si, .Phione 514. SPESCIAL S LE FILIDAY T ODA FIEFRÉEE ELIVERIES DAILY LEG. 0F LAMB Genmuinme 1930 Spring stock Ibo 35C ILMON$ Fancy juicy Fresh ýBroile.r.s Dressed to order lM. 42c Doz.39 PICKLES CRABMEAT Budiong'a choice Icebound choice large diii. sea ack. 61Joz. tini Qt. 2c-~35c Chocolate Malted Milk Kraft's genuane malted ,uik with cLoclate, c o'oa and tugar. Nutritious auJ tempting,<lb. ii ......... GRAPE JUICE W.Ich's famous N ew York State Concord Juice Pt. 29c- Qt. 55c Butter, .Wafers .Sunshinie round, flaicey and 4elicately sa e LAI enjoyed the service rendered Iy mte Chicago and North Western, for the\- had a speçial train and dining e(iuip- ment ail the way to camp. The morning 'of arrivai -wàs as good a one as could liave been ordered. Up- on. detraining, the boys were, greeteci by the group which hlad gone up early, to prepare the camp for the .suini mner. They then hik d the thre-egtsoa mile to be rewarded by their first gli 'ipse of Baril, Lake, the lake ,in which the camp islands. are Iocated. Although transportation had- to be furniished- for more than one hutndred, the camp -motor boats and barges quickly anid.safely conveyed thie'new-, comers to camp;,. The barges were sent back for 'the trunks (the nearest road, in: this part- of the counltry is more than .ifty.,miles aw'ay), and by 11oon boys and trunks were in the bunigalows in the proper division of the camip. Ail were anticipating a happy two- months tqgýtlîer. - 1There are about one hundred boys and staff mnen frorn the north, shore towns besides .boys frorn St. Paul, Mn neapolis, and Texas, and Oklahoma cities attending camp. They are sched- uüled to have a woniderfi surrner, canoeing, fishing, swimming, playinig ail types of athletic games, receiving coaching and camping in the Caniadian wild s. MOTOR STARTS BLAZE An overheated mnotor ini an electricý refrigerator was responsible for a , cati of the Wilmette Fire departmient to 635 Spencer avenue, Monday evening at 10:10 o'clock. No damiage resulted. Little Jimmie McBain, two year oid son of %Mr. and Mrs. Hughston M., McBain, .705 Roger avenue, Kenil-. worth, ceiebrated his birthday on ar urday, July 12, at a, party given În his ljonor. ,Amnong ,bis guests .Wçre Parker. and Bai:bara Biranch. Thomas Wrigler, Dicky and Janét Armstrong, BiIyRdik'Bbb UCw ol nd Nathalie Crawley- Mrs. Beatrice Harding- Arcus and -her, held by the district this year. The followving business was conducted: Tom Loftus of North Town Post re- ported that Legion Hour over. Station. WVCHI, fromn 10 to il o'ccidck every Tuesday evening is prôvmg, very popu- lar with, the radio fans, judgîng fronm thye numnber, of letters and favorable commiienit- received by the station. Newell MeCartniey and Kennethi Bru- baker gave a detailr-d report regarding the Legion festival to be held 2 at Farwell avenue beach, at whiclî affair the Junior' Legioni, recen-ly--or- gaiîized by thé seventh district,' wilI play animllportant paft. There wil. bc featured a liumber of outboard niotor b)oat races -with iiiine. cups-,being of- fered as Prizes to the winniers., *Clarlev Levinison ga ve a report, of service work heing donc by Rogers Park Post ani George O'Shay and Art \Vagnier were app)oiited,.to _arrangeý for a seventh district, golf tournamient to l)C heldý S 001.. Major Whit, former st'ate corn- *r.,nne r, wàs prescrit, and spoke on the sunjniier camps being operated by tlie Legion for children and ex-service mieni. >Unider the leadership oôf Miles Barry, the .district, 1s taking a *deteriined stand toward providing employaient for and appointed jolhn D. Moore, 6451 .N. :California, avenul:e, Chicago, chairma9n, to see thatihe lit- moýýt is clone for the unlexiployed vet- eran s Reports wcre also given by Harry A. SewelI, publicity chairmnan, for the district,. on the .publicity being co'l- ducted i behialf of the Legion, anid Gibbons Post announced the opening of théir headquarters at the Hotel Martinique on Tuesday. AIl legion- naires. being inivited. F.vanston Post also announcred a thrèeeday carnival to be heid August 21 té 23ý. *Following the district meeting, North Town provided someê lively entertainz. ment and refreshments. The: seventh, distric t comprises, al. l)osts. of the north shore. Mr S. George. if *-of 924 iÂn den street .will be hostess next Friday afternoon at a handkerchief shower for Miss Ieaith l3urge of Wilmette Whio vvili lee narried July 31, to the Rev. Wtilliam M~Cormack. Jnt .. Uà .. . . .. . .. . . e«ssng, piut . . . . .. . . . . . . . . I-o. jar ig, 8-or. bolte asf, befl e ..o..t... The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy anid A other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purcbased at the, Reading Roomi. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIAILLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCIl SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM ANunusually finesecto of carefully aged Asteaks&mand roast*s-all (rom .premium -corn-fed beef. We-buyol the Ounest cattie obtaînable from Swift, Wilson and Armour.. I a, Fae Dre v Ili Ili lin Ill i il il il 1 Ill Il Ill Ill 1111.1 il Il 111111111 Ill I Ill I Il Ill Ill 1111 Il 1 1