùtig to :have the W\iitnnitte building and zoninig codes set. aside to permit the construction of ant apartmnent luilding of. "ordiinar3, construction" ov the plainiff's property atFourthi stret and Laurel avenue, was granted at,- torneys for the, Village,,of Wilmette in the Superior- coùrt of' Cook county early this week. R. ecause of the nature and import- anice of the suit, Village Attorniev Charles H. Jackson and Edward .. Zimmermani, associate counisel, con- tended.. the ýtime limit originall'v set byv the court (Thursday of this. we.ek)I for the filing of the response did not permit the preparation of. a proper answer to the. suit. -Ehrlic*s petition, enteired before the court several weeks ago, attacks 'both the Village zoning and building codes as "discriniinatory and unreasonable."' In view of the dual phases'of the suit, it bas> been, advanced in local -official circles 'as likely the. attorneys would file a deniurrer to the petition. The suit wiil probably corne up for hearing in September, following the summer vacation period. U TIV ~ . William A. Otis o f Winnetka, for several vears vice-president of the Circuit Theâter associationl of the north shore, bas been named president of the well known clamatic' organizat ionI to succeed Arthiur H. Boettcher of Ev- anston. who bas retired. :Mr. Otis has been. actively. associated, with the Circuit theater virtually :siocqe its inception several years ago under the enamfe of the North Shore Theater Guild., Besides serving as, an officer and, director, he bas been a, designer of scenery, an actar of. character roies and' production director. M&CY is Vice-IPresiJeut j.Williams Macy, also of Winnetka, will serve as vice-president of the asso- ciation., He, too, is known on the north shore for bis work in amateur drama- tics and for bis wide experience with ,music, particu larly bis knowledge of iight opera. He bas been popular as a si nger of the ý Gilbert and Suillivan operettas and is at presentbusy direct-. ing the production of one of themt at Ravinia. He bas been affiliated with' thie Circuit Tbçater organization, for- ineriy the North Shore 17heater guild, since its inception. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson of. Hub- bard Woods bas been reelected secre- tary of the theater corporation, and' Gordon, Wilson of Wilmette is treas- urer. Both have been active in the Circuit theater activities for several seasons, Mrs. Dickinson having played ini its first production ten years ago. Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins of Highland Park and joseph K. Shippen of Glen- coe have been added to the board of directors. Its other members are Mr. Boettcher, Leslie M. Parker. Davis of Evanston; Mrs.. Sherman Aldrich, Mrs. Laird Bell.and Mrs. Frank C. Whiteot Winnetka, and Louis Ellsworth Laflin, Jr., of Lake Forest. There are two va- cancies on tbe board expected to . bc filled soon. Forum Committe« 'Committees and chairmen of.local ti-cket committees are being -formed -ad appointed f rom al the north shore towns. .Tbe following' statement ,is, made by John Allen Stewart, who con- tinues as business manager for the association: rians von Remsperg 15 cnairman. noon, of- golfing Wednesday at Nipper- sink Golf club, near Genoa, Wis. The AT HILLTOP TAVERN trip to Nippersink was made after the Miss Jane Dpig of 913 Central ave- regular Rotary club luncheon at tbe nue and Mrs. W. G. Glover of 1240 Shawnee club. A motor bus conveyed Forest avenue are spending a week.at the party to the course. A dinner at Hilltop Tavern, just -out.- of' South the Nippersink, clubhouse folloWed the Haven. Mich. aftefrnoon's, play. while sumns on the purchase of things needed and used every day. Actionl Dy tne iNew JTrier xiîgn school board, on a proposed bond issue of from $850,000 to $1,000,000 for an ambitious expansion program at the bigh school to cover a period of two years b as ,been postpaned until early in September, it was au- nounced this week.