Butild $85,000 Addition to Hubbard Woods Public School, v J Contract has 'beeni let, according to Woods public school structure, at Burr to cost approximately $85,000. Hamilton, Fellows and Nedved, archi- avenue, Chatfield road and Laurel ave- The new addition represents, thec nue, Huhbard WVoods. fourth unit in the building expansion tects, for the construction of the fourtlî The, Thorp-Rogoff company bas program at the Hubbard Woods scbool. addition, pictured above, to the Hubbard started work oit the building wvhiclh is 'lie structure, originally planned by Fellows ai trim and natural Wilmette Shows Lively SPurt in Building A ctivity Seven of. the twven ty-o ne building permits issued in Wilmecte during the, past thirty. days were for new resi- dences, ranging in cost from $7,000 to $65,000. 'Bills Brothers are building~ two new brick veneer residences ini Indian Hll Estates, one at 1034 Rornôna roaci, costing $24,000, and one at 2819 Iro- quois road, costing $16,000. Herbert, W. Benson. has taken out 'a Permit for a brick residence at 2135 Thrnw(Ood avenue, costing $7.000. R. E. Crosby Returnâ- From Vacation, Jaunt and head of the Crosby Realty comn- patn 566 ,Crnter street, Winnetka, accomp anied by Mrs.'. Crosby, re-. turned recently f rom a trip through the Wolf river section of Wisconsan. T'hev ýviited with the Herbert Kim- -piece of work on the nesidence of B. Leo Steif at 615 Greenleaf avenue, at a cost of $18,000. One of the permits was for a $200 private garage, one. for à tool shed co.sting $300, .anid one- f6i1 a Iaundr room costing $800. Heating System Is Used to Cool Home in Summer It niaY seetp somewhat a panadox, but the miodern wanm air heating. sy stem that *comfortably heats the homne durnig, the cold winter season, also serves to inake it cornfortably cool during the lhot, muggy days of summer, aceording t). of $9,600. One building permit was issued for a new residence costing $10,000 and three were taken out for private gar- ages costing $l,20. Onfly eight perulits were issued dur- ing the mo 'th. The total cost of:these Harry S. Kisseil Named Piresident of National Board- Harry S. Kissell, of. Springfield, Ohio. was elected president of the Na- tioial Association of Real Estate boards for the year 1931, at the twen- tv-third annual conventionof the s Building activity in Kenilworth during the past thirty days bas been limited to one new residence, .which E. Scberer is erecting at 742 Cummings avenue. Ac- cording to the building permit it' is to be a two story brick veneer -with a two-, car basement garage and costing $ 16,000. I 1 - 1 i ., tdm, end naturat