FiRsT"NATIONAL BANK fWILMETTE. Announces *~ e th lcion of the follown men f rom the. group w h i Ch recently acquired substantial holding s of its stock to comprise an' ADVISORY COMMITTEEÉ *ALBERT E. CROSS Captzalist E. L. ESSLEY Presidert and Treasurer E. L. Essley,'ÀMachiner y Companv WM .JARNAGIN% President Cental anufact uing District Bank Çhairrnnof the Board Madison-Kedzie Trust Sav~ings Bar L. B. KUPPENHEIMER H.E. PORONTO Trusiee * Central Manufacturing District *B.. L. RossET, ~-resid ent PhilhipState B1ank &>Trust'Comnpany DAVID E.SHANAHAN, Chairnian Central Manulacturing District Bank EUGENE Vf R.THAYER Chairman. Executive Cornmi ttee Central Trust Company of Illinois nk to the development of progressive communities. <(j and ni l'h.e--,ý> -