Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 14

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Guests Dine, Danc the General ]Publie Something entirely unique in the way of, entertainment bas been. an-, nounced by. the new -management of the dining room of the Sky Harbo!r airport, .whicb this week assumed charge of tbis. division of the- airport service. Wbile beretofore.the dining roomi bas been largely reserv'd for tbe use of iliembers of the Petrushka club, it is now open to the general public. An. orchestral will provide m u slic throughout the evening for dancing, dinner WilI be served to individuals, couples or parties, an4 a nigbt ridc over the north, shore in' thehuge ail-- *metal, tri'motored. Ford! air hueèr wil be includecl in. the evening's program. A relativ,é1y stmall charge wiIl cover the entire e vening s entertaiient. * Tbe new policy, it is believed by theý airport manage ment, will prove popu- * a with nôrtb shore residents. The orchestra and dining rooni features, it is outlined, provide in tbemseives a distinct. attraction. The dining..rooni is unique in desigui and.appointmnepts and offers delightjul surroundings for couples seeking,.a place to dine and dance. But wi.tb the recently acquired air- mindedness of local residents, it is contended, tbe addition of an air tour to these features at à total price faling well witbin tbe imits ordinarily set for an evening's entertainiment, should make Sky Harbor an exceptional popular resort. A real effort is now being made, according to George Fisher, manager of the airport, to have Sky Harbor -become a stop-over base for flyers passing througb the, Chicago area.î Army and navy,.planes frequently land there and civilian- pilots,. ikewise utilize the facilities offered. In.addi- tion. ,a. number of- local aviation, en- thusiasts are basing tbeir sbips at thet port or are chartering airport planes1 for trips or pleasure fligits..r Mr. Fisher, who was a captain i at Sky Harbor Airport D INE, dance and fly becamne the. vogue on the north shore this week wben the new management, of Sky H4arbor aîrpo.rt. located on Dundee. road - four miles west of Gencoe, announced -a new policy in entertainment compris- ing these tbree features. The airport dining room, heretofore devoted alnost exclusively to the use of the Petrusbka club, has.been opened to unlimited use of the general public, an orchestra provides music for- dancing througbout the evcning anid the .flying field air liners take the guests aloft for a night cruise over the ýnorth shore area. Break Ground for Griuidsta*ids for Nat'l Air Event A unique cerem 'ooy marked the ground- breaking for the grandstand and special buildings now being erected at the Cuir- tiss-Reynolds* airport, preparatory to the National Air races to be beld f rom Au gust 23 to Septemnber., inclusive. Instead of 'the customary band-pro-, pelled spade, a plow Was used, drawn by the officiai plane of tbe National Air Race corporation. Mrs. Earle Hl. Rey- nolds, wife of the presirlent of the cor- poration. guided the plow and Miss iline C0 Year OId WilmetteI Woman Maltes Air Trip' to Old Home in Ohio Wbhei Mrs. Suzanne T. Middleton, eighty year old niother of Mrs. Ernest R. Freeman of 601 Laurel avenue, Wil- mette,, witb wbom sýhe bas tmade ber home for the Past ten years,:decided re-. cently to visit Cincinhati, her former home, she determined to make it a* "homnecoming" of the miodern version., Taking off in an airmail plane from Many North Shore Air Fans to View Nat'l Air Races Wben the National Air races open at, Curtiss-Reynolds airport on August 23, the north shore will be well represented arnong tbe boxholders iii the grand-: stand now being erected at tbe ,airport. .While the races are yet, several,weeks distant, orders arealready beginning to. pour in and early this week more than eighty prominent persons and concerns bad placed reservations for one or more boxes. Included among these were- a number of local residents. m dus aaU optetCIVC. HAMILTON CLUB AT MIRPORT Fifty mem~bers of the Hamilton club of Chicago took dinner at tbe Curtiss- Reynolds. airport Saturday night of last' woek, X a number also going aloft for an aeri.l. vie.w of the niortb shore area. sandls more. Club accomoclations andt a oaugnter, ,iveriîyn, of 1,341 Asillanci ave- '-rtre fr.ou well appointed cafeteria seating 1,500 wilI nue, Wilmette, flew to Milwaukee làst C atrdfrT u aiso be 'costructed. - Sunday, returning the same day. They Col. H. P. Harding, head of Flintkote were piloted by C. P. Apeit of Apelt, Roads Inc., cbartered a tri-motor Ford. Gale Borden, dramatic critic for the and Colvin, cistributors. for Curtiss- air liner for an extended business trip Daily Illustrated Times,, bas. urchased Wrigbt products ini this area.ý Mr. to Joliet, Moline -and other cities last a new Inland Sport. The plane is based' Kiken is vice-president of Motive' Parks., week-end. Tbe, plane took off Friday 4t, Sky Harbor airpot Company. of America. wvitb f ourteen, Passengers. 1 .

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