Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 50

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Clsified ad vertisemnents will be charged only Geneal N tice-toresidents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone director7,. or who are regular subscribers. to either WILMETTE LIPE. WINNETKÂ TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rate»s- 16cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line In any two papers. 0 eta lino I ail three pers MINIMIUM CHARGE 601 cens.. Average of 11v wrd. to the line. NoVback face type usedl. 10% dlgcount on al cash with order advertisementa *hen brought to our office at .1232 Central Ave., Wlmette; or 661 Lincoln' Ave., Winnetka. Cassi1fled advertlsements, will be ac- -Deadline fot In7sertions-cpted up tp Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMEWTEý LIFE or. ail thréee aers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the *WINNETÉKA, TALK, and Frlday 5 oýcIock for the GLENCOE NEWS. ,Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Wlnnetka 2000-2001. IAIUTOS FOR. SALE 'rhese -Are 3 Xo(ierful. B3uys in Practieally NTew -Cars 14630 Nash icoriacue 8 cylinder $l,fi75 »929. Franklin rdstr. car like newi $1,.450 1930 Hudson coachi,8 cylinder $5 *STANDARD MOTOR SECURI1TIESýCO. 1119 Chicago Ave. Univ.. 0057 Open Evenings LN4-t PRICE REDUCTIONS Up te $4 00 1929 Auburn Sport Sedan. $1,000 off new ùa'r price or $400 off our market prîce. 1928 Marmion Sport Coupe, Rumnble seat, 6 wire wheel.s. Reduction of $200. Now $595. 1926 Hupmobiie "8'! in Une Sedan, new' price. Now $275. 1929 Nash Convertible Coupe. '$100 off or $595. EVANSTON NASH CO. D. K. VOGEDING, PIlES. 1735 flensoii Ave., Cor. Clark St. 1033 Davis St., Cor. Oak. 1L43-Iltc. 1927 ESSEX' COACH, JUST OVER.- hauled. $90. Wilniette 3007., L3-t 7 BUSINESS- SERVICE* WB, MAKE. WINDOW SHADES. AWN- irise, porch- shades. - Also cleaned. The. Sunrphade Co. :720. Elm, Winnetka 1171. 7LTN43-2tp PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND ARTISTIC DECORATING. * CARL FRANKELL 1506.Wilmette Ave.. Ph. Wllmette 3104 17, LOST ANU FOTJND SMALL'BLACK COCKER SPANIEL lost June 29, White and gray breast. IUe- ward. Winnetka 2515:' 17L43-I1tii TAN AND WHITE STRAW PURSE 1Iost Tuesday, July 8. Reward. Glen- Coe 1450. 17L43-1tp LOST-BROOCH IN JUNE-F ILIGREE work. 216 Golf Ter. or Ph. Wilmette 3011. Reward. 17L43litc LOST - NEAR OR IN WILMETTE State Bank, ladies Cameo pin valued as keep sake. Ph. Wilmette. 867. 17L43-tc' Los T-BOSTON BULL, WHITE FACE, 1 white leg, 2 yrs.' old. Reward. 'Ph., Xenllworth 1073. 17LT43-ltc LOST FROM CAR-WHITE SPITZ dog, between Highland Park and Win-, netka Saturday p. mn. Lamne back leg. Cail Hig'hland Park 4379 or Rog. Pk. 0900, apt. 6 Reward. 17LTN43-ltp 21 PETS FOR SALE -PEDIGREED PERSIAN Silver Tabby kittens. 3 maies,. 1 fe-. male. Sire and Dam, reg. C. S. A. Wiyniette 2455. 21t.TN43-ltc 23 PERSONAL SERVICE HAVE YOUR GOOD NEGATIVES ENLARGED TINTED FRAMED FOR $1.95. COMPLETE. *QUR SPECIAàL NORSHORE CAMERA:SHOP 1145 Greenleaf Ave. Wllmette 1671,~ 2?fL41-tfc. 2i REPAIRING AND REFINISHINQ and three respons1ble retereflees. 0. La. Moore, 305 Ridge ave., Wlnnetka. 28LTN43-ltp GIRL WHITE 20 TO 35 YRS * REG- ister at onceatts office for positions now open for doniestie help 'of al kinds. Wages $18 te $25 per week. 1PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 746. Elmn St. Phone Winnetka 2662 28LTN43-lte CHICAGO'S. LEADING FURRIER CAN Increase your earnings. Every womnan knows'another woman: aboutý to buy a fur coat; wiil pa.y 5%. for sales, made by us thru.your leads,. efforts or recom- mendations; doesflot, interfere with your ý present work. Strictly .confid. Write Wllmette' Life B-150. 28LTN41-4tc, EXP. WHITE MAID, TEMPORARY, neat, quicék*and good cook. Ph. Kenil-. worth 1976., 28LTN43m1tc POSITIONS OPEN 1-Tht lass wai1tress lun priv., homie.' 3-2nd girl positions. 4-Generali hswk. and cookcing., 2-lst class cooks. Abovýe imust -have A-i. references. Good wages. No Phone Calis. PAULINE'S EMPLOYMENT ALGENCY 746 EIm St. Wlnnetka 28LTN43-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR HSWK. TEMPOR-- ary. Exp. flot nec. Ph. Winnetka. 3216. 28LTN43-ltc WHITE MAID FOR GENERA L HOUSE work. Family of 2. Must be good cook. 36 Kenilworth Ave.,, Kenllworth 3151., 28LTN43-1tcý 09 IIELP WANTED - 31ALE SALESMEN WANTED To seil the fast moving lune. of Hudson and Essex cars. Experlence net neces- sary. W~RIIOt LAUREL AND SECOND HIGHLAND PARK, ILL-., 29LTN43-1tc 30 HELP WTD.-MALE FEMAL&E 2 COUPLES,' WHIlTE, A-i REF., REQ. 2 couples, colored, 2b-40 yrs. Must have. ist class local1 ref. No phone calis. PAUJIINE'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 746 Elm St. Wlnnetka. home nlghts. Ph. Wilmette 3945. 31L43-lte WTD: BY EXP. LAUNDRESS, LAUN- dry work. Best ref. Ph. Greenleaf 1521. 31LTN43-ltc EXP. WOMAN WANTS -WET WASH, and roughi dry work. Reas. Ph.Win- netka 2864. LN3-c EXPEUIENCED LAUNDRESS. FINE Winnetka refer. Hattie Brown, Beveriey 1357. 31LTN43-itc MOTHER'S HELPER. NEAT COL. girl 18 yrs. P'h. Giencoe 1171. 91LN43-ltp ItEFINED ELDERLY WOMAN AS housekeepeYr or in motherless home. L. M. Dennison, Ph. Longbeach 1367., 4905 California:Av. :31LTN43-ltp WTD. WASHING. AND IRONING OR. will go outby day. Ph. Wil.,360lY2X. 31LT43-2te EXPER. LAUNDRESS BY DAY. N. S. ref. Winnetka 1613. 3lL43-ltp WANTED LAUNDRY TO TAKE HOME. Will go out by the day. Ph. Wilmette no0. 31LTN42-.Ptpý EXP. COL. WOMAN WANTS DAY. work. Good cook. Ref. Atlantic 1460. 31LT43-Itp COLLEGE WOMAN WISHES BOARD and private room 1n. exchange for light nart-time work. Please write fuliy, Talk B-166. 31LT43-ltp W%\TD: W ASHING & IRONING '1O take home. Will eall and del. Ph. Wilniette 3246. 31LTN43-Itc PAULINE'S EMP. ÂOENCY 746 ELM ST. PH. WINNETKA 2662. Free toemeployer. We specialize In white domestlc beip. Applicants registered at this office have reference as te char- acter anid ability to perform such duties as appiied~ for. May we assist In se- curlng that particuiar klnd of helin for yen. 31LTN35-tfc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS day work, hand iroriing or cleaniLng. Ph. ¶Wilnettte 3509. 31LTN43-tfp 32 SIT. WANTED - MALE. EXCELLENT REF.. HOUSECLEANING, woodcuting. odd, jobs;.1 55, cents Per hr. llivrsty2250.. 32LT43-ltp EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN, CHAUF- feur,'cook. North Shore ,r eferenees. Phone Primus. Lincoln 2483. 32LTN43-lte, HTOTTiEWORK, WINDOW WASHING, This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reacbing over -17,0 families, in Eýa,"ston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5P. m. on Tuesday. Téléphone Wilmetre 4300 or Wnùe*a 2000- SITUATIONi WANTED: COLORED gil for general housework, by week or part turne. City references, West 6197. 31lLTN43-1 te EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS MON. ýAND Tues. N. S. ref. Kenwood 8586. nings i5~~~ienoe L-iz. 3eiJ43'Il.tp SIT. WTPD-A-1 CHAUFF. AND ME-. chanic wants A-i position as same, white, 20 years exp. anld ref. Either tourlng or town. Ph. Glenicoe 807. 32LTN43-ltp CHAUFFElUR, HOUSEMAN,> IN, PRI- vate,'famlly. 'A-1 reference. SIX years, tn, last, place. Phone ýWtnnetka 4 98.,- g2LT4-ltp:

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