services are available wherever they are de- sired, for doing any of the things that require a woman%' sympathy and understanding. Many of our patrons have expressed' special appreciation of thsfeature of our service. Superior Ambulance Service Our Mortuary Is. Equipped, with a "<leMuef<esUNDI eoie heOds New Pipe Organ TheOldstEstablished Undertakers oiî the 1109, CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE 654- ImMediate North Shore 554 CENTER, ST. WINNETKA 404 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES D URINO JULY ON Indiana Hickory -ifor Poreh., Lawn. and Garden 'Y Restful comfort-and a beauty that will add charm to the most beautiful grounds. Sturdily di, buit to stand a world of abuse, Thzis furnittire is buit espec1iallIy-. for those tha~t desire someîhing a iti bttrthan the average. WOLFFoGRIFFIS, Cen9tlPhonte We guarantee everything we selI I- Ave. 183 HAIRDWAIRE and HOUSEWARES Ice is genuine. No musty taste, no drylnïz-out of victuals, no mechan- - -~M D ~içal-breaklo-wns-accqmpany-real - - ur fine f,od's w*I1 stay fr sb. and 'tante better if kept ini cool MQLST Wilauette I.. TeaniIngCo. 7»mainS. Mlr aspitrWllmette