1 Ilu bctf)l*u C~FUU le*8A flUSic8il s ply- ground ball league will begin this eve- ning at 7:15 o'clock at. the Village Green. The teams in the first round league have been divided into two groups, one meeting twice each week, qnd one meeting once. The scliedules for. the. two groups are: Baptiat vs. Sehultz & Nord Schneldêr BooterY va.. Hsas Motor Service Village. Cleaners va. Ridge Confectionery Bruina va. DannemarÉk Electric JaIy 28 Schultz & Nord va. Village Cleanera BaPtIat vs. Hess Motor Service. Sehnieder -Bootéry' va Dannemnark Elec- trie Bruina vs, Ridge Confectionery Hess Motor Service vs. Dannemark EIec- trie Schultz & 'Nord .vs. Bruina BaPtist'vs. Village Cleanera Schneider Bootery va Ridge Confection- ery, Village Cleaners vs. Bruina HeaMotor Service, vs. Ridge Confe-', tionery Schultz & Nord va. Schneider Bootery Baptiat vs. Danniemark.Electrie BartIst vs. Bruins Dannemaylç Electrie vs. Ridge Con fec- tlonery, Village Cleanera va. Schneider Ilootery, Hess Motor Service vu. Schultz & Nord Bruina 'Vs. Schneider, Bootery Baptiat vs., Ridge Confectionery Dannemnark, Eleptriç vs. Schultz & Nord Villageý Cleaners vs. IHeap Motor service A ugust là Ridge Cônfetionerv vs. Schultz& Nord Bruina vs. ls Motor Service Baptist. vs. Schneider Bootery Danneniark Electric vs. Village Cicaneurs Wedniesday Night. group: .TuIy 33 Winbergs vs. Jôe Lyman's Textçcos State Bank vs. Ridge lPharinaey Juiy 30. Schaefer Juniors, vs. Ridge Pharnim-y Wînbergs vs, Staje Bank August 6 State Bank -s. .ioe. Lyhian's Txexao, Schaefer Jun*iiors. vs. Wl n bergs Aligust 1.2 Ridge Pharrmacy N.s. Wilnbcrgs Sehaefér Juxiiors- v-. .oe Li Tens ix- State Bank '%s .Shce ui Ridge Plii-imacY*vs.,Joe L'îIa'exm- I SPORT- CALENDAR I I :15 Monday, July 28 P.111. Mcn's PiaNygro.inid Village Green. George Huck Walter Foslund Jack Stein Sohultz à* Nord, Il 1 <(-, 21,3 1) George Huck Ed Hfuck Sehlt *Nord 1 (1,21) Dick Huck Walter Harmon Howard P. T.a4. M. E. Lynch Mark< Sironds Il 1. O.0O.F. 1 (si# 21 Fýred Radier' Tom ThurobXy Wlimette Groeery Herbert Marquardt M. -M. Simfonda A. G. Jefferson H. W. Tomis Howard P. T. A. (14, 21, 17) Mark Simonds M. E.. Lynch Bruina 1 (21, 17, -14) Walter Foslund Jack Stein Men'. GYM Clama M ,2) * Art Haeker Iver Burhans M ess Motor Servie (79 14) A. G. Jefferson * H. W. Toms Jack Stein Walter, Foslund Xen's Gym Clmas (2,13, 21) John tSchmidtz Diek Burns St. JobUng Il (9, 4) 1. 0. 0. P-.-Il 1J,11 Ed Cramer BIo b Blasdell Georgg Thursby Emil Salzman 21) Stc Johns 1 19î Fred P'rochnow George Cramier Meu'. Gym (il.. 21,,2 1) John Schnmtz Dick B(i-ins 1. 0. O. F. 1 (2L 2)1) Fred IBaUner Torni Thursby St. Johns 1 (19. 21, 21) Fred IProcliow George crailer lZollîn iimonds Mýark Sinionds II Jack Stein Wailter Foslund Congregational (21, il, 16) Mark Simonds .11 Rollin 'Simonda St. Johns 1I1 (il, 11) Ed Cramer George Thursb *WlIbnette Grocery (21, 19, 12) Hierbert Marquardt r. Aark Simonds 1 rulia(12, 2 Jack en Wa.1te.rFoslund Begliers' Iorseshoe league W. Baptist ... .... 5 Bruins lIl..................5 Bruina .......... Schultz & Nord il ......5 Schultz & Nord -I.........4 I-owvard P'. T.A.. Ridge Confectionery........ 1 Ileas 'Motor Service ...i Senior Ilorseshoe lengue sta W. stan dings: L. Pet. i .833 i .833 2 .714 à' .625 4 .500 4 '33 6 .142 7 .125 ndvincza . Borre. umpirE LýYMU' Texaeoar Vit (0) Ed Bleser Ed %evler Bob Braun Adami BernardiDa Hubbard Marquette LiiWrence Welsiý il Leroy SeIzer Geo George -Sehopen Br Walter Schinzer Soelz, umpire He,.s Motor Servie Cecil Williams Don Melntyre ]Robert Waters, 'Joe Koerper Joe Hiens Art Cramer ,Walter Foslun4 Joe Converse Art Coplan Robert Blasdell Wlntield Rogers Carl Nordberg John Moore ~Caude Hill Irvin Brenîrner Paul Jones Harry Sierens AI Berot Harvey Klunder Mafnnlng Powers lage Cleaners Barl Herbon, J.ack Cerney rom Melntyre' L ,ve Boylngton Robert Wolff Eargld Herbon orge Melntyre eradley Keeler Ridge Confeetlonery Ben Thalniann %ay Hoffrnaný Peter Bohinen Alex Hotfman Milton Guy Harold Johnson William Sehinler Hubert Nackel EBd Phillipa Baptiot (0) Martin oison * Walter Scott AI Heirens * John Miller Adam Bauer Ray Steffens MartinSensendorf Art Cramer 1EngliIh Luthersn Dannemark Electri, Co. (s) Robert Blasdeli Walter Steffena 4, Verhalen Leroy Steiner .eaui Meier Bud MUay George Thalimann Peter Schopen George Hluck Bertele Johnson Williamn WinberU Fred Steiner Jacob Hoffman Ed M41ay Rlay Steffexis Ed Udeli Ed Hluck , Richard Huck Ed 1-f artnian td Bleser. florre, Unîpire Harold Bleser Rlobert SiLtýffis- Phil Bieser Moe DeHaye Richard Chester Norbert Miller Sarn Hnffmüan Kenneth Wagner James Schacfer George Thalrnanni Playground bals Schultz & Nord. Ridge Confectlonery Schneider .footery l3aptist ... . . . Bri ijs......... Village Cleanei's Dann.emark Electrie Hess Motor Service ]Ridge Piarmacy M.) Ray Steffens Barry Peters Jôhn Miller Adami Bauer, Elmer Keil MaIrtin, Sensendorf -Walter Hawkinso(n Babe Sehinler Tony' Hermes Frank Miller tandings: W. L., Pet Sil i .916 .. 10..Ao 2 .933 7 5, .583 7 5 .5S3 6 5 .545 Co. 6 6 .500 .>1 5 6 .455 the place of meeting next time front the Village Green to the Cômniunity Golf Shop, 1016 Central street, E~vans- ton. The regisiar hour of meeting is 9:30 o'clock Wednesday mor ning but the claÈss members wiIl assemble at tbe shop in ýgroups of three, 45 minut .es apart. The. first group will mùeet at .9 o'clock and will include Mrs.. W. Carrington Mrs. F. W. Strube, and Mrs. George Meyer. The second. group, including Mrs. P. J. Church, Mrs. Paul Lang, and Mrs. Emily C. Weil, will mneet at 9:45 o'clock and the third. group, including Mrs. W. S. Hedge's, Mrs. H. L.. Barker, Mrs. P. J. McGurk, and ýMrs. Fllen Benson, wilI meet at 10:15 o'clock. Other, mem- bers of, the class Who have not been, scheduled- and were -absent f rom the class meeting last Wednesday are re- quested to communicate with Miss Joe Skidmnore at the Recreation, office, ini order that a time fortheir meeting, may be arraniged. *T. Ji. Harvey of the Community. Golf club of Evanston has completed a series of lectures and instruction on thé use of the various clubs, the va- nious "shots" and the lesson in the. sbop has been arranged to give the class, members a chance to practice'. what 'thev have learned. Mr. Harvev will conduct the class the, following ýweek on some practice fairway. and the' niembers niay hbave, actual experience in driving. Display Tourname'nt Cup at Naturalistic Course A silver loving cup, coveted pr-i7e- in the tournament niow in progrcas aIa the Naturalistic course ini the. Spaîi4' court area (located-just soutil of tle thieater) is, now on diýtQlay at: the covrsei.The owner of the course an- nounces there 'are. more op.eniingsý. for entrants. The tourn amenit i's an ciini-, nation affair. j LYRIN ACTIVITTIS I Monday, .Thy 29 m2 Xickbali ga me for jrs .-uotietv~.j 3:30 p.rn. Womnen's Wilrnette1 7:15 p.m. Men's hor Green. -Friêay. Augfuat 1 :15 pj.m. Mens playground Village Green. Village bail Mtate, Ba.nk (0) Ed Bleser Ed Seyler Robert Evans Geore Bieser Frank Miller trt Meier Frank Miller f~Jones. umnpire Daminemark ElectrIe (1) Wonien's playground bail teani stand- Tom Brady, I ngs: Bud May . W. L. Pet. Pelter -Sehoen TeNT.................... o .00 Waeter a Stens PoNes...............11'000o Letoy Steiner Bline Stars ...............o0 1 .000 Frisnk Steiner KYZ . ........ .o0 . o1 IL il m.,moyteiling. rNegror mammy. CE.ntral Playground. 2 P. .r,. Annual Sab4-modeling con- test. Wilmnette beach. FrIday, August i 10 a. mi., Dramatisation hour. Mrs. Jay R. Brown. leader eta playgreund'. e.Cnta 2:30 p. M., Fopurth Beach Day contest. Wilmette beach.