Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 46

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8,xfl ',XP0 I,' w--W_ Two weeks on the water ini an out- board and a .month. on a secluded island ini Georgian Bay is the vacation plan of two voung miembers of the. North Shore Outboard Motor club, Randeli. Cook and Herbert Philbrick,. both 19,' %vho set out last Sunday morting for the nor7th. The, outfit whichi they are using con- sists of an éleven foot Lymanl speed skiff, an outl)oard.huli vhich is parti- crà.larlV Suitable to rough water, and a Lockwood Chief motor,, whichî is in the 13 class. The.écombinatiton, %with a fuli load will produce about fWenty-five .miles an hour, so that the trip ill flot. Iag at any stage of its thousand or more miles. The first lap of the journey vas Mich.igani City, which was reached Sunlday nh, and where.the voyagers :put in -to spend a. day or t wo with friends. From there the, route led to *Onekama, Mich.,.and the reniainider of tise trip vas niade ini easy jaun1ts. Bothi of the boys are old hands at the' outboard' cruising g ame: they paired together 'last .year on a circlc of Lake Michigan -whlich took themn to nian 'v seldom f reqttentedl. ports, Cook wen third place inB c in the Mi- waukee-Chýicago m.jarathon1 héld June 16. ,and .Phiilbrick just recently, returned froni a tY, dav 'round trip. (ash to Sturgeon Bay, Xis., ni his outfit. lIn addition,. Cooks 's [ugagi and Phil- brick's Smnoke 1l are faiiar to sipCC- tators of speed races'held l)y the North Shore club. The fresh wvater sailors will1 use tlîeir * <utboard craft uiot oniy as a mneans of rcaching thei.r destination, but. also as the center of their activities while loaf- xng away the days ini their canip.ý Fish-~ inig and s%%imninig will occupy their tiime tntil thev leave for Evanston so as to get in the races scheduled for * outboard drivers in August and Sep- tcmnber. Attractive Prizels Are Offered, in Race Event More mnoney than lfias evýer been 01- fered before for onîe race wull be giveni. *. to outboard drivers ini the Chain 0'1 Lakes one-hundred mile marathon,, to be held Julv 27 on Fox Lake, off1 I. (Photo 'by Jen.e.sfÀ> THIS star, No. 627, slipped into ViImette harbor recently and the photog- rapher "placed it. on -thé~ spot." In so doing, be was particularly promipte(! to take advantage of -the opportunity to, "snap" an excellent, scene. We'll agre, lie succeeded. Thuùs far, however, we have been unable to identify the craf t as its registry_ number is not Icarried, in either the Sheridan, Shore oDr'the Lake Michigan Yachting association year books. Mebbe. we have aiiother, SWedish mystery. star III our midst. rd Vessel ns Series -White Lake Yacht Club Is Host .to L. M. Y. A. Regatta, Highland Park boating fans joined the north shore -drive for mnore exten- sive barbon facilities .recently when they organîzed. for the purpose of pro- vioting a plan to build a yacht harbor and boating club lîouse at the. lake front in that city, At a meeting held Tüesday eveninig of, last weeki the group decided to seek information as to the proper method of proceeding and dinected a letten to the Highland, Park, City, council askinig that body to advise themn relative to the best method to, be adopted to secur.e land-for a club house. The plans of the group foir a barbon pnoviding facilities, for two hupdned boatà,. establish. the .bè'st location as proba:bly .that adjacent to the city wa -*, ter works plant and bathing.beach. As the consent of -property owners along tlhe làke is required by the. govenn- ment befone a -breakwater, throughi which the harbor -%ould be forxned. n'say he constructed, the ,cornmittec plans to, secure .a ý. liSt of lake' shore, prope.rty owner 1s and the ýowners,,of boats large enoughi to.requiire a gov- einmiient 1license. It is the hope of thie comminittee.' that these residents nay lie intenested in the project and give their support to ýit.ý Lt hàs l)een SUggeste(l that t.heèHigh-. and -- Park, club be indutced to rnerge wti th -he new -v--,acht club, formning -one large, club which would s;ecure a nie- tv-nine year lease on a site for a club._ house. A building. to cost about $100,000, vwot1ld be erected. -Weston E.. Davie is chairnian of the coniniiittee and the oîher niembers are Highlatnd Park City- Conimissio ' er. Lyle Gourlev, Albert P. Suite, Dr.. Harrv Gradle, Elbridge Hamnlin. X. Vigeant, Frank Chaffev andGus Treloar. H-unter Brothers Groom Shpfor Tour of U. S T'he>first:rounid of appasstl ringing in. their-.ears,. the' Flving Hunter Bro.,hers of Sparta were husy at Sky Hax'b)or air- port this week instalhing a necv motor ini the endurancesh, City of Chicago, ii preparation for, a tour of the United, States, O ~utboard Motor clubn will ne iound on points onL l VIIileraie4lIvViliçUL LU L41 the scene when the starting cannon second position in the senies. The is .fired. Clarence Zilimer bas an- Fram, *Frank W. Manegold's star, nounced bis intention of competing holds thirçi place for the series. with a Class B mnotor. Hall 'Bllomfield will drive éither a B or C class motor. Miss Dorca's Branson retunned to jack Salmon, flob Ricksen, Wale her home at 817 Central avenue this, Woodworth and Lars Halvorsenk are. week after a. visit'with ber Moônticello: others who may conipete. seminary romt at Clinton, Mo. . Raymond V. Connor of 522 Green- leaf avenue, a graduate in medicine f rom Loyola university, has entered upon bis internsbip at Mercy hospita1 ini Chicago. Dr.-Connor is a graduate of New Trier, and took, bis prelirmary work intmedicine at DePaul'ùniversitýr. CURTISS OFFICIAL HERE Carl Batts, assistant gener'al sales manager for the Curtiss Flying Serv- ice, wais at thte Curtiss-Reynolds air- port this.week in conference witb Mai. R. W. Schroecler, director' of the ai.r-ý port., Mt. Batts maintains bis« offices in ýNew -York City.

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