Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 31

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t i t lw-commentiiig on her work in Wil- mette, Miss McMà'hoin said that there. is a "homney" side to being in business here that is absent in the city. North sihore mwomen go out of their way to tell others when they are p)leased with a shop.. A great -deal 'of word-of- miouth advertising goes on, .over the bridge tables and. at clubs. Accord- ingly,, it 'does flot pa y to have a dis-. satisfied- customier for,, as Miss Mac sa ys, bad niews travels as fast as good. Periaps if is the personal interest Mi 'ss ,11c M abowfeels ,ini ber customners that hbas broughit about ber success. She stuldies eacb customner and tries to fit the .bat to tlie couitenance. --Andý- after a bat lias been chosen, shé fits the hat to the bead-. Atuck 1 here, a stretch there, and if it fulfils: Miss Mac's (lesire it is a )ecoming.bat thbat Will fit. Miss Katheriine Arend of Evanston has been associated witb Miss Mc- Mahon. for a year and a half and assists in refurbisbing, old hats -as weil as tb)e wonien's and young girls' hats., Many Coaches Plan to Attend Sum mer Classes in A1ugust Jiigh school and college, coaches f rom twèntv-three states bave already registered for Northwestern universitv's suimmer coaching school wbicb is toj lie held bere August 18 to 30. More than one bundred applications have 0f a summer afternoon, tea for two or for twenty or more, in~ either of the Ver a Megowen Tea Shops is a Most delightful diversion-an atinosphe re of quiet charrn-foods of great excellence .correctly served. Why not today? Delicious XI 14L >1~ been 5elling hats to north shore women for seven years, but the bat shop in \Vorthen's store ini Wilmette lias been biers only for two years. Ten vears: ago Miss McMahon flrst, carne to Chicago to study art at, the Acaderny of Fine Arts.. She tried go- ______________ing to- art scho<il in the day " tinme anid working at *nigh-t but the long hours were too much 'for _hl e r health. She then took up millinery because "Miss Mac" tbinks thpt is the next best thing to being an artist. PerhapF, she w as in- fueniced in -h e r Anasasi MeMhonchoice by be mother who has been -a millinery de- signer and she bhas four sisters.now en-7 gaged"ian th'e nillisùery business. However that may be, Miss Mc- Mahon took a position at Gage's wholesale mnillinery shop for a while and then went to Oklahoma. She 7re- turned here and worked in Ascber's French room wben that was a popular place to buy bats, and then came to Wilmette seven years ago to work with Mrs. jane Story wbo conducted a bat shop ini the Wortben-Carrico store on WiImette avenue. Two years ago Miss McMahon purchaseci the business and increased the sales for bakery jproducts frot». Our Oum the home 'table. BREAKFAST Seérved in the Mlain Street Shop LUNCHEON -TEA DINNER Early American Roo M 501 DAV.IS :STREET,,. «NTON cakes and other ovens for gest month she* has ever had, in spite. of tbe business depression faced. by many stores and in spite of cheaper bat sbops recently opened in 1Evanston. Miss McMabon Iaugbed wben she. ,io spoke' of being afraid of the néýv bat shops., Some yQoig.grls on a budget buy the bat s and sometimes womien buythe cbeap hats to ma tch dresses,, but they only serve to make shoppers appreciative of good niaterials. The lieavy buying seasons are in the spring, especially whenthe pretty Eas- Pop Warner, Sa4 dui ersity's famous grid mentor, is 'tiCe >visitîng lecturer at the Purple scbool and he. together witb Coach Dick Hanley of Nýortbwestern, will, present the Warner system of coacbing. .Supplemnentary, talks wifl also be given by Arno'ld Ho r- ween of Harvard, Walter Steff en of Carnegie Tecb, jess Hawley, formerly of Dartmouth and Duke Dunne, lUne coach at Harvard. TIn 2diin to the crenuin ifootball Cleanen to the Diaciminating 1 152 Central, Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-321 Evanston. Phone: Greenleaf 6660 'I French Prov.encaI Room 514 MAIN STREET - III - r

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