Write Wilmette Life B-121. 37LTN37-tfp 38 FOR RENT-HOIJSES WIN-NETKA SUBLEASE B3EAUTIFUL'HOME O0F SPANISH JDE- s ign with an unusually sPacious ln- terior. . 1 acres* of, landscaped andý gardened grounds. Garage for 2 carF. WillIng te sa 'crifice. For détails and appointient eall BAIRD & WARNER 528 Davis Street Grcenleaf 15 38LTN42.:tfe FINE 7 BM. BRICK9, GLAZED P ORCH- es. Large grounds, trees, garage. Reas. 1077 'Cherry St. Tel. Winnetka 2140. 38LTN128-tfc; G IloM r BUNGALOW, S(IEENrD iportch, nice Ya.iid 1010 Ash.Wint. 38LTN44-ltp CHOWCE BRICK 7 RM. HOME NEWLY d.ecoratted. 2 baths, Frig,- gar., Inchli. Near New Trier, lake, tran, Automaie operation., Low upkeep. $260, or rent buys. Wijinetka 1459. 38LTN444lte 2 RM. H !TD. APT. 1937 WlM,2%ETTE AVEý.: $37.50. Also 6 rm.. house, Sun pcb., .water heat. Gar. 1805, Chapel. Court. North- brook Ph..,WU.mette,-4978. 38LTN44-ltp.1 39 FOR RENT -PUOSE .FTR-N. ATTRACTIVE BUNG. NEAR LAKE, transp. Montb of Aug. Very reas. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 39LTN44-ltc FURNISHED HOUSE FOR MONTH 0FOp August. Near golf links and transpor. Ve'ry reasonable to riglit party. Win- netka 2307. 39LTN44-Itc 41 FOR RENT - IOOMS FOR REN- FURISHED BOOMS F 1OR light housekecping, also newlydecorated front bedrm. sultable for 2. Near transp. Ph. Willnette 4866. 41L44-ltp, FRONT ROOM. TEL. WINNETKA 2669. 41LTN44-ltp FOR RENT - LIGHT_-AIRY _FURN. roomn on east side;,close to trans.p. Ph. Wilmctte 1848. 4lL44-ltc QUIET. COMFORTABLE LARGE: ROOMI, suitable for 1 or* 2. Wilmette ý3206. 41LT44-1te I4OVELY LGE. RM. PRIV. HOME, NR., transp. Ph. Wllmette 966-M. i Ceed moderat frfrtocci ferr. Murray, to yroej Wiltnette Aý Buyer and Seller have found the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE of inestimable value. Many a: deal involving hundreds of dollars, has beên the result -of a Classifed ad which dost but a Few cents. Classified ads will be acceptedý every evening until 9. PHONE, WILH[TTE 4300 Wedneosday. before 9 P. M. for the Current Issue 46 FOR SALE-IIOUSES 1 el40 FOR SALE-flOUSES LAKE BLUFF DO, YOUR CHILDiiEN LOVE SUNI- LlGHT SPCIOFS Gi ýIENS AND THE LAKE Thechoice homnestead of Marion Clare- now for sale. This estate of nearly an >acre, at. 700 Center Avenue, Lake Bluff, is beautifully wooded and landscaped Witli rosebower and hiedge. Luxurious screened garden bouse and 3 car-gar. Ideal for entertalning. Lake 1Forest schools and acadernies close by. Priced reasonably for quick sale to allow Miss Claire to fil engagements .abroad. Send for descriptive cirefflar, or cali foYr price and full. Informnationl. BILLS REALTY,- INC. 1649 Sheridan Bd. Wil. 37é40 OPEN EVENINEIS 46LTN44-ltc North Evanston, Value 6 M., ENGLISH BRICK HOUSE CON-ý taining 3à bdrnis. and,6xW dressing rrm. which,.may b4e u.-ed as nursery, 2 baths, large ceopper screened porch. with French doors lcading to living and din- ing rms. Awardcd achitectural.. prize ln 1928., Fincat nmodern equipment ln- cludes plate glass, steel. casernent UALt anaU co2I ýeasantly ac- Lrge tarnily. 1, not to ex- 3 YEAR OLD 6 BM. ENG ental. Rcady ali moud brick. 1 block mbe?' 1., Ask schOol. Frigidaire, gas 0, te show It extras.,Ci owncr Wi 40LTt44-ltp A LAND VALUE. Owvner* wisbing to Icave town agrees to sell bis property for actual land alofle. Located ln S. E. Wtnnetka, nr., lake,- conv. to schools & transp. Very cern- fortable 7 rrn. bse., oil heat, gar. large grounds beau. landscaled. Winnctka 1194. .46LTN44-ltc WELL LOCATED 71 water ou hbeat. 11 Places, Winnetka E.dlectie. $1,000 edentRogers Park. 6332. 47L44-ltp 81 , RESOBTS FOR RENT-LAKE COTT1AGE FOR 6. Spoener WIs . $20 wk. Wilmnette 3610.' S~WANTED TO fiENT-lOUSES WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED bouse Wor 1 or 2 years in East Konil- worth. Write No. B-165. Box 40, Wil- mette, 1I11. - 514-ltp i-1te 808 Washipgton St. - Open 9 A.- M. te 9:30 ard ,any ANTIQUES -FIRS' FAT east et Rand Rd. and Dunl -ltc, J. H.Brinkerhoff. Ph. Wilmette £ 64LTN42-tte 6; FOR SALE-HSEHLB. GOODS ANTIQUE WALNUT éUPBOARD NEW- ly finished. AI so several other pleces. Cail soon-leaving city. 306 , Walnut, Winnetka 2810. ý65LTN44-1 te I,IVING RM. DINING RM., BEDRM. ,furn.; Gas range, oven regulator; chif- forobe, large mrrror-piano, featherbed,. Sun rm. drapes, desk and, chair, pcb.. ichair,; Mark Twalin's set 124 books,' large iron. board, geetional bookease. W,11- 'mette 3692. 65LT44-ltp BRAND NEW GRAYBAR VACUUM cleaner with attachments for haif price. Cali Winnetka 573. 65L44-ltp COMPLETE C014TENTS 0P 10 BOOM houe ,ncluding -Oriental ruga .and grand piano. 922 Oakwood Ave. Wil- -mette 65L44-1tp 88 WANqTED-HOIJSEIIOLfl 00008 WANTEDTO BUY -, SECOND HAND furniture and other household geonds. Ighest prices for sane. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emperson S.,Evans- ton. Ill. Ph. flnlv. 199. 66P14-f 6-, 1OR SALE-ICELLANEOIJ8 HAVE A,-BEAUTIFUL BABY GRAND Piano, walnut case, on which a large amount bas been paid. Owner cannot continue paymnents. Do you want this piano at 87.00 a nionth? For Informa- tion write to L. S. Burns, Auditor, P. 0. Box 195.. Chicago.. 67LTN44-3tc FOR SALE'-2-TONZ GREEN ENGLISH, baby cab, cnst $7;2. aimost new will scll for $20. Ph. Wilmette 4848., 67LTN44mItC LASine =iSur sIaJ =AflrJ *SS lu towards Riew onGL We, b right now 58 of these tr coats wblch w'e will s price. Shown on request oç Mrs. James c/o Miller & C largept'excl. turrner. 616 ave., Chicago. FOR SALE - HAMILTO? vacuum cleaner ln good con mobile baby basket, baby Wlnnetka 2171. MtOTOR BIKE WITI MC sale. Neyer been uscd. Wi l'isterria ana anston, Mr. and Mrs. 44-ltc Rockford were _US week-end of the [. rs. Mrs. Arthur J. De 144-ltp. wood avenue. ,ançUa in Lur riflle at a rly. Ask for o. Chicago's S. Michigan 87LTN41-4tc q BEAV1I A4irn n,u.o , DeBerard of useguests last Pnts. Mr. and of. 1220 Green-