OwIer' of 140 acre fai District wlll trade fo'r rg shore from Evanston tc Farm is in excellent coi fair bui'dlings' and wouli coUntry home or irnves.t For Sale.: . 31 acres west of Highla'nd Park In viclnity of Ray, Insull, Lasker estates, ; fronts on Des Planes jRiver and1 is al 'heavily tImbered. The property' is îm- proved -wlth a. cottage with open - ire- place and sdreened, porches. An excel- lènt'lnvestmnt.or' country home. Price f 950.0 per acre. BROKERS CO-OPERATE. WYýAT11& 'COONS - REALTORS GlenvieW SI N Chcgo Nrthbrook 1 9 1 écgoOfflice C'entral 3921 48LTNV-t LAKE BLUFF TO THOSE WIOl 10 I,( . ESUNIGHT SPACIOUS GARDE NS ANI) TILE LAKE Th'le choice hoinestea.d of Marýion lare- now for sale. Titis estatw of nearly ai a1cre, at 700 Center Ave., Lake Bluff. is beàuTitirîfy %Nvuodedl and landscaped witlî rose-bower and bedge. Fine liî.- of :16 ruont:s; an entertain 100 get. 3-car garage, an«(r luxurious scrêëi. ed garden-house. I rieed, very i'easoflabLly foi- quîck sait. o aiî is lhu i fliieîgaigeineiits a>od Send for - scriptive circular, or- euîfor- prhite iii<I full infor'mtion. *~ ~ EIJSRATIY, JNC. 16419 Sheridan Rd-, Wiliîiettt-, Wilinet te :ý7 10 à 1 RESOIs -F01R RENT-LAKE COTTACIII FORZ 6. * Spoonier, Wis. $20 wk. Wilniette 3610.' 55 WAI,%NTEI1) 'lO It1:N T- I IUS ES * WILL YOU lit T' 1,'l1 OME TO desirable teîîalits for, fal <,clpjlcy? 'eare h.iviigng Iny ~calîs fori-e'LIS aînd ~ilal>tuat h iting ' yvo ht.Quick :ut i î îs: 'y 'h CROSBY' REALTY CO. 566 Center st. W'innetka 20:t3 TO IIE-'i'rNto3-It 808 W MARtY -ANNE DJ.>1U'S ashington St. Evanston Open 9 AM to 9:30 P. M. 1 4LTN43-lte W~ FOR SALE-JIfSER'D. GOODS 10E' BOX. $4.. PH. WiLMETTE1 3007. 65L43-ltp DAVENPQORT, 4 POSTER BED,,DRESS- er, 4 stralght wing chairs, 1 wing rocker, 1 dining roomn table, 2 a ide tablés, imnt.gje;, 1 Vita health machine. wilinette 1155. 65LTN43-1tc ,E%,TIRZE FUIUNISHINGS, 0F 8 BOOýM hotise,. including rugs, ice box, radio, and victrola. 815 Foxdale, Winnetlýa 1-Î12. 65LTN43-ltpý liOTPOINT ELEC. RANGE, G OOD vond. Ide,1l forsummner homne. Winr- - îietka '1496. 65LT-N43-ltc FOWNEII l.EAVI*NG TOWN. 0OLD FUR- nîture, î)îtures,, china, nîany odd; mail. el .Ic pieces and furs. Mon, and Tues. iu'ly:21, 22, 10-6, ini barn at rear of 32,6 I Iige Ave., Winnetka. . 65LTNU-lte F17TUNITURE FORl SALE:, j-llclory Garden set $20, cost $60. Win~d-, sor veranda chairs, grass rugs. Apt. 1, 1622 Sherwin' Ave.' Rogers Park. 65LTN4*3-1 t( 66 WANTED-HOIJSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY - SECOND HAND furniture and other, household goods. Highest prices for saine.' Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emergon St., Evans- ton. Ill. Ph. UpIiv. ISq. 66LTN48-tfc 9x12 French -Wilton mrtg $235. Pli. 'ileîi- The presentation of, a 25,000 openi air theater (pictured above) t o the Univer-. sity 'of Arkansas wvas theoutnin event of the Chi O mega sixteenth hi- annual'conrention' at the convocation of that sorority,. june 28ý, at Fayetteville, Ark. The theater was presented to the co'llege in recognition of - he 'founding of the first ch apter, established there -thirty-ýfive years ago, and is devotion to the human strtuggle for enlightment. 'l'le theater is placed ini a beautiful natural setting, according- to Miss Estèlle Engelhardt of 915 Oakwvoodl avenue, XVII- rmete, w~ho attended the convention1 as. chapter delegate for Northwesfern uni- coe 348.', tiLTJN43o-1te' FOR YARD11S 0F 1i -1 Illinois Automobile Club Wie lac ae, ;iiitable for 4 ress. Opens Evan.tou $ranch Very eas.Pli.Wilnette2027 ' Ver. ea. h.Wimete671,TN4,3-ltç 'Ple Illinois Automobile club this wveek opened a branch office at 1618 Sherman BABY BUGGY. CRIB. HIGH CHAIR. aV'enùe Evanston uinder manage 1rship of Cheap). WinnietkaL 2723. 67LTN43-1 te al] its miembers 'on'the north shore, and SMART DRESSERS DO NOT REMIODEL will handle aIl types of automobile iv thei.r furs anymnore; they trade them \V.'F. Corcorai.- The branch wvilserve In towards new ones.- «We have on hiandtiace .isainueed right, now 58 of these traded 'in. fur srici sanucd coats ivhich >'we will sacrifice 4t a Under direction of Carl "A. Barrett, price. Shown on request 'only. Ask for peiet 3,0 ebr aebe de Mrs. Jamesà c/o Miller & Co. Chicgo'sidn,3,0 nme' aeb ýde largest. exci. furrier.' 616 S. Mvichigan to thé enroilment of the'club, it is stated, ave,.,. Chicago.' 67L'rN41-4tc. and it is expected that within the next FOR SALE 'CHE AP: BOY'S BUBBLE year another 30,000 will be added. Main boat; child's bicycle; child's,îawn s-wing headquarters. of the club are at' 34th and versity. i hbas a seating capacity ex-, ceeding 2,700.' There, are fourteext colurris -ai the rear of thé stage and on the f rieze aàbov-e them are the words: "Knowledge," "Integ- rity," "Courage,"? "Culture,", and "Inttlli- gence." The pnames of the five founders. are set in blocks of stone at Jhe focit'of the stage and' a bronze tabtet at ihe. sidc is inscribed w~ith the wo'rds of dedication. l'le amil)hitheater closely resemhblcs the theater -of Dionysius' ni ancient Greecec, which, according to Dr. J. C. Futraîl,. vresident of the universitv, wvas the pro- totype of ail anciernt Greekç theaters. Othier niemibers of ClIi Orega liv«,ing onl the north shore, \who atten'dtedl the coi.- vention were Mrs. F. M aoJr., and Mrs. R 1. Norman. Wrigley Givè's Cup for Titte Winner in North Shore League, A perpetual trophy to be annually com- peted for b3y tearns of the North 'Shore league -%as given this' week to the Evans- ton, bureau of rÉecreatlin, sponsor of the league', by Williamn Wrigley, Jr., owner Of, the Chicago Cubs. The cup will be awarded each year to the team winning the North Shore league tte and W'i11' be held by it until it is won' by another teami of, thec league, according to 'C. T. Byrnes of the bureau of recreation. cîar la bled at a track meet in America are id 12 perfect beiiîg madle at' Soldier field.' carpet and _________ e 415.l Dr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf, 717 64L43Ltp Elwood avenue, announce the birth ILPESTRIES. of a son, Charles Robert, June 30.' Mrs. urniture. Snorf and the baby, have returned rI652from the hospital, to, their home i 64LTN38-tfc Vilinette. a few friehols at tea Sunday eveling and *inter' months with footbal and at the Vista del Lago club. basketball. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Christiansen, 504 .Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Fogg will bave Pifth street,. are leaving the end of as' their guests for, the next two weeks thiýs' mweek for. a' stay. of -about, two. at their, home, 818 Ashland ave*nue, Mr. weeks at, Fagle River, Wis.I and Mrs. !Fogg o(f Malden,. Mass.- ANTIQUE FABRICS, TA china. French Provincial Il YVONNE SOHN 83Wa"hington*, Evinstoii