511ilk and Geo rg ellee c oat for Summe.r Hlereétoforeé Wear. $25-00, Nwl $2,50 Think of Iti Amazing Values -f-o-r Wo.men and ýMisses Every Sp'.ri-ng Sui in Stock Originally -$15. 'lY!l ffnd $17.50 $ .85 Suifs so wel1 cuf and tailored that-to finid tIem at only $9.85 is truly amazing. Be, wise . .. choose one for immediate andî early fait wear. Finest wool tweeds in tan and grey mixtures, with silk blouse, Ail sizes but not in every style. Ail ýHigher-Priced- Green flaitnel sports suit. Was flS.000, now 1.0 Sfie14 Tan noieity suit. Was $25.00, now81.0 Dahilia we sait. Was 5.0no 8350 Brown ,tweed sait. Wls *09450, now $29.650i Nay bine, velour sait. Was8200no 815. Tan tweed suit. Was $29-50, Dow 819.95. ýNavy teiga cloth suit..Was 849.à0, now 2.0 Na.vy eovert suit. Was $89,50, now $29.50. Na'vy tweed suit. Was $39.50. uow $29.50. Siue 15 Red tweed suit with pleatlng on blouse. Wau *25A 3-Piece Suits Reduced! * Capuine tweed juit. Was *25.00, Dow $17.50. Browin sbirskln suIt. Was $39.50,, now $09. Navy velour sit. Was $39.50. 110w $29.501. Delpb bine crepe suit. Was $26.00, now $17.&0. Rose tweed Suit. Was t05.00. now $39.50. Na*y rep suit. Was $39M5, now*$29.0 * Nay check suil. Wai 39n0 ow 829.50). ýNavy tweed. suit. Mas $25,00, now.817.50. Size 17 Green tweed sit. ýWas $25.00, now 817.50.> 114. I Was * NaVY erepe suit. NeOvy covert suit. Brown eovert suit. ýRylbine tweed s Red weedsuit. Il Brown . eove'rt suit.. uow lNOBEýLT Youve Always Paid Up taoý $3950 for Th.mn $1 -PAJ AMA.S .95 Here tkey are men-hundreds of tkem-brand, new,, justunpàciced. - Pull-over style- collar style and: somne w114, sill frog trims-dncy new patterns and colors-ail with the Faultless Nobelt feature. Buy now for- the fellows going ,Pway to' school. next Fait. Lord's Je' tr-Orgo ve. *Enrance. 1 200 Pairs $1.65 *PE RFECT -EMMA $11L an.d $1.95, YK HOSE A.I.I-SiIk Chiffonsi Light-Weig ht Serv.ice: , 110W sms.so. Vollrath Vitalizer. -A HYDRATOR For Meehanical Xel rigerators Makes, fresh and crisp SEVERAL IE $1.85 to $3.-70. Lord's Housewares- First Floor, East R oom, Home Dry Cleaning. Safe, Efficient and Economical Lord's Ajparel-Seconsd, Floor 1 L y alob, vz- ** P*E Ecn ......... I Lord's Housewares-First Floor, East Room .Lord's1 i UPO REUES CHRGEPURHASS MDE FTE JUY 2TH lIêL B ENERE ONAUGUST STATEMENTS PAYABLE IN SPE E $1.75 ýgal Lord's Housewares- First Floor, East Room Another Extraordinary Purchase! Fau1l-s il SEPTEMBER ir- PURCHASES MADE AFTER JULY UPON REQUEST CHARGE. YlýL BE ENTERED,,,ONý'