Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1930, p. 39

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wvar record. A. proninent officer of oue of the local garden clubs states :, "We learu f rom headquarters that in 1914 the Guiid began to send to Eu- rope supplies of food- and was the. first ,rganization that. .helped France to, fed t he Belgian refugees in the -fal. ht continued. to send food, to Franc .e until it bec me prohibitive,> and the Guiid.then turued its attention 'to war gardens in this, country and estab- lished many of them' and also estab- ihedý gardens at ulany of the' Army posts, for the benefit of -theý, soldiers. These gardens were. very greaiy ap- preciated by the governmit, and the (;uild bias letters written by high arniy officiais teliiig of the interest the men took in their -gardens and of the help the-gardezis were 'in keeping the men happily employecd around the posts. "After: the Armistice. the Giiild, helped in the.. reforestation of Ihe stripped areas ini France, Italy and. Eng- land. For aIl tbese services the Gu ild was* awarded' a miedal by, the Italian Governiment and also one by France, and later (in 1927) Mrs. John WQood Stewart, founder of the Guild, wvas awarded the Cross of the Legioil of Honor for the, services ýrendered byheér organization." Tý he Chicago Guild invites vilagers to shareý surplIus'flowers with the un- der-pri viiegedý of the cit y who mnight iiever sec a flower were it not for the gen erosîty of, sub urban garden* owners. j~eiders enjoy a round of golf. s Liaity Aecept ,aturday andi Sun- fday)-North, Western, station. Near Gate 16. t Monday-People's Cas building, 122 -South Michigan' avenue. t'Tuesday-Illjnois Central R. R. Ran- doipli Street station.. Wednesday.-La 'Salle, Street Station'. Thursday-Comnmosl«.eath Edison. building, 72. West 'Adams street; Au- roera-Elg9i-n Termninal .(North shore flowers also). *Friday-Union station.,, Offer Out-Door Radio Programn for Childrien, A program ot out-of-door stories and songs.for b)oys and girl's .will be given by NI'ss Clara ýBelle Baker and Miss Nellie, Bail of, the Children's 5chool, National ýCollege 'of Education, from station WMXAQ Saturday ffiorninge July 26, -betweetn 9 and 9:30 o'ciock. -This children's 'hour program, which is given, on the fourth Saturdayr of the, nionth under the auspices of the Na- tioia'I Colurge of E;ducation, wil.l be oinitted ini Augzust. but wiIl be resuinied Sýaturdav, Septemnber 27. Mrs., Frederick, Wild. Miss Julia- Wild, end Mr.. and M.\rs. George K. Wild are 'at homne fron a miotor' trip throughi the east visiting Washington. Baltinmore, Piladelpila, andl Atlantic City, returning, hy way of Buffalo, Niazara Falls. and Detroit. The Iulling peace and quiet of the countryside in suniper. The stilt hugLh of "the links" on a warm sunny summer morning. The faint cryof "Fore" echoing over the hubils. 'Busy youngsters at play on teeter-tottérs in the. playground-safe w h i 1e their Do.s this-speîl anythingto you? PLAY GOLF at OId Orchlard Coutiy lu Rand Road. Corner Eùclid Enjog gour Sun"dag golf by- p!aying on a course ýthat < inot crowded. One-haif:hou-r's drive f rom North Shore,: Rogers Park, Edgewater, Albany, Park.. Dundee Road to Elmhurst, Road,, turn left, (South) miles to Euclid Street and the club. AUl Dar iplay oSuudaram$2000. No Walting e Sowrs Lck N' ,%Cvowde -. . w - ae. - - - m- m Tth 1a ,sures PtÎnbed fin thevtser t rof evuak Lodg. Bay- 5J '*4E7lï La'py Days Are Here Again 00 g at Nippersink!

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