Highest Graci UPHOLSTEINO Cabinet Work. Draper g and Upholsterg, Fabricas - ANTIQUES We spe>ialize in, Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinisbing Hair Mattresses and, Springs Made to Order H. G. ýLINIDWALL Higheat Grade Uphols:eting etreet Establiihed, 1895 .-Ph. !Winnetka 145, 'I 'E ir15 "l-11 " lal Uil, l 3 -i U music school and C. H. fleAcres, vice- presidênt~ and general manager of Lyon & Healy consummated the contract. Lyon & Healy is sole agent for the fam- ous Steinway piano ini Chicago and vicinity. GUESTS AT CLUB Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hickey, Jr., of Hubbard, Woods,. Miss. Virginia Prus- sing; Miss Charlotte Eckhart, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Hawxhurst of Kenil- worth, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'A. Liddle and Mr, and Mrs. John P. Hookcer of Win- netka -were aniong those spendinig last wveekend at the Lawsonia Country club, Green Lake, ý Wis The club is pflan- iling a tennis tournament for next.week anld an invitation regatta for .Class Ej boats on Julyr 30 and 31 and August 1 b 3een> \N f4 ô« 5a~e' e<t Mrs. J. -P. O'Connor of Wilmette, formerly of: Evanston, heads activities at Thrift bouse in Evanston, as presi- dent of its board of, di rectorsthis sea- son. Thrift house islinaking particu-ý lar appeal-this suntimer,. asking its friends flot to forget it.- in *the midst of sumiper leisure and distraction, for the demand is great and the supply. of stock imited at this season. Canadians Loom as Big Threat in U. S.-Britain Meet, Les Canadians are the rivais which Americaii track experts believe wifl provide 'the most serious threat to the track and field prestige of this country ini the British Empire-United States meet to be held at Soldier Field, Chi- cago, the nîghit of August 27. The great showing made by the bearers of the flaming Maple Leaf- in the 1928 Olympic games, together with the tremendous strides made in track in the dominion since that time, places the Canuck athletes in-a.posi- tion to endanger th 1e track supremacy of itt United States. Our northern neighbor is expected to'run off with first honors in the Brit- ish Empire gaines at Hamilton, On-- tario, August 16 to 23, where the fore-: most' stars of ten Britishdomiion [.uour- wnîch Wiu compete at Hamilton with hopes of mnatching strides wiffh the Americans in. the spec.ial 100-yard dash. m 8OOaksi 1 6