s0 easy to HERoN-BRo50 73z, Tweilth Ste Wimeto 214 I vis neIAwsJ4jJVA, 4asLmis weew tour. The route Ieads through Gary, over the Dunes Highway, througli Michigan City and over U. S. 20 'to South Bend, I *. and thence to Elkhart. At ÉIk- hart take U., S. 112 through. to tbe His. A- short distance fromi the high-. way between White Pigeon. and Stur- gis. are severai beautiful lakes, includ- ngthe weII known .Klinger lake northj of, the highway and PickereI' lake South of thé highway.j The Irish Hiuis district, as the 'naine imfplies, consists of numerous his,1 j irom the Iish, ilils the route pre- pared by the touring bureau retùrns w-est on U, S. 112 about, five miles to a beautiful state park, north of the road, then to. the junction with M. 50. From this point the tour Ieads north- ,%%est on M. 50-to Jackson, ithen westý on U. S. 12 toB*àttie Creek, the homie of the famious Battie Creek saitarium., just a littieý west of here on, U. S. 12ý Camp Custer is located. Continuing SVM RSi Guaranteed Tire Repau*eing Good Used.Tire.s. ,140 Tw.elfth Street B attery6 e Service. -Phone WIIni.u. 691 ..ch...... J.- . . ................. Rolling Prairie . South Bend ,har, ake V. s. No. 112. Ind.-Mieh. lune ..... White P'tgeon, Mich. Sturgis.. . Somerset ........ Caffibrldge............ IRISH HILLS.......... BU LLET'I N!' Ou eppelin, according t lateat reports, i3 ini fourth positiosi in its a&quadron.. Zeppelin Race, Specas !Telp us andi we'II help you! Lowest Srnnmer Prices in history-and the £Cnet Goodyears ever built--backed by our aII-year service. Leadlug in production by millions'of tires annuallyi, Goodyear eujoys lowest <mts" and offers thé greatest values. Get our Zeppelin Race Sp- cials on All - Weàthws and Double Hagles,. too. Lifetime guaranteed firis - fresh e t o c k - carefully inountet free.. Superior to m ni ay>bigh-priced brands. See them!