Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 10

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- - - "- '%V5' "IW S a L" v i . .. .. .. ...... U S & C Depilatory Powder ...... 50c.$1.00 S &C Mineral Oil.....65c-$1.25 S & C Green Mountain Cream. . 25c-0c S.&CGGargle............. 35c-165c, S & C Headache Capsules..... ... 25c On It It'lslght e Jutreceived a fresh shimeto Julia King's Cand ... 8Oc a pound. Free Dèlivery in il im ette and A'eilWorth Uu:il 10 P. M.Il SNIDIIR -CAZEL DRUGVOMPANY L ServingNot Shore Residernas for More Than 25 Yeara Wil mette &1 Central Aves. Open Sundags h Phones: Wil. 400-401 Until 10.-30 P. Mo rd lb COME lb 1N * 2 NIGIiT - . ?- - lere's nu1 om the. V siatIL ,Vnuu ni eant en 1.Ouri ou. Cali 10w. Bo aw-ll Lded coal thods of 4200 and Borre and Phil- W ~~ lips. handled the home pitching and were 'very effec- tive. The pluimp one held the visi- tors hitless for the first three stanza,1s wbile the husky one allowed a trio Baker of blows. during bis four-inning tnfeure The Wilmct te off ensive wvas, led by Wilson with three clou ts, -and! Borre, and Baker with a brace of swats apiece. Baker, besides bhis work at tue..plate- again played an exce ptiona. liy fin .e ,ga me at 'second and bis efforts ýwere a big factor in the victory. Althougb the home lads tbre atened ini thefirst two framnes they were un- able to score until the third. In that spasm Wilson beat, out a bit .to short *and went to, third when, Cbristrnan singlèd to center. A passed ball put Wilson across the pan safely and- Put 'Chistman on second. A mwiid pitch sent the run'ner to third from where lie tallitil on Borre's bingle over short. The third and ast runi was credited to the locals in the fourth,. Baker's. second bit started it. Rôobin'ýso sstrollted and Nord advanced the runnlers by sacrificing. Wilson's third hit -vent to righit and scored Baker. Koller 'and Hayes bit safely ini the loser's fifth but were uinabie to score Koller socked a two-phv s-wat ini the seventh and reacbied third on a wild Pitch' b)v Phillips, but lie was stranded at -the far corner. Miss Inez Webster, daugbter of the Albert S. Websters of 314 Oxford road, Kenihwortb, vbo, is traveling abroad. with ber aunt, Miss Iiiez, Veb- ster, and Miss Ruth. King, of Wilmette, is attending the Passioný Play tbis week at, Oberamimergau. Frotii"there ,the party will go down mbit Italy and then again to Paris f roni where 'they wvil saàil* for the United States on Augusti 14, on the S, S. America. W hoopee, traveling soutfl, struck the yawl, Scarab, owned. by George 'Pûlver of Washington, D. C., 'traveling South- west, demolishing the bow of the run- about and tearing a large hole amid- jýIips ini the sixty-three foot sailing yacht w'hich was preparing, for-the Chi-1 càgo-Mackinac race., Benjamin Mar- shal, Jr., is-sister, Miss Dorothy.Mar- shall, bothi of Wilmette, and.Miss Janet Schrein,ý William de Reimer, Robert. Shotwehl, ail of Chicago, and Miss Betty Ayres, also of ýChicago, and who wvas: killed wben throwvn against 'the.> yawvl by the force of the-impact,,were ýreturning to the city after dinner at the Marshall. l'olat Wilmette . Harbor. .. Barton Webster, driver of the: craf t, bad-7re- linquisbed the. steering' wheel at.the time of the accident to.,Miss Marsball.. The W Mhoopee sanik al. most inimedi- a .tely. Pulver, a f riend of bhis f rom Nc'W York, and the two seamen, comtprisinig the 'crew of the, Scarab..had time' to g9et to their'dinghy before the racing boat drifted two hundred yards fartber out in the lake and sank. The survivors' were .rescued by beach hf e 'guards, out- bc4rd boats, and both Chicago and Ev- anston Coast G .'uard> boats. Marshall. was taken Wo the Evanston hospital to, receive caefor a gash on bis hip, re- ceived wben-,he dived in a vain -atten'pt to save Miss Aýyres. After checking to find the' num -ber missing, Captain Otto Fricke &f the Evanston Coast Guard dragged the lake for two hours until Coast Guardsm'in Magnusson and Brown recovercd Miss Ayres' body. It 'vas apparent that the girl had not been drowned, but that she was kiiled instantly by the impact with the bull of the yawl. The girl was a niece: of Mrs. joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kénilworth. The next morn ing the. speedboat wa s rgised and dragged to the. beac.h. Der- rick crews. worked to raise the sad boat throughout Saturday and ýSunday,- and finally suicceeded, late Sunday after'noon., Acoroner's inquest, at, wh:ich ques- tions of speed, position, Iigbts, and other. rnatters were discussed was held Saturdayý rnorning, but was continued tilI Atjgust 2. Di vide nd Notice a0Il 8 ý' Serviug 6,000 square miles- 316 cities, tows anid communitis- with Gas and Electricit il

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