Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 43

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011 companyo niaa .L. ford of Cord corporation, Samuel Insull,. Brit- ton I. Budd, Popular Mechanics maga- zine, W. Rufus Abbott, Robert R~. Mc- * cormick; Christian Paschen, Richfielcl Oji company, Earle H. Reynolds,, .. H. Armour, Curtiss-Wright Flying service. 1,.. B., Manning. of Cord .corporation, - John J. Mitchell, rigshy-Grunow coin- p)any. William V. Kelley, William \Vrrigley J- r., Philip Wrigley, -G. M. Reynolds, Kendall . Ou company,: E. M Wleymer,- Jerome P. Bowes, Jir., Schmidt Brothers Constructioun company, Aluni- munm Company of America, jack Mal- lers. 14. Montefiore: Stein, Rodney M. Bliss, C. F. BurgÉess, Butler Paper cor- pôrat ion. HordersIncorporated, J#ihil Wýentwvorth, H. A. Hiter, WVade Fetzer. Jr., G. T. Burreil, *Jr.. H. -L. Alford, A. C. Allyn, Walter Clinnon, National Lamp Works, Frank 'Guinlan,' George T. IÈuckingham. .\rs. Benjamin W. Bradley, of.,3101 Oxford road, Kenilworth, is to have her - ~ isterMiss.Louise McKelvey of Chi'. Cag.-o, ho has just returned f rom a i vear ,s travel of Europe,. to live wvkhq lier. in her home in Kenilworth. Mrs.g Bradley within the past two weeks had as her gueý, Miss Elizabeth' Hall of Shei'beyvil le, md., Miss Hall 'bas just1 returncd to her home. *Mr.:and Mrs. A. J. Elliott of 824 Ash-1 ladavenue are leaving this week for:' * Marinette, Wis., where they will stay until earlv in August They wil then. go to Oshkosh for a visit, and after stopping at home will motor to Oberlîi, Ohio. During their absenre a sister of * Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Paul Miller, Mr. Mil- ler, and another sister, Miss Anna Ro- 1hcck will occupy -their' home:. M\rs. Charles L. Ostrom and hier, son,r Rennolds, returned last- week to, their honie at 6W0 Third street after spend- ing >a monthà i California. I -o-- Miss Helen :F con .Tuesday gûiests at lier avenulle. Fridinani gave. a lunch- af terno. for e ighit home, .242, Greenleaf Mrs. F, E. Davenport was hostess to the menibers of ber bridge club Ftiday, July 18, at ber home, 404 Gregor'y avé- Mie. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder of 909 Chestnut avenue, have had as their guest for the past week, Mrs. C. H.î Boob of Kansas City, Mo. who was onher return trip f rom âthe ýEast. -Miss Josephine Bailey of Kansas Ci ty W as also a guest: Of the Klunders the latter part of the week. Miss 1lailey will réturn to her home the middle of this, week.; 0o M.and Mfrs. Leon B., Allen, 423 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, are spending two weeks in. Hartsdale, N. Y., ashe guests of Mn. and Mrs. E. D. Siaten and Mr. and Mns. F. -G. Allen. Mrs. L. M. Allen of 258 Melrose ,avenue, Kenilworth, will haveI the two Allen childnen, Laura and Jack, with her dur- ing the absence of theïr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherry- of 422 Abbttsford noad, Ke nilwonth, have had >as their ýguests the past tWo weeks, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crowell of Ithaca, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Beam of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mfs. Ch 'erry entertained their guests at Lake Geneva over the week-end. -o- Mrs. A., C. -Buehler of, 151 Abingdon road, Kenilworth, is expecting to leave for Pistakee' Bay, Wiïs. this week-end to, spend the remainder of the summer., Uer four chiildneni,.Cari, Barbara, Burt, Rosemnarie and her mother, have been at their summer homie sitîce the close of school. Mrs. C. J. Allen of Pittsburgh ar- rived last ,Sunday for a visit with her sister, Mrs- F. E. Daveriport, of' 404 Gregory avenue. Another guest in the Davenport home is Mr. Davenpont's cousn1. Mrs. C. W. WVangeri.en of 0k:- FIRST MORIGAGE LOANS Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, Kenilwortb, entertained her bridge club on Thursday of last week. Mrs. E. B3. Knudtson of 1141 Chest- nut avenue entertâined at two tables of bridge Tuesday afternoon at her home, REAL ESTATE.LOANS Have funds to lban on North Shore residential - property at reasonable rates.. See us on renewals. Alse rnortgages for. sale 10E. G. Pauling & Co., 10S La Salle St. ]Frnklu 1740 PLAT SAPE 11fi Cru"e st.1 Gm~ - imam COOPER, DYSARI &KUH Boned of Trade BUdg. CHIcïàoo MEMBERtS CHIAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD 0F TRADE CHICAGO CURE EXCHANGE, ASMJCIATB MEMBERS NEW YOR~K CURB EXCHANGE CON SERVATI VE MARGIN for execuing, orderf on: ail principal exchanges NonH SNoua HOTEL Pioe .Davis 827S Robert H. Christy Manage A comfertabl, appointed castoers' room bas bee fwrwi:bed for wm ACCOUNTS SOLICITED r. I '421 Ricbinond Road No Job Tosnail Phone Kenilwortt 2735 Kenilwortb personal Attention EBAJRD & 528 Davis St., Evanston J. SHORTRIDOR Greenleaf 1855

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