Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 32

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Air Stories for Boys Klrcraft Book for Boy D. Verrit With frwr by Chartes S. (Casey) Jones_- Harper &,Brothers...... $2.50 * Lidbergh-ýHis Story in Pkctures * Edited by Dr. Francis Trevet- yon Miler -- G. ,P. Putnam's Sonis....$25 Boys' tUfe of the Wright Brothers Mitchell V. Charpley H-arper & Brothers .:..$20 The Balloon Buster Frank Luke.oF, Anizona Norman -S. Hall The incredible life and,,ad-:'ý ventures.,o-f America's.Sec- ond Ace Doubleday, Dora n & -Co. .,$2.00 Aces U p Covington Clarke Reitly &'Lee ....... ..$1.50 For Valor Covinglon Clarke- ReilIy & Lee........... $1.50' Desert Wings Covington Clarke -.Re4tty &Le.....I5 The Book, of Airpianes Lieut. Comm. J. W. Iseman- andi eut. Si oan Taylor Oxford University Press.-..$1.00 Skyward Hol * In the air and on the sea Kosnian makes noQ pretense that, it is flot a roinantic storV of love with a happy ending ini sighýt, but it is told in such a good humored way that one is quite happy to read it on a hot suni- mer's day. There aýre sorne trite .situations ini the bo00k. At tinhes one marvels at the waY the novelist wraps fate around ber. inger. The ýstorv, begins with an aunt in: ltaly, apti1v described:»n this mnanner: "She spoke a little of many languages vIery badiy but, being',English, quite well enoiugh to pe rsuade miost, of ber friends ýthat shie was a cosmopolitani. As this %vas lier aim ini life, she neyer mIiade. the fatal error.of cailing foreign p!aces by their English names. Genova,, Il Vaticano. Le Boule Miche, flun9 * intoa conversation, gave it, she found,j quite -an air." Saidaunt buys -a. ring under.the v'ery 1îîose, of a yotlng artist 'Who wanted it badly, and ships-it off to Eý'nglind-àas a-birthday present to a young niece. -The artist. returins to England and the' ring serves as. an introduction to the niere, after w,,hichi the hiero prom.ptlv, rescues"ler dog fronm certain death in. .a fight. with an Alsatian police, dog. And from there the story procee'ds.- fil ending the review, one bit of con- versation might be.retailed: ' Are voti artists?' shie asked tbernf pr esently. "'Certai1nli' tiot,'said. 'rony3, from bIis favorite p-.er-ch on the table. 'And yet, Founfain Square Evansto-n ('han JIer's for Books Man and His Universe. is a book ever.body you know wîII be reading this year. An impressive and vastly interest- ing story o-f man's aff1empt to that sort .of thiig.' 'He means 1 design dresses,' ex- p!ained Kit in lier dry way. "'ExactlY-for the iiobs,' continued Tony. 'You know those litie shops a yard or tiwo square with a veil, a rose and a garter* in the window, and AVRIL or, sonie sncb. lie' scrawlect across it. like, a (iuke's signature, and queues. of limousines. waiting outside and strings of duchesses banging on fo the telephione? That's the kind o place for wbicb -Kit -desig&ns, s5 you sce I arn connected with the peerage, through i ny sister. Nice, isn't it?' HITTY: HER FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. Éyv Rachel Fiel,-d. Illustrated bv Dorotby Latbrop. Macrnillan.. On June .24, an airpiane carried' a little wooden doîl initothe city of..Los Angeles. Shewas greetecl by circling ,planes containing nanv' celebrities wvbo râdioed to>ber the ne wstjhat bier autow- biographv va s to be awarded the John Newberyr Medal as the best childreni's bo~ok 'of thbe year. "Hitty: Her First Hiindred Years" began over a liundred years ago wben a, 1sea-captain in Maine. reallv did carve a doli. for bis - daughter, out 'of good stout 'nountain-ash wood.. 111 1928 Miss Rachel, Field, the author, and Mi%1tss Dorotby [atbirop, the artist. found this dolf in an antique shop ini New York; bier tianic plainlv enbroid- ered on lier antiquated garnlents. Shie becanie tlîeir joint property and tbey were so proud of bier story as it de- veloped-iii pros e and pictures,* that atî manuscrîp.t a;uongý their. mafy publish- me gfriends. Hitty, boruiini Maine, goes fo sea on a m-baling vessel, is lost in -a temple on al South Se Island' bas poetry written to erin hiadepha by.,Mr. Wbittier, sees sorne exciting, life on the Missis- sippi, and fils- eut lier-long career with pecriods 0of igoing into canphor.". She ithe sort of biographer bigbily-appr- ciated hb' eIders wbo read, aloud, and beloved of chilclren who read to tbern- selves. * - uis, besides rnany blacks and whites. ROUUE HERRIES. By Hugli Walpole. Doubleday Doran. Having made t-be uistake e 'ither here or iii tbe proofroomf of, calling it - Rough Bernies", and tbiere.by - findi'ig out that our page is read as. we had a ,letter cornmenting that, such a mistake -might be causing -a distracted, librarian to biunt, for the volume, we -have de- cided to say sornetbing -about- the. book. *The eighiteenth icentury. is with us pgain: lhoops and wigs, kceé breeches .and, swords and duels, violence. and bawdry, cruelty,. ste.nch and injustice; post horses, flouiderillg on miv roads, foot-pads and, witches and riotous country fairs; talk that rings true ýto Pielding, and Defoe;. swaslihuckling vagabonds that might have stepped f rom. the pages, of Smollett-ard enriching ail these the magic inood of a genius wbo adores, bis nativcE îg- land. Hugli Walpoles ."Rogue'- Her- ries" is a niighty creation ; suirely this sw aggering giant witb tbe scar, tbis. niuchi loved, niuéh lbated roisterer, witb bis charffi and bis violence and bis* amours wvill be joined, to the -ranks of book-heroes 'wlo cannot lie forgotte n,, tbe. rIanks.ý of Tom joues,, Joj'iatlan Vi *lde, 'and Robent Redgaulitlet. Some- ho"' be partakes of the nature of ail these - an ,d yet possesses a- persona lity ail his.own. This latest niovel of a verv versatile' artist is not remnarkable for. its storv or for the convincing qtialitN- of its periodstage-setting, which reina1is of a drearn-like, eveni a iniglitiiarelike dimness,, as seen tbroùgli a glass darkly. To be sure- there are sigbts and sounids, colors and smiells, O nianiv Snxiells; there, are ail th e properties of.c an eighteenth century pageantincld- !nig the, retun of the Youiig Pre.tenlder'; but the nesulting whole is. looseély ýput, together, Iacking in any truc vitality ýof ernotion. There is ýtoo m-uch looking backi'and and fonward into histony, too nany det'ails; the- characters are none of then quite real except the most- fanitastic of thern ail, mad Rogue 1-er- ries. -- UU osn.mss .ucesn.I LoreFa-Figg Flopr buatInsd. th# West Davis Sitet Door The -Helen Book of the Mc Ashton ......... ChandI.r's-Firsi. Floor I it«On o itrs - "Hitty: Her First jmade its bow in i rnuaceipna. £AsrEn Buylik, yayan William,- E. Barton.'- she bas studied The translation was made by Sanika, attitude, and ber Sami, and the imprint is Salamet Mat- -estions for the bassi, Istanbul. The book bas -been ield's in sugges- adopted by one Turkish high school, and the Turkish Department of Educa-j Hundred Years" tion is to purchase 500 copfies to place a. linen. binding in school libraries. -0

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