Sea Scout Ship "" rgo-" A rrives. at New Mooring Contrary to the Boy 'Scouts, the Sea Scouts oi, Ship 43 of the Xi lntte Paptist. chur-ch have increaséd, iii- stead of decrea.sed..the actfivities of the. ship during the stimuler. Seldôm do 'ýoU find a, group of boy's 50 active during this season. W'~e bave recenitl% purchased froml thIleU. S. Coasýt Guati.rd S1tation at Stur- geon Bay, \Vis., a .siirfboat pulfling eight oars and carry.iing. a sailiand ctr-b)oard. .Purchaseincluded' only t.he boat-we liad to equilp bler. She arrivC(l at the' Goodricb 7 Westport Tfranisit compalry). Navil Pier, Chicago, bright and earlv-Xlndvinormng, Jue30.1 Skipper. Coxs% ' ain and -One otjîer 'Scout arrived between 8 :30 and 9 A. M. WI ile the :skiper Nent over. toi office, the. two Scouts wvent over to 'Càrpenitcr's; the marine s'tppýin boq e, and purcliase(1 the few pèrsonal articles * neededl. To niake a long. storv short thev worked, fast 50that ~hnthe rest of the Scouts arrivedl, after pur- chasing fromi Carpenter's a set of Oit-. skinis'anid Sout- W\.ester for eachi inembert * of the crew. \ve bIad*,oiin.là tput oonle fender, and iaunch lier., She w'as liun.cbed at 3 :45 P. M. Shie biad to be Nvaslhed, .altllo-ugb CLaptaini Anderson of the SItrgeon Bay Coast Guàrd sent bier dowir spîck,and span- as the dock was not -i-env élean. WXe ro.unded the Navy Pîvr at 4:30 and after a period of rowing, ive fell to with spirit, roNiing, for 15I-minute periods, and restingý for five minutes.* *Approxinîatelv nîidwav- between the ,Navy .Pier and Wilmiète barbor we rested. for a baîf bour. during whc tinie .%e atea snîiall lunch wvich the skipper suggested, biginig. We also punlj)ed ont the water that liad' leaked into) the bto of Ilie boat. This rest gave us strengtlb eniougl to row forts- solid minutes.' After a rest of fivýe minutes and a. row of twNenitN minutes, our friend, Captain Fricke of the Ev-ianstoni Coast Sea Scout Log Sea Scout Ship activ itieý on board the z! lng boat «oved and operated. by the Nýorth.Shore Area council, Boy Scouts ofAmerica, moored at Greaf L.akes Har- bor: Wednsday-Lake Forest: In order to leave the mooring, Whamholt tied thé painted to the dingy anid pulled it.aft. I'here wasn't. enough wind -to move the sliip fast cnougb so ýmost bf; the boys wvent overboard and. pulled. This tired, the boys out pretty quickly so we used. the motor to get out into the lake. There wasn t inuch more wind ou the lake so we returned using* the motor. WTe ioored at cight..belts and disembarked .at, 5:30 after soi nding most of thé liarbor and washing the boat, Trhe leaders were Messrs, Ambler, Whamboldt, Fellows, and Benjamin Carpenter. the skipper.> Wednesday eve ing-tl'ce At 7 :301 %ve made sai and cast' atchor. W\e u1sed the jib. fotestay sail, stay ,ail and fisier- mant tails. These were put by the port crew inicag of Mr. MlasslIcIh. l'le Starboard crew in charge of Mr. I.othrop took theý boat after haif -au houir and. sailed bher northwest. Wc practiscd tacking and, going before, the wind. We got intô,the,,harbolr a little before dark. Mr. Lothrop Jr., the new mate was a member> of, the starlx>ard crew. After giîvîng the sea promise-the meceting ad- journed. Thurda~-inneka:At 12 :30 w cast off and at 1 o'clock we bad mess. Those on' board were Skipper Ralpb Jae- ger, Mate Siinien Jester, Sailing Master Massiich, guest Mn. Sbipnian, director of Sea Scouliting in Chicago council, Ordi- nany Scouts Pavey, Jester, Apprentice Seatuen Baker, Barrett, DePeyster, Smith, Hilpert, Conway.' Two belis -the spin- naker was broken out, We were about tyo miles off .shore. 4 heéils pickeýd up our mooring on the first time Q ,K. At. 6-:30 al sectired and'ail disembanked. Saiurday,*Lake Forest: At 10 o'clocký .eighit of tbe cre\v passed swimming and Ilapping tests. 'Ne cbantered the barbor and ýmade a. f ew soundings. At two, the Order of the Arrow Has First Calling-Out Meet Teiî members of the camp bad the sash of the Order-of the Arrow piaced over their shoulders this week in a picturesque calling-out cereiiiofly, the first- of the season. , Thé ceremiony proper was preceded by an Indian plro- g rain, at the council ring, ýstaged 1)y Chief Wbhirling Thiunder,ý Mr. Bersch, president of.the iIa-Ka-ja-WVan dbap- ter. of the Or der, ,Mr. Betak andi Mvr. Wilkins. The, ceremony. and programi were both very pic-turesque.- accordi-. ing to old campers and- inpressed the entire camp witb tbe importance of the orgainization. The candidates who wèe calleil ont'were: Harold Boltz, assistant camp director - Mr. Frank Kreusch of Wilmette;. Mr. Hill, 'Scoutiiiastere Troop 3 1, Highland Park': Ravmoî,;d Danielson,. Scoutrnaster, Troop 55, Glenview;. Scout , Ed.ward Cazel of Troop 52, Deerfield. Howvard ,Wilkins. roop 1 l, Wilmette, Johin Dern.elil, Troop 8,.Wilmiette; Jirn Cuffey, Tr3op-q .34, Hi.ghland, Park; Euîory Sawver. ot Troop 19,. \innetka. and(lGunliardt Guider of Troop 55, Gleinview. Thiis morning they sat at a special table aid, were served a special inealýt- ing of bread and water. At tnoon :tlleyj were sub)jected to the tiswal diiet--and miost of thiei survived even this (Iread- fui strain. After dinner they enter- tained the entire camp byv telling as l)est they could without speaking of their experieiices during the nigbt. Winnetka Man Recei.ves Meunento of Byrdi Jaunt Last February, Leopold Fetcher of \Vinnetka, Scoutmaster of tbe North Shore-Radio troop, succeeded in estab- isbing direct two-way conimunicationi with the radio station of Rear Admirail Byrd while î vas Iocated at the base, of operations. "Little Amferica. Carl 0. Peterson, the:. operator" on duty al that time. mailed -an acknoWledgnient to Mr. Fetcher al: the time of bis ar- rival in New York'City'.Lt contains-a bnrief summnarv' of the location of tbe station and1 a report of the quality of j Mr. Fetcber's signais, as well as a-per- sonal greeting from '.,r. Peterson. Mr. Fetcher' says: "I shall always cherish Enroil New Scouts and Scouters Into North Shore Area The North Shore Area counicil wel- cornes this wveek into the ranks of Scout- iligthe folloWing Scouts-and Scouters., Troop 1, Wilmette-Carl, Michelsen;: Troop 3, Wilmette-Lester. Bratton trans- ferred f romn Troop 4 Su mmritt,. New Jer- sey; Troop,5, Wilmette-Graïham Burke-, Troop 15, Winnetka-ýCharles Young; Troop .17? Winetka-Buck Chandier: Troop 18, Winntka-C.ha.rles Meicher: Troop 19, Wiinnetka---Barrett. Willson;' Troop 38--Highland Park, Tom Ander- son, Sidney.Craig, Harry McClure, \Val- ter Wallace. A.' Prescott Lothro (if 379 Green, Bay: road, Glencoe, is regislterinig as mate of Sea Scout Ship 21, ,Glencoe. Pres- cott lias heen a mniber of Troop 21 sinice, November 25, 1926. He became an Eagle Scout on. lune 12, 1928. He was Senior Patrol Leader later beconiing Assistant Scoutmaster of this Tirqup. He wa~s also editor of "The TaIk, of the T'roops." Last year hie served on the staff at Carmp M a-- Ka-Ja-Wan *as Senior Officecr. Harry. C Lankfôrd of 186 Vinle ave- nue, Highland Park, is registering. as. chairman of the Troop .com-mittee of Trooîp 31, Highland Park. Mr. Lankford lias a son w~ho bias beeni a memiber of this troop for one year, and who IS nowv at Camp Mla-Ka-j-anai for four wýeeks., Dr. Harry D. Wiley, 440 South aVe- nue, Glencoe, registered as Menit Badge counselor. - The fo1lowving' men fromn Lake Forest have registered as Merit Badge counsel-. ors: William M. Gourley, J. O'Neill. Ted. F. Watt, Kennieth L. Muir, Ferdi- nand P. Roeber, Tbeodore S. .Prq 'ire Peter W., Robe rts,- George. E. Larson, and Johin-T, Pirie.Jr. Make So'me AMterations' on Camp S;wimmnin' Hole Mr. Betak,' waterfront director, and bis two able assistants, Mr., jc yce1 apd Mr. Crawford, bave put .nsvea lîours of bard lahor repairing the div- igtower for the use. of the swim- 1 - . - - -- __ __ - - --- __--- --- pl pui pinu - i an pruuabuîiu Y the scrape tbe name Sturgeon Bay Can Ol "The Swastika" was suggested by Bill week after a five-day trp to Highand b1wi g o tceen n o t e R ,0 U. S. Coast Guard off hier bow and Mehiren, of the Ottaw.%a village. "Com- Park on personai .b usine ss. He r*e- G. will be performied imniediately after. stenn and repaint and p Ilt the name pass" was suggested by Mr. McManus, sum-ed charge of the troo-p's activities the initiai application, for imernbers1iip S. S. S. Argo, \Vilinette, on and maptýy In a previous issue we mientioned that whien Mr. Wightman, wbo bas been bas been made. Mr. Betak, assisted other things necessany to equip a ship "How" hiad been suggested,. An of- acting Scoutmasten' during Mr. Hiii's by others who help direct waterfront, as she sbould be-alter Haas, Yeo- fering from an unknown source îva.1 absence,; retunned to bis duties as an activities, WiIl officiate il, person at man. Sea Scout 43, Wi'imette. "Nertzy Nes. S. O. in charge of 'publicity. . each baulingouceeny